camp C'EST LA VIE ✮ intro


donatella VERSACE 💜
Mar 3, 2024
// minor tw for mentions of a dead baby bird

Dawn carried with it purple and pink streaking the newleaf, and carried with that is Versacepaw. She's trotting cheerily along her fellow daylight warriors, at or above their statures despite her youth, slender tail twitching with excitement at the prospect of reaching camp. A glittering collar of ( unbeknownst to her, of course ) real and ostentatiously huge diamonds is slung loosely around her neck, ready to be shaken off at the prospect of a spar or a patrol. " She didn't even notice when I slipped out the back! " Versacepaw crows triumphantly to whoever will listen, spotted face animate with mischevous glee, though she's hasty to tack on a quick, " I still adore her, of course, how could I not? "

" Oh, look, it's camp! " she promptly interrupts whoever replies to her, bounding forward on huge and well - muscled Savannah legs to reach the entrance. Versacepaw skids down into the hollow, a comical tangle of legs barely managing to stop herself and then promptly trying to appear poised. Her glimmering collar sends starbursts of light dancing around the camp, dazzling to her alone—to many of her Clanmates, it's probably just irritating.

Of course, Versacepaw doesn't notice. She trots blithely across camp, giggling and bunting her mentor, who she already dwarfs, affectionately on the top of the head with her weighty muzzle. Asternose's displeased recoil goes totally unnoticed as Versacepaw bounces on her paws, wide grin displaying a mouthful of fangs. " So what're we doing today, Asternose? "

The warror grumbles something and Versacepaw nods emphatically, twisting on her paws to look for someone to chat with before patrol. Instead, her gaze catches on a frail pink shape marooned at the base of a tree, and she struts closer, craning her neck to peer down at it. Deep brown eyes widen in horror and pain—curled amongst the roots is a baby bird, barely feathered and clearly gone to this world. The Savannah's big brown eyes begin to well with fat teardrops and her chin trembles, fangs catching on her lower lip. She sniffles—once, twice—and then bursts into sobs.

" It's so little! " she wails, swollen tears dripping down her face. Passing Clanmates' muzzles wrinkle in disgust at the faux - looking display, but Versacepaw doesn't even notice; contrary to how it seems, her misery is wholly genuine. Asternose hisses under their breath and cuffs her on the ear, but the apprentice's mournful cries barely quiet as her batlike ears droop, nose twitching. " I'm sorr-rry, it's just so — so — " She bursts into a fresh round of tears, and her mentor grumbles unhappily.

" speech "

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The sound of crying was never Owlpaws favourite thing to hear, however it was also the most likely thing to catch her attention. Like a moth to a flame she sought out the source, trying and failing to not presume the worst. What she hadn't expected was seeing such devastation be brought upon the sight of a dead bird. To say that the scene in front of her was confusing was an understatement. She couldn't recall ever seeing someone become so upset over a bird without feathers yet. The apprentice moved to overlook the pink shape, yeah, that was definitely a baby bird. She looked from the bird, to the apprentice, to her mentor, then back at the bird again. What does one even say to this? She wasn't mean so she wouldn't even dream of belittling Versacepaw but she wasn't the best at consoling others, her mentor was right there so she could do it right?

Perhaps the crying had worn her down enough to give comfort a try, she gave one more look to the bird before her ears dropped, she couldn't help but have empathy for the situation. "Are you okay?" she frowned as she tried to gather what the right words for this situation was, Owlpaw had never seen herself as the comforting type before. "It wouldn't have felt any pain" it died too young to have really noticed anything was on the tip of her tongue but she had a feeling that would just make the crying louder.

"You could cover it with a nice leaf or feather, to... make it look pretty? or you could bury it" would that help with this situation? There was a possibility that Versacepaw would cry even louder if she looked at it again. "I.. could help you with that? If you would like" maybe offering her assistance was the right thing to do here, she once again looked between the bird, the apprentice and her mentor, trying to figure out if there was a better option here.
"What is this wailing about?" Fireflypaw mumbles as the hefty tom makes his way over, flicking a leaf from beneath his paw idly as he walks. He cannot see the dead chickling, but the talk between apprentices present makes Fi scrunch his eyebrows together in thought. He takes a step closer, nose sniffing at the featherless thing, before he pulls back and seats himself. Blind blue eyes focus on the distance for a moment, staring blankly as if in thought, before his lips part for him to speak.

"This is.. The way life is, sometimes." He meows softly, voice dripping with sympathy for the little bird. "As Owlpaw says.. Perhaps you would like to bury it? Shall we hold a small funeral for the birdling?" He turns his milky gaze to Versacepaw, questioning.​

Springpaw knows what it is like to mourn a life lost too soon - one that she is not too familiar with, another creature that in maybe another time would have ended up as prey but also may have gotten the opportunity to live if circumstances had been right. It is unfortunate for the bird that this had not been the case. This bird was just a baby, like she had once been, small and fragile and not ready for the world but thrust into it anyways.

She can feel her own tears prick at her eyes as she watches the scene unfold in front of her. Versacepaw wails and her mentor cuffs her over the ears. It makes Springpaw flinch. Orangestar would never do that to her for crying would she? Somehow, she doubts it. Ms.Orangestar was nice, she would understand. "Hey, hey. It's-It's okay Versacepaw" she says though the way her voice warbles suggests she is on the verge of a breakdown herself. "I get it, its..." like them? She shakes her head and then lifts her paw to wipe freshly shed tears from her eyes. "Yeah... yeah! Let's have a vigil for it. I can get some flowers and we can.. we can say some nice words and it will all be okay!" maybe the mama bird would even come to say goodbye. She looks to Owlpaw and Fireflypaw hopefully.
  • WopM9br.jpeg

  • 75005842_oJ0pLADrUXc7c6L.png
    A small she-cat with fluffy black and white fur and bright blue eyes
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
The dramatic sobs that echoed throughout camp were unable to be missed by Slate, even with the likes of his mangled ears. He briefly shares a glance with Versacepaw's mentor, who seems to be just as irritated by the display as he is. He would have the mind to do the same to Cherrypaw, but his apprentice definitely knew better than to spill tears over a fallen fledgling. This daylight apprentice, to no surprise, was wholly embodying the softness of a typical kittypet. Those ridiculous accessories she was flaunting did not help Slate's impression of her, either.

Burying it seemed like the most reasonable option at this point; it was hardly a meal, perhaps a teething toy for a kit to gnaw on if anything. However, Slate suppressed a roll of his eyes when Fireflypaw and Springpaw suggested a vigil for the damned thing. "Get over yourselves, bury it, 'n move on." The lead warrior bluntly tells them all. "We got actual birds to hunt." It was a harsh truth. Why waste time mourning a little thing that didn't even provide any suitable meat on its bones? They could be utilizing this time to be hunting instead.

  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​