camp CENTURIES — o, playing pretend


Mar 3, 2024
Lionkit was never usually the ringleader when it came to play. His littermates were far more outspoken and rowdy than he, always illustrating grand stories born from their imaginations and reenacting them whenever given the chance. Sometimes they would tag along and sometimes they were perfectly content sticking off to the side and watching, as their games could grow a little too overwhelming for their taste. However, today was different. Lionkit's inspiration was rejuvenated after hearing stories about his late father; he'd decided that he wanted to be just like Blazestar when he grew up. Of course, Lionkit wasn't even in training yet and had no means of working toward earning his warrior name, so fulfilling his dreams via playtime would have to do for now.

"Do, uhm, y'guys wanna play SkyClan 'n WindClan? Like, when Blazestar was still leader." The soft-spoken torbie point mewed to their denmates. They had all heard various tales of Blazestar and "old" SkyClan by now, so hopefully they would know how to play. "I'll be Blazestar." Lionkit quickly claims the title, paws itching with a sort of giddiness as he anticipated embodying his brave, noble father. "Anybody wanna be Sootstar?" They recall the stories that the warriors had told about the WindClan leader; the "Moor Queen", as she had been nicknamed.

  • 78922242_RoBq9inRj8ibOv1.png
  • 79110682_4AHaCt43N8s9eS5.png
    he/they; kit of skyclan
    longhaired chocolate torbie point with blue eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
The sun is warm. The sun makes her feel fuzzy beneath it, a curly-furred body stretched out within it, white fur akin to snow where she lays. Lionkit interrupts her peaceful nap in the sunlight and an ear flicks in irritation. He asks for anyone to play- as if. Rocekit didn't want to play.. She wanted to sleep.

Her tail twitches and she looks on in disinterest before she speaks up faster than she could really stop herself, "I'll be Sootstar." it's spoken matter-of-fact. The reality of it, she hadn't wanted anyone else to take the important role, jealousy a burning pyre in her chest at the thought of it... "Someone needs to be my deputy. And not of of the ones that betrayed me." she blinks. Truthfully, they all betrayed her from the tales Ricekit had heard... But hadn't there been a good one...? Uhm. Ricekit didn't actually care that much.

She turns her head, waiting for the other kits to claim their roles.

  • ricekit
    cis female ,, she/her ,, 03 months
    kit of skyclan ,, heronstep x cauliflowercurl ,, sibling to
    regal, curly-furred white she-cat with striking green eyes
    "speech, f0a78e" ,, thoughts
    too young ,, single ,, not interested at all
    smells like hyacinths & lilies
    penned by chuff
*+:。.。 The sun is too bright and the kitten's voices too loud, a constant reminder to Itty that she much prefers the quiet safety of her twoleg's home. Still, the girl was here, determined as always to be a good girl and get to know her mamma's clan, albeit from a safe distance. Shuffling her paws and squinting against the harsh light of day, she tries to focus on the gathering of kittens ahead of her. Lionkit is at the helm of today's game, announcing himself a stand-in for the former leader, Blazestar. It was a familiar name, but not one Itty could say she held a firm picture on. Just a guy who's passed away - her denmate's father. She wondered if it was morbid of Lionpaw to play his dead dad. Or was it morbid of Itty to comment on it? To think it? Oh her head was getting dizzy!

Next came Ricekit, taking on the role of...Sootstar. Not being a proper-born Skyclanner nor a constant resident, Glitchkit was slow to catch up to the storytelling and history-making. Blazestar she had heard of...but Sootstar? Where do they like, Blazestar's sibling? 'Cus fire and soot and all that? Ricekit calls for the loyalty of her deputy, and itty feels an urge to volunteer. But she follows it up with a historical mention of betrayal and quickly Itty's mouth clamps shut. Betrayal? Did being Sootstar's deputy turn you evil!?

Crouching low and scooting deeper into the shadows, Itty mumbled to no-one in particular, "I...I'll just watch" Even in games Clan life felt so dangerous!

    DFAB— She/Her
    3 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Daughter to Statichaze, sister to Radiokit
    Skyclan — Kit

    Physically worm | mentally tadpole
    Attack in bold #3a3a3a
    injuries: None currently
A small welling of nervousness manifested in the boy's chest as he, for a moment, wondered if anybody else would even want to play with him. Candorkit and Hollykit were much more playful than he normally was; the other kits often opted to play with them while he was content watching from afar. Sometimes he would join in if he was feeling up to it, but it was not common for him to facilitate these play sessions.

Then, another small voice spoke up — someone wanted to play! Ricekit, another nursery resident he admittedly did not know too well. A flicker of hope ignites within him now as he offers a small grin and mews, "Okay!" Speaking of deputies, Lionkit realized he would need a sturdy and reliable second-in-command to stand in for Orangestar—er, Orangeblossom. That had been her warrior name, right?

The blue-eyed kit glanced in the direction of a nearby denmate, one who had not particularly offered to play as of yet. "Do you wanna be my deputy, Glitchkit?" The torbie point mews in suggestion, tail swishing at the prospect of recruiting another playmate. "Or how 'bout my medicine cat? That way, you don't gotta play unless I get hurt." The more kits involved in this game the better, though Lionkit wasn't going to whine and complain if someone decided they didn't want to join in. Lionkit would rather focus on playing. Pretending to be Blazestar was all that he cared about!

It wasn't often that Lionkit started games... And so, when he does, Candorkit tries to show the upmost support! What a good idea it was too, SkyClan and WindClan... They've all heard plenty of those stories by now. To think! The two Clans held such history, would there wasn't even a WindClan border for them to patrol! " Oh, yes! Good idea, brother! " he cheers. Candorkit had kinda wanted to Blazestar, but... he guesses he understands... And of course, Candorkit couldn't be an evil - doer... He's surprised that Ricekit is so willing to play the role... It's a good thing, though! They needed a villain, of course... Maybe two? He glances to GlitchRadiokit, keen to see if his denmate would join in, it seems not...

Lionkit offers the role of deputy to her. Candorkit quickly shakes his head in reply. " Ah! Deputy should be played by someone more... eager! Such as: me! " he volunteers at once, puffing out his chest. " I will be Orange... " he pauses, trying to remember Orangestar's deputy name. " ...blossom. You can be, um, Dawnglare...? " ...That didn't seem right. " Orr... maybe Wolf...thorn? " Was that the WindClan Medicine Cat's name? Embarassingly, he cannot recall, but either way it'd be better that the teams are even...

He then turns to Lionkit - er, Blazestar — no, Lionkit. That's weird. " Are we doing, ummm, when WindClan like, stole from us? "