" — and even after we’d sent those windclanners running for the first time, the snow fell and fell. we were convinced it would never stop. " the rumble of his voice is kind, calm as they approach the sand - laden border to skyclan territory ; he carries in tow his son, his firstborn and her lead warrior mentor, petalnose, and hazepaw. he casts the eldest molly an amusement - glittering glance — while the freeze had taken much from him, they were safe and home. they’d rebuilt, stick by aching stick. he hoped she didn’t mind terribly his stories, the way he addressed the children both ; starlightpaw was her apprentice to train, his gift to the hardworking lead. the phantom couldn’t help himself, despite the way he continues forth, expression near steely aside from the minute twitches of humor where appropriate, ” hazepaw was only a little kit at that time. they’d nearly turned your fathers fur completely white when they’d wandered away from him. “ she’d nearly turned everyones fur white, ” i told their mother, willowroot — they had named her after smokethroat. she was born unto trouble. “

a glance towards hazepaw with a sly grin, a laugh before brief silence. intense eyes flick then towards his namesake, curious and discreet. born unto trouble, ” this is the border to skyclan, an ally of ours since that day. “ his voice lilts to a murmur, dips as he speaks to address only his son, sweeping his thick tail behind the gloomy child and lowering a cranelike neck. he thinks to tell him of how they wean from thunderclan, how their bloodlines split into thunderclan and windclan both — he disregards it for something more pertinent, ” blazestar’s ranks consist of both former and current kittypets, as he had been one himself. while you are in their company, you are to treat them no different than you would a real warrior. “ when you are in their company. otherwise, he’d be lying to say he spared it a thought. then, he lifts full again, moves to rub his sharp jaw against a patch of bark lingering with a former patrols river scent. he exaggerates his movements, makes a sound in his throat to catch cicadapaw’s full attention, lifting his voice back to its usual timbre.

” do as i do on that tree there. be sure wandering noses can smell it once you’re done. “

  • i. @CICADAPAW @Hazepaw @STARLIGHTPAW @Petalnose
    he / him. tall, elegantly curled smoke tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt blue eyes. his structure sings a feral sort of hymnal, presenting an almost dangerous sort of beauty veiling what monstrosities lie beneath the ivory of his skull. jutting jawline and a squared chin, sunken cheeks drawing a shadow beneath high, sharp cheekbones with tall, angular ears settling high atop the flatter slope of his cranium. he is beautiful ; lucifer in the eyes of an envious god. for all his looks, his expression is lax, void — corpse - eyed and hollow until spoken to, sparking the undead to life. he is tall, lean, cut - glass pretty ; he smiles with too - many teeth, blackened frostbite pulling back his maw to bear canines setn beneath curling whiskers, pantomime skeletal. a predatory gracefulness from the lines that press the image of exhaustion beneath ice water hues to the slow, sure gait in which he walks, nameless strength poorly concealed within the hard lines of his physique. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unnaturally tall amongst his peers, always holding himself with a tragic sort of grace ; poised, prim, and uncannily aware of how he appears.

    ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── smells like wet moss and meadowland thunderstorms.
    ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── notoriously paranoid and closed off, cicadastar will tend to lie, assume, and jump to conclusions whenever it suits him. any 'suspicious' ic actions he witnesses or hears about will have a strong effect, and will have ic consequences! if you're unsure of an interactions outcome, please feel free to send a dm!
    no character opinions represent my own.

  • " speech "

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It was comforting to see the Riverclan leader in good spirits. The warming history flowed through his lungs and tongue, to teach his apprentice, his children- which one was that of her own apprentice. She would say, if it was anyone else besides the two rulers it would make frustration rattle through her. She would normally state her boundaries of teachings if it had been any other cat. This was Starlightpaw's father however and both of their leaders, a deep respect was required. It was present. The comfort towards the good spirits and the respect she had for Cicadastar caused her to not mind. Her head tipped to the side to glance down to Starlightpaw, wondering if she was listening. If she was following.

Then she staightened upon her tall frame, head swiveling to watch the borders and beyond. A guard. Even near ally territory, she was still alert.. watchful. If anything happened, she made herself be the first to see it.

Some trees came into view and he was first to demonstrate, nodding her head and moving to a separate tree nearby. Petalnose lifted her front end, balancing carefully on her hind limbs as she drug her claws down it in a swift fashion. "Scratch marks help too." She pointed, making sure her paw pads touched the tree before she fell back upon all four limbs, "It sharpens your claws as well, my favorite type of marking. Just more tedious to the inexperienced." Her mix matched gaze settled upon her apprentice after she spoke her short teaching and then shifted to the leader for approval.


