pafp challenge of a god .. [prompt]

. ° ✦ Play had become different now that the clearing in camp was covered in more than just leaf litter and stones. The dusty ground had hardened over as the cold rolled in like a fog. One could say it crept in, but the warriors and apprentices had seen it coming from fox-lengths away. But for the little toms small perspective of the world, kept safely behind walls of ferns and brambles until he was ready to leave, Bravekit didn't have the slightest clue to just how different his world would look.

His littermates scattered as they stumbled out of the nursery that morning and Bravekit loudly thanked the stars that snow did not cover the ground today. Some bits of melted snow had shielded over into ice overnight but he was careful to avoid them after a firm warning from his older Clanmates. "All four paws'll slip from under you." One had said, and the mere thought of his belly embracing the cold in such a way sent shivers.

Playing by himself never lasted very long until he was in search for his littermates again, and with Fallowkit- Fallowpaw gone now his options were limited even further! No one played Journey Cats quite as well. Round blues quickly glanced from face to face in search of someone to trap into play, and his ears folded back as he heard a voice not far behind him.

"Looks like ya' got twigs stuck in your fur, @Cougarkit! Don't you know how to clean yourself?" The chocolate rosette turned his head with a curious gaze, jaws parted as he saw the irritated lash of his sisters tail. An apprentice, all smiles, looked down at her and perhaps they were joking. Prodding at his sister in good faith but seeing her frustration stirred a reaction from him as well.

They're making her mad! Was his first observation, watching her expression slowly turn into a frown. Bravekit bounded ahead, skidding to a stop between his sister and the apprentice to look bold, chin turned up and chest puffed with righteous pride. Justice would be served, for his sister!

"You better leave Cougarkit alone! Leopardtongue teaches us to clean our fur just fine, and my sister looks perfect. Even if she's gotta twig or two." Bravekit nodded his head with a firm confirmation to his own words, refuting any possible challenge. "You should say something nice to her now, she's a lot meaner than I am when you make her mad."

 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: — [ Another kit or apprentice is messing with his littermate, either intentionally or not. As always, Bravekit is there to save the day! ]
    // feel free to be the apprentice in question, and pls wait for cougarkits post before replying ^^
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that tangles easily. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Wide fuzzy satellite ears.
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Ever since they had been first shown outside of the nursery, Cougarkit had been eager to play in the camp clearing as much as possible. It was where all the big cats were after all, and there was more space to play, she could yell as loud as she wanted without a queen telling her to keep her voice down. She liked all of the life, the bustling energy, seeing what life was like outside of her cozy confines. It wouldn't be long before she was moving out into the apprentice den, so it was best to get used to all this stuff ahead of time. Or at least that's what her thought process was.

The snow did put a damper on things, she didn't like how it felt on her pawpads, how it seemed to bite like a million thorns. But thankfully, today there was a distinct lack of the white powdery coldness, which meant she was going to go and play out in the clearing! She was just messing around with a damp leaf when all of a sudden a voice called her name. "Huh?" Perking her head up, the young molly looked over at the apprentice as they jeered about her pelt.

For a moment she was struck with confusion, her green eyes glancing to herself to see if she did have a twig caught somewhere in her long fur. But no, she was just as careful with cleaning as Leopardtongue showed her to be. So she stared back at the apprentice before realizing the smile. They were being mean.

Her ears flattened as anger bubbled up in her chest, shown with a lash and twitch of her long, fluffy tail. But it was just that, anger. She couldn't really think about what to say in the moment, flustered as much as she was angry. 'Why is a clanmate being mean to me? We shouldn't be mean to each other.' Before she could figure out how to put words out of her mouth, she heard a familiar voice and soon enough a flash of familiar chocolate pelt.

"Yeah, say something nice because we're clanmates! And we should get along. And if you don't... I'll tell Howlingstar just how mean you're being!" Her voice yowled out loudly to grab the attention of others in the nearby area, her green eyes brimming with confidence now that her sibling was here. Sure she was a bit embarrassed about Bravekit coming in to stand up for her, but she was also incredibly thankful for his presence. As much as she jabbed at him and messed with him, they were still siblings. And they had each other's backs.

  • ooc : "Speaking" | Thinking | Attack

  • A long-furred chocolate rosetted tabby with green eyes.
    Thunderclan Kit
    03 months | Cis Female | She/Her
    Batwing x Leopardtongue G2