CHANGE OF SCENE | skyclan patrol

Rays of sun peeked over the distant horizon but Silversmoke only reminded of quite how early it was when he turned around and was met with piercing glares (though, he was certain one such glare was coming from Figfeather, who'd seemed offended ever since the patrol assignments came out). For two moons now, he had complained about the encroaching heat suffocating him, how it seemed to light his fur up and make his paws burn to ashes. Out on the morning patrol, he realised he missed the warmth of a shared nest, the gentle stories told under sleepy mumbles, and the interlocking of bushy tails. With Greenleaf bringing him that, he wondered if he hated it as much as he thought it did anymore. Distracted, the Lead Warrior's blinks grew firm as he began to pay more attention to the world before his eyes, a river stretched further than his eye could see and the brush of reeds in the distance either promising a windy day or an interaction with their fishy-eating neighbours. Near silent as he shepherded the SkyClanners the entire journey, the silver tabby finally turned with an open maw, his ears angled in different directions.

There was a flare of pale nostrils as he felt an aging wound strain from the movements of his neck, long fur hiding most of his battle wounds (a relief, he found, owing to the irritating stalemate with the WindClanner). "We'll be quick," he promised, mainly for himself. Now more than ever, it was important to mark the borders and inspect for foul play, but each wrong shuffle was a reminder that he still wasn't good enough - SkyClan deserved better than what his current battle skills offered them. "We can wait until the gathering to tell them about WindClan." It wasn't that he didn't trust RiverClan to be sympathetic, rather, he felt it wasn't his place to tattle on clan politics anymore. Orangeblossom had returned to duty and Blazestar had been heavily affected by the raid, and... and he didn't want to have to explain why he walked more stiffly than usual. Time would heal it, he had to hope. "Just keep things civil until then." The requirement was spoken in an almost lackadaisical tone, as if Figfeather and Dandelionwish should've already known it. He liked RiverClan, for this patrol, it was the expectation that his clanmates would too.

[ @Dandelionwish , @FIGFEATHER ]
જ➶ Tall pale limbs move across the ground with ease. Silence and solemn gaze keeping her company as she makes her way along the side of the river. Someone is following her she is sure but she pays little mind to the loud steps that she feels against the ground. Instead she heads to the border and she looks along the waters. A part of her wonders about how well of a fishing spot this is. Her paws shift back and forth for a mere moment before she gains the scent of Skyclan in her nostrils.
Her muzzle parts slowly to confirm and she peers then through the rush and reeds. Her eyes spy a patrol, small in stature but that does not always mean something has happened. It is early afterall, plus she too feels a bit of fog from having to wake up so early. She supposes being nocturnal is a hard habit to kick. Shifting from the reeds she finally reveals herself to them, eyes open and friendly as she dips her head to the other cats. "Skyclan." She begins smoothly not showing any hostilities.

"I hope all is well with all of you." They look well to say the least and she finally looks toward Dandelionwish. A small smile pulling along her muzzle. "It's good to see you, Dandelionwish."

The chocolate and cream tom nods to the instruction, teeth clenched tight around a wheat stem he was chewing a bit too aggressively and was shorter now as a result. As they approach the river he catches the scent of the churning water and hint of fish, almost appetizing in a way and repulsive in others. He could never tell if he liked the smell or not honestly. A familiar voice greets them and he lifts his head sharply from examining his reflection in the water's edge.


So this is where she had ended up then, he'd heard as much but this was his first time seeing her since. Dandelionwish had only recently been allowed to the gatherings, he was not up to date on things and as such his feelings had been given no time to move forward and mend; he was still aching from old wounds every so often. Seeing ShadowClan's ex-medicine cat was the slap in the face he needed to wake up proper and he stiffened.
"...howdy." He frowns and his tone is muted, droll and lacking its usual pep, its perhaps one of the few times he's not been openly friendly on a patrol but he lacks any hostility as well-just a tired acceptance of things, Silversmoke had asked them to not make waves and so he would behave even if he wanted to ask her how it felt abandoning the weight of the world on Starlingheart's shoulders and running off as she did.
It has nothing to do with him but he took it personal all the same, the same way Honeytwist had abandoned him she had turned around and left her own apprentice floundering and untrained, left to carry a burden far too heavy and Starlingpaw at the time had been even younger than he was. His last medicine cat meeting was a blur of anxiety and unease as he pleaded for catmint but he recalls the ShadowClan apprentice perched there looking so small and uncertain. His blood boils briefly, he narrows his eyes, but rather than say more he has turned to stalk off further ahead to mark the border as his lead warrior instructed. How different it was now, they had both found new homes and yet she chose to abandon hers while his had forced him out.
sneezefur | 30 months | demi-boy | he/him | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold #50c878
Sneezefur moves along in silence, though the crooked tom gives a respectful nod of acknowledgement to skyclans patrol, seafoam gaze wide and watchful. As a cat who's never bothered to join in the gatherings, neither face he sees is familiar, so he leaves the talking to boneripple - as though his vocal cords would choose today to work even if he did. Instead he simply minds his own busyness, dutifully scent marking the boundary while the others share words.



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather gets to marking along the patrol immediately. Her ire seems to have dwindled but her determination to prove her worth has not. She stops only for a moment to listen as Boneripple greets Dandelionwish, she looks at the two confused on how they know of each other. It takes her several moments to remember; Bonejaw was a medicine cat of ShadowClan once too.

Figfeather had been young then and with ShadowClan on the opposite side of the forest, Bonejaw’s term as healer seemed like ancient history to her. She pays little mind to Dandelionwish’s less-than-peppy response and continues to brush along boulders and trees.