Sneaking out, reckless exploration… Haze has many habits — some may call them flaws — but all flow from the same spring: a fathomless well of curiosity, a desire to drink up every drop of the world they inhabit.

Cicadastar’s stories satisfy that thirst almost as well as an adventure would, and being on a border patrol at the same time means Haze is far more settled and content than usual. She follows her mentor with a spring in her step, alternating between gazing up at his star-speckled pelt and their surroundings. His mention of her first adventure makes her grin, entirely unrepentant. Dissociated from the distant gut-wrenching worry of her parents, the memory is pure and clear like the fresh snow of her birth season: sheer awe and delight.

The glance they exchange makes their heart feel light in their chest. They love it when he’s in a good mood: he doesn’t mind their bold interpretation of rules so much, then, and their dynamic feels almost conspiratorial.

Not voicing their own opinion on Skyclan’s kittypet lineage — they find the idea fascinating but doubt that thought would go well with Cicada — they stand back, using Starlightpaw’s presence as a pretense to watch the other side of the border rather than marking it themself. It’s a learning experience for the new apprentice, right?

𓍢ִ໋ 𔓘𓉸𔓘⁺˖ Duny still isn't accustomed to the idea of border-marking. It's not that he doesn't understand ownership— he is well-acquainted with the upwalkers' recognition of property, as he's tailed his own warding off other upwalkers in the late hours. They simply were not allowed to be in a very specific area, but he recognizes their incentive to leave far more than clan cats'. He has much to learn of alliances, for that is the only explanation he can think of for five clans never subsuming each other.

He watches one of the other SkyClanners as they drag their cheek along bark, and he makes to do the same. It's not altogether unpleasant; in fact, the rough texture is even pleasant.

"Hello, visitors!" He calls, lifting a paw and waggling it twice in a wave. "My, what an intimidating lot." Quite tall, yes, and if his eyes do not deceive him, there is a strong resemblance between several of them. "Is this the...RiverClan?" He asks, turning to the nearest SkyClanner.

  • ooc:
  • DUNY (Dunyazad) / / 48 moons old / / uses masculine pronouns, but does not mind the use of neutral pronouns.
    — daylight warrior in training / / mouser for a private cemetery, and as such, is a fairly practiced hunter (of rodents).
    — queer like perusing fabric bolts / / single & a bit flirtatious, but incredibly unlikely to enter a romantic relationship.

    a slightly plump blue smoke/black chimera with a very distinct, mask-like facial marking. he is not especially tall; very little (if anything) about him is immediately intimidating, but at times his gravestone-moss eyes are a bit too incisive. it's easy to get the impression that he knows something you do not, and it's entirely to his benefit, though his demeanor is (nearly always) impeccably polite and cheerful.

Drizzlepelt finds himself near the RiverClan boarder after the other patrol that day as it was pretty uneventful, plus he didn’t want to just sit around the rest of the day. Especially after having to deal with more of WindClan’s problems. He liked RiverClan well enough, and even if he wouldn’t see Mosspaw as she’s part of those journeying for the cure for Yellowcough, he’s happy to greet any others. He doesn’t exactly expect Cicadastar to be one of them, but he doesn’t have any issues with him either. He gives a shy smile to the five of them.

“Yes, this is RiverClan,” he aims towards Duny, who reminds him of when he was new to the clan and as inexperienced with all there is to memorize. “I hope things are fairing as well as they can for you all.” And it’s true, he really does wish the best for them. Things aren’t easy for any of the clans right now, but he hopes they at least have not had to bury as many bodies. SkyClan might have more cats and therefore less to worry about when it comes to losing competency, but that still doesn’t make those whose spirits were sent to StarClan any less valuable now that they’re gone.​
Blazestar’s purr of amusement rumbles behind the two younger warriors. “Drizzlepelt speaks truly. That is Cicadastar, RiverClan’s leader, and Petalnose, one of his lead warriors.” The Ragdoll dips his head to the cats patrolling the opposite bank. “Well met, RiverClan.” He studies the cats present, recognizing the pale, silvery apprentice as Cicadastar’s protégé. The younger two are nursery-sized still, and though he does not recognize them immediately, one of them looks to be split from the RiverClan lord himself.

The SkyClan leader blinks water-blue eyes. That one looks just as Cicadastar must have as a kit. All angles, awkward steps, but one day he’d no doubt walk as confidently and proudly as the tom who leads them. Blazestar is reminded of his own kits, of Fireflypaw who remained his dark-pointed look a like, of Moonwhisper who grudgingly carries that legacy in ThunderClan.

I don’t believe I’ve met these apprentices before,” he meows, pointedly eyeing the white-flecked dark kits. “I’m Blazestar, leader of SkyClan. These are Drizzlepelt”—he gestures to the gray tabby warrior—“and Duny.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun