Chasing the night // RiverClan Patrol

The tortie point leading the patrol is careful to make sure their path to the border avoids Sunningrocks, as for once they truly do not want any issues. Not right now...ThunderClan will get what's coming to them eventually. Just gotta do their job, and keep their eyes out for any of these reported boars surrounding the territory. Nothing of notice so far, which is good. The last thing they want is for blood to be on their paws...especially if it was Mosspaw that got injured or killed. No, they just have to be careful, and everything will work out.

When the patrol makes it to their destination, Aspenhaze turns their attention around, back to the other three.
"If we happen to run into anyone from ThunderClan, please do your best to be courteous. I know it's easy to get caught up in feuds, but there needn't be trouble if at all possible. If push comes to shove, well, you know what to do." They grin, and return their attention to the forest ahead of them. "Oh, and warn me if you see any of the boars, of course. We shouldn't try to fight with them either."

// OOC : @Mosspaw @GILLSIGHT @hazecloud
☽ .* :☆゚. ── | The smell of fish and water reached Leopardtongue's nose as she moved through the territory, and she couldn't help but wrinkle her nose in slight disgust. It wasn't even the RiverClan members she disliked, it was mainly the smell, and she didn't know how the RiverClanners were able to handle it themselves. Guess things could be said the same for anyone who disliked the smell of the forest, for she knew there were times where the leaves that fell to the ground could smell gross, especially after a lot of rain.

She knew of the feud between the two clans - who didn't at this point - but the warrior would be cordial, she wouldn't say words that she might come to regret in the future, nor would she start a fight. That didn't mean no one else within ThunderClan territory would do the same, nor did it mean those within RiverClan wouldn't try to spout harmful words. "Hello," She would greet, slightly forced smile upon her maw a she came out to see the warriors and apprentice, head dipping slightly. It wasn't too long ago that they were all friends, after all. "I hope despite recent events RiverClan is doing fine." She didn't wish illness and harm on any cat.​
Mosspaw followed close behind Aspenhaze, as dutiful as ever. Her attention was not on him though, it was cast across the border. When he stopped, she almost bumped right into him.

Quickly she turned her eyes back on him, though her mind was still wandering across the river. She nodded at his words. Antagonizing their neighbors would not earn revenge. As they had with Windclan, they would find their moment, and then Sunningrocks would be theirs again. Until then, better to keep the peace.

A voice from across the river snapped her attention away from her mentor. Of course the moment she deigned to look away, the Thunderclanner's finally showed their faces. What she found in that face was not the thinly veiled hostility she expected though, but an attempt at kind words. Somehow, that was what managed to get to her.

If not for Aspenhaze's instructions moments prior, Mosspaw would have had some choice words for the chocolate molly. She could not imagine having the gall to steal another clans territory then claim that despite recent events you wished them well. As though Thunderclan had nothing to do with their troubles. The Thunderclanner smiled at her, as though they should all still be friends, and she felt the anger that Cicadastar's speeches had instilled in her wash over her.

"Hello." She greeted coldly, staring daggers across the border.​
if it's meant to be , it'll be .

The tri-colored tom emerged from the undergrowth, staring at the gathering patrol with a welcoming flick of his tail. It was rare to see Honey out and about without his apprentice, instead standing beside Leopard, offering a tilt of his head towards Aspenhaze.

“Greetings!” He’d trill, lime-colored optics shimmering. He understood the feline’s coldness, feeling daggers carve into his flesh like those silly carvings Spiderlily did. Of course, Honey hadn’t been present when the rift between territories happened, but the warm-eyed male was never one to treat others with scorn unless it was prompted, but even so, Honey would eventually be filled with guilt, but that was life, was it not?

He supposed Whitelion’s game of chess had some truth to it, letting out an inaudible laugh at the thought of the white tom. Oh, so wise, aren’t you, my dear? He’d think, shaking his helm, gaze crinkling.

“Dear me, I don’t think I’ve met some of you.” He called head cocked. “I’m Honeywish.” He’d introduce himself with a welcoming wave of a time, hoping that’d prompt the others to introduce themselves, of course, Honey wouldn’t take offense if they ignored them.
thought speech
( ) The smell of fish was one that she now associated with trouble. At one point, she had considered Riverclan a decent clan, but now, she viewed them as Shadowclan equals. She watched from their side of the border as they patrolled along, and while her clanmates tried friendly talk, she simply remained silent. There was one figure among this group that she recognized...Her gaze locked onto the torbie point who had been one of the participants in the latest border battle. Her tail started to flick irritatedly behind her, and she quite literally bit on her tongue to keep herself from opening her big mouth. That was the one who had hurt Sunfreckle...that fox-hearted vermin was potentially the murderer of her best friend's unborn kittens.

