center of the hollow moon | dazzle


too young to be singing the blues
Dec 28, 2022
Overthinking. It's something Strawpaw (moon, moon, moon, it hasn't been more than a day and they're still messing their name up) does a lot. In fact, they feel they do it... a little too well. Too much, all too well. It all started over again with their interaction with Mintshade a couple hours earlier and it had left them feeling quite insecure. They shouldn't have complained in the first place, honestly... It's not what a true Windclan warrior should have done. Their head is swimming when they rise from their nest, twilight-drunken stars casting light upon the moors. Do I talk weird? They nearly choke on words they should have said, should have, would have. But the time had long since passed and they lost that little battle with themselves, all they can do is learn from it and move on. But... Moving on is easier said than done, especially when the Skyclan raid still replays in your mind. They flex their claws and cringe, the ripping of flesh that had done, rend straight to blood. They nearly want to gag thinking about it. To get over it, they told themselves it was necessary, it was a necessary evil.

They need... Fresh air. They need to get out, their heads running again. They teeter to the edge of camp, to the mouth of it and they're right about to leave before theres a flash of a familiar golden pelt. "Dazzle...?" their voice is somewhat hoarse, groggy from their half-asleep stupor. "Why... are you up so late?" never mind that, they scrunch up their nose. "Do you want to take a walk? I can't sleep." a walk, they need a walk because the walls feel a little too close. They shake their head. "We can go to outlook rock... If you want..." a follow-up mumble.


Dazzlepaw had been about to sneak out into the night like the rulebreaker he was however the call of his name behind his back made the apprentice freeze. Long ears perked themselves up before his head would turn itself around to face the new promoted tunneler. Strawpaw, now Strawmoon!. He had to admit that the name fitted them very well. Blinking, a soft giggle left their maw over the question to why he was up so late. Wasn't that obvious?. " Oh you know nothing much just about to be....naughty and sneak out." he would admit to his crime with a proud grin. No reason to hide his devilish plan now when he had got found out he figured.

His eyes grow wide when the other tunneler invited him on a walk. Really?. Well that was a suprise!. Never had he thought someone like Strawmoon ever would ask him out!. He still grinned when he answered them. " Oh Straw i never thought the day would arrive there i would be the lucky guy you decided to ask out!. Of course i will come along in fact it would be a honor to be in your company Strawmoon ~~ " he said this with a faked gentleman voice and took a bow to the nonbinary cat but as he peeked his head up a bit he would give a wink, clearly he was just humour himself right now. He was the jester after all!.

Grinning still he straightened himself up again and took a spin right towards the camp entrance and lifted a paw up to take a big step forward.
" Outlock rock here we come!" he sang out with delight, and the grin spread wide. Time to head out for his first date ever!.

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Just about to be... Naughty and sneak out. They blink as he giggles, says it with so much pride that Straw couldn't help but be a little impressed... "Uhm... But if Sootstar caught you... And I wasn't with you, I think... She'd be pretty mad." their voice is quiet, but innocent and full of worry. They think they like Dazzlepaw, so the thought worries them as much as it would if it were Icebreath or Firefang talking.

But he agrees, empathizes their name and... Oh, they feel a little bit bashful as he winks. Sometimes Straw feels down, but his words make them feel fuzzy, even if it were all just jokes. Straw liked feeling important and once they saved Waxpaw, perhaps the fame had gotten to their head... But it died off pretty quickly, leaving Straw to feel just as unimportant as before. Their stomach churns weirdly and their ear tips burn, but not in embarrassment. It feels like they're finally being paid attention to as a cat....

"Outlook rock...?" they blink, okay! They can do that... "Okay," they echo their thoughts with a genuine smile, something that feels rare on their lips. "We'll go there... Do you think we can maybe, uhm... See the whole territory from it? I've never.. Been on it before..." they admit, a little shyly. "Lead the way, by the way.."
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Hmh?. What was this?. Dazzlepaw stared at the new promoted warrior with a puzzled look as they mentioned how mad Sootstar would be if she found out about this. Well, he suppose that was true but that was not enough to stop him. Their leader might be a dreadful cat but danger had never seemed to faze him. What more brought his curiosity though was how Strawmoon sounded when saying it. "Aww, ya actually sounds worried about me that's cute." he teased with a playful smile. But that couldn't be the case. He was only teasing them not thinking such feelings actually rested in their heart for him. Dazzlepaw didn't think anyone in this clan actually cared about him. The majority of the clan would dance on his grave if he suddenly would die or just not caring.

Dazzlepaw hadn't been expecting to receive a such none response from his cheap pickup lines. Usually cats would either hiss at him or just roll their eyes, or anything in between. But Strawmoon didn't really comment out on any of it beside giving him that smile which caught him of guard. Dazzlepaw was not used with another cat genuinely smiling at him like that. Huh, weird...He had been quick to turn himself around to march forward as he took big happy steps while humming deciding to pay no more mind to it!.

" Ah-ah yeah!. I've been there countless of times. You can even see the horseplace from there!. " he would answer as he indeed had taken the lead here. It suprised him though to hear that Strawmoon never had been to Outlock rock before. Hadn't that been their suggestion to go there?. Why invite him to a place they never had been to before?. Dazzlepaw wasn't sure he understood it but who cared!. " To think i'll be the one who will take you there for the first time, it really makes me feel special ~~" he would chirp out with delight. Shortly afterwards he would start to slow down so he could walk beside his night companion instead.

" Byyyyy the waaaaay, i never got the chance to properly congratulate ya for your warrior ceremony!. What you did for Waxpaw, i think it was a totally ballsy and heroic thing to do!. " he actually meant that. In truth he was shooked that Strawmoon had went in there to save Waxpaw to sacrifice their life to save them. That was actually pretty cool. It made him wonder though...if it had been him in there would they have so bravely risked their life too?. Pfft. Stupid him thinking such silly things. " You totally earned it." Dazzlepaw kept his attention straight forward as he said this. In fact he thought they deserved their warrior ceremony more then anybody else who received their ceremony in the latest meeting.

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