

Beekit will start off as a soft, fuzzy round kitten that with a an icy blue and fiery amber eye that mirror both of her parents. The face, legs, back, and tail of Beekit being rather smoky in comparison to the rest of her little body but her paw, a few of her toes, and tail tip are white as snow. The only notable traits that she has picked up from her fathers won't show until she's a bit older that being her curly fur. Although as a kitten, Beekit will notably have larger ears that she won't exactly grow into until later apprenticeship/early warriorhood. Despite the Oriental and LaPerm traits shown within her ears and coat, Beekit keeps a similar facial structure closer to Smokethroat (regular feline face though a little sharper like an Oriental) than Cicadastar that's followed by a little overbite that has her little front fangs sticking out.

As she grows older throughout her late apprentice days, the viltigo that she has inherited from her father will come into play and more freckles/spots will litter over her body like small flecks of snow. It will mainly spread over her face looking like she had just been hit by a snowball and little spots around the corners of it, little freckles of her darker smoky coat being visible on this little "mask" of hers. The spotting on her front paw will become more prominent with stark with little freckles to finish it off, her white toes becoming a full white paw, and her tail tip/belly gaining little "waves/foam" of white as well. The splotch on her chest taking more of a different shape as if frost is slowly running along and covering it carefully in ice than before otherwise the rest of her fur remains untouched until she's a lot older/farther in her adulthood.

Something notable that will become part of her coat would be little orange flowers and its petals scattered all over her pelt, a few stray leaves, and twigs due to running about frequently/tumbling about. The orange flowers being her favorite, it will stick with her throughout most of her life as she finds these flowers that grow within her birthland to be the most beautiful of them all. When she's older these flowers will decorate her pelt, her body structure being less round/chunky than when she had been younger. A lot more taller and muscular build but still holding those soft curves that defined her as a kitten and a long tail with several little curls from her fur mimicking the look of a willow tree. Her default expression usually being stoic though there'll be times where she cracks and she reveals a toothy grin with large fangs that poke out of her mouth.

Beepaw has a kind and friendly personality that makes it easy to engage in conversation with her, she does her best in making friends anywhere she goes and rather curious about those outside of her clan. She still very much has her childlike wonder wishing to explore and learn more about everything around her, she will take any opportunity to do such within a heartbeat. The smoke molly is easily enthusiastic and will take quick to learning, Beepaw very attentive, whether its about lessons/during training or simply around other individuals like her littermate, Cicadapaw, of whom she holds a strong bond with. She's very family oriented and will do anything in her power to support or aid them, she prioritizes her family above all and it may later on lead to conflict when she needs to put them aside for her clan.

Beepaw tries to be polite and respectful to those higher rank/older than her, a small teaching from her papa before being allowed to run around Riverclan camp with the rest of her littermates. She won't outright disagree with anyone from their opposing views from her own but she will not bite down on her tongue if anyone is rude to her fathers, littermates, and clanmates. It'll be the one thing that she won't tolerate showing her more stubborn, hotheaded side of her but she will still try to remain levelheaded and calm. One thing that Beepaw has yet to discover is that she has obtained the wrath of both of her fathers, the fiery, scathing of Cicadastar and the explosiveness from Smokethroat. It will be a discovery that does not enjoy and finds it to be the ugliest part of her.

As of now, Beepaw is eager to learn from Smokethroat and willing to put a lot of effort into her training/lessons. (will add more as she develops icly)

  • Sister to Starlightpaw & Cicadapaw
  • Currently being mentored by Smokethroat
  • Voiceclaim/sounds like Nimona/Chloë Grace Mortez ; Example here
  • Wears orange flowers/petals that she has received from Sablepaw
  • A goal for her character is to be well known/leave her mark within Riverclan & someone who will put the wellbeing of her clan first and foremost, whether its due to being diplomatic individual/figure or by force from the ferocity that she obtains from her fathers.
  • In the future, she will grow into a taller cat with a muscular/sturdy build of sorts becoming a mirror of both her parents and slightly round features that are remainders of her kittenhood/true to her self.
  • She is open to peaceful powerplay such as bumping shoulders, nuzzling, etc...
  • Due to future plot point in her life, love will become messy and something she struggles with. This could turn into a longterm slowburn plot where she slowly begins to open herself up and become vulnerable with the cat who tries to court her/has interest in her. (Feel free to contact if interested)
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FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vestibulum enim leo, sed euismod magna pretium at. Praesent aliquam id odio quis imperdiet. Praesent eget blandit magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In non arcu et ligula fringilla gravida. Praesent placerat placerat neque, lacinia congue felis interdum ut. Ut tristique maximus euismod. Vestibulum interdum at elit sed varius. Proin condimentum, massa at malesuada posuere, erat velit ultrices purus, at suscipit nibh felis vitae orci. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent aliquam posuere tellus in eleifend. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam sodales diam dolor, quis vehicula nisi rutrum at. Vestibulum sem leo, malesuada ac sem vitae, lobortis varius quam.

Sed sodales malesuada dui. Sed et purus scelerisque, sollicitudin leo a, convallis tortor. Quisque id elit ut nisi mollis gravida in in neque. Etiam quis nunc sit amet lectus auctor hendrerit. Nam porta euismod massa, et aliquam ligula feugiat et. Aliquam sed tortor dictum, laoreet libero et, faucibus sapien. Vivamus id tortor neque. Suspendisse iaculis sed dui vitae rhoncus. Donec quis augue facilisis, hendrerit tortor porta, aliquet nulla. Fusce nec ullamcorper ipsum. Sed urna odio, mattis sit amet massa ac, pellentesque ultrices tellus. Fusce porttitor, risus in feugiat finibus, dolor nibh consectetur est, eu placerat nunc mauris et orci. Sed tincidunt, urna laoreet finibus tincidunt, neque mi hendrerit mi, id consectetur dui sem tempor ligula. Fusce at erat eget dolor condimentum mollis. Nullam nec finibus tellus. Mauris sed lacus ipsum. Praesent semper nisl et tincidunt vehicula. Fusce massa elit, gravida porttitor dignissim a, feugiat non erat. Maecenas sit amet augue facilisis, commodo turpis et, lobortis sem.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 5 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed

[box=60%][justify][font=ARIAL][color=#d3ae5c][font=GEORGIA][outline=black][b]FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET[/b][/outline][/font] —[/color] TEXT HERE
[slide=𓆟. ° .• .][/slide]
[slide=TALK SO PRETTY BUT YOUR HEART GOT TEETH][fleft][IMG width="155px"]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1135997849352556544/1148280959075090504/beekit_chibi.png[/IMG][/fleft][font=Helvetica][size=11px]❥ 5 moons old
❥ riverclan apprentice
❥ sexuality unknown; single
❥ daughter of [abbr='penned by antlers'][s]cicadastar[/s][/abbr] and [abbr='penned by rai']smokestar[/abbr]
❥ sister of [abbr='penned by dejavu']cicadapaw[/abbr] & [abbr='penned by saturnid']starlightpaw[/abbr]
❥ [color=#d3ae5c][b]"speech"[/b][/color], [color=#d3ae5c][i]thoughts[/i][/color], [u]attacking[/u]
❥ easy; still learning how to fight
❥ peaceful powerplay allowed[/size][/font][/slide][/tabs][/font][/font][/justify][/box]
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