She sunk her claws into the soft mud as she listened to Honeywish's welcoming words. I can't stay here...I'll end up swimming over there and shredding that torbie.. "I won't waste my breath with a kit-harmer." she hissed under her breath, not waiting to see if anyone heard her. She didn't care...all she cared about was keeping herself under control and not causing a scene. Aspengaze would feel her wrath if they met in battle again. Nobody could hurt her best friend and get away with it.

Turning away, she would slip into the undergrowth to go hunt nearby. She wouldn't stray too far, in case anything escalated. There would be no way she would forgive herself if a battle started and she wasn't there.
Aspenhaze's face immediately sours at the accusation against them. It's rare to see them get actually angry, but that insult digs deep into them, and they can't help but scowl. "What do you mean." They say it loud enough so that Flamewhisker hears. The last thing they'd ever do was harm a kit, and they surely haven't done what she's suggesting. Right?

Right? Unless...unless...Sunfreckle. They did think it weird that he had attacked out of nowhere, and there's an easy guess as to one of the reasons that could be. Maybe they did notice that his belly was swollen more than it should be, but that moment is all fuzzy inside their brain, as instinct took over in that moment. But they do know one thing...they kicked him directly in the stomach. Did they...?

"He had kits. He had kits, and I hurt him. Hurt them." For the first time possibly ever, they had a genuine look of terror on their face. It was almost as unsettling as the realization that just hit them. Their own stomach is in knots now, and they look down, eyes wild and unfocused. What did they do? What did they do?

As they were all led between the reeds and weaved through the paw-trodden paths of the borders, Hazecloud had began to think more distantly as her gaze wavered over the other side of the river. She had never dealt with ThunderClan head-on like most of her other peers, part of her feared for facing one of her former Marsh Colony friends more than anything. Though luckily things were to remain peaceful.

Hazecloud nodded in understanding to her patrol lead, and like moths to a flame the ThunderClanners crawled from between the ferns. They passed attempted pleasantries, their Lead Warrior not so much. Hazecloud looked to the other with concern after Flamewhisker stalked back into the forest. "Aspen?" Her silky tail brushed against Aspenhaze's briefly. It took a few moments to piece together what might of happened based on the murmurs. "Don't listen to that poison. Whatever happened, you're not responsible for risks someone else makes."

A glower burned at the ThunderClan warriors while she turned to shield Aspenhaze from their sights. "Let's continue the patrol. This is ridiculous. Maybe they should teach their queens to stay out of a fight." Spitting accusations when their own queen couldn't keep himself out of a battle? Hazecloud could hardly believe they weren't holding him accountable for his own mistake.
"Any maybe, you should mind your tongue." Batwing stated coldly as he padded out of the underbrush. He moved to stand beside Leopardtongue's other shoulder, his tail lashing. Batwing wasn't so forwardly kind, unlike the first pair that happened upon the patrol. Not after that kind of comment. His green optics had a lack of warmth, staring at those on the other side of the border. Regardless of anything that had or hadn't happened, it wasn't like words would change it now.

Batwing twitched his ears, giving a sidelong glance to the other warriors at his flank, before back towards the Riverclan cats. It wasn't like the cats here could be accountable for another's actions- not now. Mistakes happened. Riverclan agitating a fight now that the moment was in the past was something that Batwing would gladly meet claw to claw. He didn't bother to glance back where Flamewhisker stalked. The anger that shed off of her flank alone was enough to indicate Batwing where she stood. ​
Their brain continues racing even as they're being comforted, brain not able to handle it all. It was easy for them to fall into themself, but they usually did it in private, not wanting anyone to see them weak ever again. Right now though, they could care less. Hurting kits is the one thing in life that Aspenhaze consider the most sacrilege, as they're innocent. To think that they really aided in the pain of a's too much. But they're the patrol leader here...they have to compose themself. They can break later, when they're not being judged by ThunderClanners.

They look back up, water still seeping from the corners of their eyes despite them trying to at least fake being okay. They smile, though, at Hazecloud despite the struggle.
"I...I guess you're right. Thank you. But hey, what did I say about not making them mad?" They laugh, even though it's shaky and a bit hollow. Their gaze looks at Batwing, then back to Flamewhisker as they turn their head back down. "Yes, we should continue with our patrol. I give my condolences. I hope the kits make it..." If they don't, they'll forever blame themself.