CENTER POINT [ ✦ ] featherpaw

Having been assigned another apprentice is an honor she had not been expecting, if she is honest. Her and her sister had not spoken much following the battle with the rogues, and she can feel the dissapointment rolling off her smoke-furred kin in waves. Still, she does not regret her decision She would do it a million times over again if it meant keeping her clan safe. That was her job was it not? Who cared if they were ran out of their home as long as WindClan was still WindClan. Without the cats to occupy it their territory was nothing. An even bigger honor is that she had been bestowed the progeny of Wolfsong and Sunstride. To mentor a deputies kit was a huge deal, she knows. It is a shame that Brightshine too had gotten one but she is willing to look past it in favor of her own ego. Featherpaw, under her tutelage, would shape up to be one of the finest warriors WindClan has ever seen. She would make sure of it.

Dawn light has just begun to break the horizon when Bluepool makes her way to the area where the apprentice's sleep. She picks her way through nests until she reaches one occupied by familiar red fur and she reaches out with one silver paw and she nudges until her charge is blinking sleepily up at her. "Wake yourself up and meet me by the camp entrance" she instructs, her voice just barely a whisper and then she turns to leave, not bothering to look behind her to see if Featherpaw was rising or not. If the apprentice was smart she would be quick. It was her first day, they had much ground to cover.



Featherpaw would be stupid not to consider her lineage, and the manner in which her mentor might react to it. The son of a deputy and a medicine cat, omen-reading and Clan-commanding blood in his veins. Bluepool would walk him down the later path, he imagined- but the feeling of anticipation had kept the owl-eyed apprentice up at night. A true bird of the midnight, all she had been doing in her hazy state of half-sleep had been the different perspective of the shadows- scanning the blind spots surrounding the camp, ready to spring when something moved. Another plague, another rogue...

When at last she shut her eyes and eked into slumber, Bluepool was already prodding at her. A first training session on no sleep, then. It would have to do- she would not squander her legacy, her potential, by daring to sleep in. Especially if he was unsure if the sleep ever would have found him at all. "Already awake," he murmured as Bluepool began to pad out, rising to his paws with spooky ease, like a reanimated corpse. Training would make him feel better, certainly.

A few swipes of the tongue to flatten out unruly quills of fur-tufts, and he was off; he caught up to his mentor soon enough, a deep frown already heavy set on his face. "We have a lot to do, I b-b... imagine." Not a hello, not a good morning- straight to business. It was the best way of providing a good impression, of living up to the weight already pressing hard on her shoulders.
✦ penned by pin

Always had she been an early riser, a morning person in every sense of the word. If the sun was up then so was she. She was not built to last in the darkness, away from the golden rays and the warmth of mid-day on her back. It is why she never would have lasted should she have chosen to stay behind in the marshes.

She is pleased to discover her apprentice coveted some level of critical thinking, that the young feline was quick to follow her instructions and meet her swiftly. "Well hello and good morning to you too!" she says, no unkindly and her words accompanied with a soft laugh. "Yes indeed we do" they had a whole territory to cover and it is likely they would be out all day, that Bluepool likely would be catching them something to eat along the way to one of their borders.

With a flick of her shredded tail they set off into the moors. She takes it slow at first, a walking pace to start out. "Horseplace is the closest so we will start there and make our way around the territory, ending at highstones." horseplace was, personally, her favorite but she does not say this out loud. Featherpaw would not be joining her on wool raids until she was confident in his running ability, after all. There was always a risk of dogs there and she would not be the one to lose an apprentice in such a way. "You already know a little bit about each clan yes?" she asks, looking at him from the corners of her golden eyes before her gaze focuses back on the horizon. Featherpaw had spent time in first ThunderClan and then ShadowClan's camps so she has no doubt that she had grown accquintanced to at least a couple of things during that time. "I wonder then, do you know what clan does not border ours?" she would not be mad if he didn't know the answer, it was only his first day after all.

// pretend this is not terribly late so sorry for the delay


Featherpaw would have been displeased with himself had he not known the answer to Bluepool's question. She earned from him a quick, sharp nod as she informed him of where they were heading, and it didn't take him long to fall into step with her, eager to put himself to use. Horseplace, ending at Highstones. It'd be a laborious journey, surely... their territory was not small. But what sort of apprentice would she be if she had not studied these things?

Though, studying had much extended to simply listening to conversations. Shrugging off distractions. She did not know what had made her eager to prepare herself and ill-tempered for anything else, but she didn't often argue with her internal voice.

You already know a little bit about each Clan, yes? Her first test. Featherpaw's glare flashed with dormant intellect. His mind hurtled toward the answer, seized it, spat it out. "SkyClan." It was mimicry and memory, but Featherpaw knew he was right. "The k-k-kuh... k-kittypet Clan." With that addition, Featherpaw surmised Bluepool might be quite pleased with him. A deputy's child should know these things, had to. She had not squandered the time she'd been given to prepare, so she would not be thrown headfirst into this life, wailing and crying about it.
✦ penned by pin
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