Crowpaw still worried for Drowsypaw. Still cared for him despite everything. They weren't as close as they could be and it fills him with regret. Drowsypaw has been nothing but kind to him. His brother has always been that way though. A cat with a good heart only wanting the best for everyone. Even for cats who didn't deserve such kindness. He recalls when their younger siblings were born how Drowsypaw wished for him to stay, but he couldn't. He was moments away from an outburst. As much as he had a rocky relationship with his mother, he didn't want her to be even more stressed. He'd talked to Lupinepaw in private, thanking her for her aid when she could've left him to fend for himself when it came to Drowsypaw. To be honest he isn't quite sure what Drowsypaw thinks of him nor does he want to know. It'll hurt more knowing you won't say something awful about me. These thoughts go unsaid while padding beside his brother.

The pair had decided to go hunting together, an excuse to catch up with each other. I feel like we're strangers more than brothers. I don't even know what you do now. "Do you still like the same things?" His own voice startles him. Crap. I can't back out now. "I mean... How've you been Drowsy?" Not the greatest save out there, but it is something. Although, this line of questioning also puts him under fire from Drowsypaw as well. he just hopes that his brother wouldn't ask him about what happened when they saw their younger siblings for the first time or what's the deal with him. Talking about their mother and lupinepaw is not the worst thing, but he'd very much not like to speak about them if he can. All he wants is to get to know Drowsypaw, so the tom feels more like a brother rather than a stranger.
  • @DROWSYPAW the brother bonding thread we've been waiting for!
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / polyamorous / padding after oddpaw and owlpaw
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes and polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
  • Love

drowsypaw loves crowpaw. his brother. one of the triplets, and one he appreciates. will always love, no matter what he does. he's right about one thing. drowsypaw couldn't bare to say anything bad about him because he didn't think that there was bad about him. he had a lot of different feelings and he may have not handled things gracefully but he would always be his brother. he loves him, wants to do better and wants to be better about knowing him. and about how he's doing. how drowsypaw's doing means nothing.

"hey, crowpaw."

he turns his head, nervously clearing his throat.

"the stars a-are a little harder t-to see but i still like th-them, yeah."

he nodded his head, with a hum. he takes a second before gently brushing his muzzle against his brother's cheek.

"i... im fine. how are you? how's everything? i-i, uh, heard you have some partners... tell me about them, please?"

anything was better than talking about himself and besides, he really did wanna know about how crowpaw was and how he was doing.

At the mention of his name he nods. In mere seconds he feels shame. "Oh... Right, that was a bad question. Sorry I didn't mean to, ugh." Great. You just had to put your paw in your mouth. He decides it's best to no longer go down this avenue of conversation, unsure of what he's even supposed to say to that. Drowsypaw seems to agree when they quickly add that they're fine, however his brother also decides to give a shock.

At the mention of his partners a strangled cry leaves his throat that sounds akin to a bird dying. Wait... He is a bird. ANYWAY! He looks to the ground, embarrassed and trying to recover whatever dignity he still had. Geez this is your brother, he's not gonna make fun of you. Eventually he has enough strength to look at his brother. "I'm doing good! I passed my assessment, but Silversmoke still isn't letting up with training. I guess he's trying to squeeze in as much time as he can with me before I become a warrior. And I do have partners. We share a nest and sure, I can tell you about them." It's much easier said then done to speak about them because as soon as he thinks of them he can't stop himself from looking enamored. Are they cuddling together right now? The image of his partners cuddling alone begins the thumping of his heart.

"They're Oddpaw and Owlpaw. You know Owlpaw. She's Cherrypaw's sister." And Orangestar's daughter. "Oddpaw's like the sun. They shine so bright you can't help but want to bask in it for as long as you can. He makes both Owlpaw and I laugh with the strange and silly stuff they do. Oddpaw's not just that though. I mean sure I like it when he makes me laugh and smile, but I don't like him for that reason. They're understanding. Even though I told them I don't know how dating and all that stuff works, they didn't call me stupid. I'll tell you one thing. Oddpaw's so needy, but when it comes to Owlpaw and I he's patient with us and doesn't force us to do something we don't like. Even if they really want to." This is the first time he's spoken this much about himself to Drowsypaw in stars knows how long. He can't even remember the last time they had a conversation like this.

Before his brother can comment on Oddpaw he continues with his gushing. "Owlpaw is like the stars. She might not shine as bright as Oddpaw, but her light is gentle. It isn't harsh or burns. She's shy and isn't sure of herself, but Drowsypaw she's wonderful. I don't know how she doesn't see it. Her presence is calming and sometimes when Oddpaw is being a little wild, she effortlessly reels him in. She knows how to talk to others and reassure them. Even though I make mistakes she never raises a claw or screams at me. She hears me out and no she doesn't let anyone walk all over her. When the time comes she's brave and she doesn't realize it. She has no problem telling me or Oddpaw what bothers her. Drowsypaw, she's braver... No stronger than me. Even though she's scared she faces it with kindness." Quite honestly he doesn't know how she does it. It's so much easier to be cruel. Even though he is strong physically, he would say she is the strongest out of the three of them. All he can hope is in time she would see it.
  • — crowsight / skyclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 12 moons
    — undecided / polyamorous / padding after oddpaw and owlheart
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes and polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou