camp chaotically proportional // kitten mischief




thistlekit & 03 moons & trans. fem nonbinary & they/she & skyclan kit

Wherever thistlekit goes, chaos is sure to follow. It's not they're a bad child per say - but their energy is all but boundless, and alongside all that energy comes a sense of brashness and self-confidence that only naïve children are capable of. With a deer like prance, the girl all but flounces about in their self assurance, head held high as they move from game to game, attention snagged by the slightest of distractions. Todays interest is not something but someone - or, part of them at least. A conversation between two unassuming felines goes in one ear and out the other as green eyes zone in on movement - the flick of an unsuspecting tail. With a clumsy crouch and wriggle of their pale pink frame, they're moving forwards - needle sharp claws outstretched as they pounce. "Gotcha!" they crow, hardy paying mind to the fact there may be consequences for such action.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: anyone can be the oc she pounced on
    tw/cw: —
  • a pinkish grey kitten with splashes of white across their frame. their fur is just as curly as their mothers, and they have a deer-like nub for a tail. they wear a purple color.

    physically easy && mentally easy
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#fff]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


"-but we use this cleaning sap that kinda smells like pine for my fur when I get covered in mud and it works okay! But I hate the water sprayer sound so much, it reminds me of a hissing snake..." Hazelbeam rambled on, discussing the odd methods her two-leg used to keep her clean when she came wandering in too matted up from her duties here to be allowed on the couch. It wasn't often she got that dirty but she had her moments and each time ended with a battle, a chase through their nest before she was finally cornered in the bathroom. The bath itself was dreadful but being swaddled in towels and rubbed down after was always pleasant. She couldn't tell if it was worth the stress though if she was being honest...
A sudden weight snaps her from her thoughts.

She liked kittens, would not be opposed to her own kits one day but that was a thought for much further in the future. Right now she was more preoccupied with her tail being attacked and she gave a small jolt of surprise at tiny pinprick claws digging into it. Hazelbeam turned to see the kit, white and cream splotched little furball that it was, and instead of giving any kind of negative or positive reaction she made a small choking sound before keeling over on the spot and pretending to die, tongue sticking out and everything. Looks like another bath day...
Anyone can be who she was talking to prior to being 'murdered'!
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
Littlekit watched from afar, tiny tail swishing in faux amusement, following his sibling whose confidence made his nose wrinkle, but they were his siblings, he couldn’t even stand to think of disliking the only cats he liked. The tom waddled up to the collapsed molly, staring at her crumbled form blankly. “I want her hat.” He announced to no one in particular. She was dead, wasn’t she? His paw reached out to pat Hazelbeam’s cheek. He turned to Thistlekit, blinking languidly with a quiet chitter, tail flickering.
thought speech

Twitchbolt had, since he'd met her, been quite fascinated by Hazelbeam's methods. The odd superstitions she'd managed to get a hold of... like sleeping-circles lulling you to sleep. He flinched when she mentioned a hissing snake, and fully startled into a bristling bramble-hedge when she stiffened, and fell to the ground with a gasping choke. He'd heard footsteps only a moment before, but- he was sure it had just been a kitten, not a malicious attacker! How had thy even gotten into camp anyway-

Oh. Thistlekit it was. Twitchbolt's breath still heaved and his muscles still shook, but he'd regained enough measure in that realisation to notice that Hazelbeam was very much alive.

"Nnn-nice one," he stammered, wide eyes flickering over to Thistlekit- in an earnest display he wore a smile on his face, but it was a tangibly shaking one. Another wandered over, aptly-named Littlekit, and prodded at Hazelbeam's body. Oh, even though she was playing along he was near-certain she wouldn't want her hat to be taken from her. How would she even get it back on? "It's, uh- dis-disrespectful to steal from the dead, Littlekit." Frantic pupils darted to gain any sight of their mother...
penned by pin ✧

thistlekit & 04 moons & trans. fem nonbinary & they/she & skyclan kit

Hazelbeams reaction catches them off guard - green eyes widening comically. Was the warrior really dead. SLowly, one paw is lifted to their face, a bright and sharp-toothed grin spreading across their face. "Cool! Did you see that, I took down a warrior all by myself! I'm super cool, right littlekit?" the words spill forth with all the force of a raging river, and for a moment they almost forget to breathe. The child all but preens, waddling right off the she-cats tail and over to peer up at twitchbolt. "Why though? It's not like the dead need thinks like hats,"

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a pinkish grey kitten with splashes of white across their frame. their fur is just as curly as their mothers, and they have a deer-like nub for a tail. they wear a purple colored collar and a thistle flower.

    physically easy && mentally easy
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#fff]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


She didn't mind the threats to her hat, it was durable and could be repaired if it was played with too much and if she lost it then her two-leg would huff and whine but eventually make her a new one because she just liked how they looked on her. She wore them often on their outings, showing off to other two-legs from her leash that sported stars to match the hat accessory itself and sometimes her owner wore a similar hat as well. Hazelbeam maintained her neutral, dead expressio as she was poked, waiting for a moment to hear the boastful delivery from her attacker and Twitchbolt's insistence that robbing her would be disrespectful. If she was dead then it sure would be!

"A real warrior makes sure they FINISH THEIR OPPONENT!" Her voice going from a whisper to a exuberant shout, the black and blue she-cat bolts upward and leaps to her paws, "I am Hazelstar of BirchClan, you must defeat me eight more times if you wish to put me down! Who will challenge me?!"
She raises up a paw, hovering it over Thistlekit and waving it about as if preparing to deliver a mighty blow but she didn't, taking her sweet time in pretending she planned to do so and encouraging the kitten to make an attempt to dodge her.