private CHATTER BREAK - honeypaw


Jul 29, 2023
The nursery was fairly empty, though it wasn't really a big deal to Gracekit. He had never been one to run around and play or talk about things with his denmates. He mostly kept to his father's side, and when not with him, he usually just rested or watched the warriors and apprentices go about their business without getting in the way. Soon enough, he'd have work to do, but he was content to spend the rest of his kittenhood the same as he had been.

He was almost lulled to sleep by boredom - nothing interesting was really going on in camp with so many being confined to the medicine cat den - when out of the corner of his eyes, the cream tabby spotted one of the apprentices approaching. He recognized her as Honeypaw, and figured that she was here for her sister.

"Do you need something?" he asked, tilting his head. "I can find Chervilkit if you need me to."

// @honeypaw


sweet like honey
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Trailing back into camp after another harsh day of training, Honeypaw held a bird in her jaw that she carried with her head held high. Prey was growing increasingly scarce, and as it did, Honeypaw was becoming increasingly prouder about her ability to (only occasionally, though she wouldn't admit) catch prey. Her routine was one that some of her Clanmates had picked up on - upon coming back, she'd stop and groom herself at the entrance of the camp before dropping off her catch if she had one, and finally circling to the nursery. Her routine was shaken up slightly as the freshkill pile began to dwindle dangerously low. Honeypaw no longer idled in camp to decompress from the hunt, instead heading straight toward the nursery. The sun-hued molly almost tripped over the kit, gasping in surprise around the feathers in her mouth as Gracekit spoke up to her. Her fur ruffled in embarrassment, spitting the songbird out with a graceless pleh. "Hi, Gracekit," Honeypaw purrs a greeting, waving her feathery tail as she speaks. Honeypaw moves to the side to give the kit his space back. "I came with food! You can have some too, if you want. Chervilkit doesn't eat all that much." She motions a sundust paw at the prey. "You look bored out of your fur. You're almost an apprentice, right?" She couldn't remember how old Frostbite's kits were. She remembered them when they hadn't even opened their eyes yet! "Weeeell... I finished my training, so do you want to play something?"

"Oh, thanks." Gracekit murmurs softly, taking a moment to pluck some of the feathers from the bird. He'd use them to spruce up his nest perhaps - anything was better than just sitting and being bored.

Honeypaw reminds him of his impending apprenticeship, and in a way, he feels split in two. Yes, he wants to be an apprentice and be free from the confines of camp, but he knows there's a lot of work ahead of him. He's never been the most coordinated, so he'll probably mess up and fail a lot - and when the Clan needs him to do especially well too!

Gracekit sighs, forcing himself to nod in response. Maybe a game would help to improve his coordination, and it IS something to do, so instead of the usual refusal, he agrees. "Mmhm. I'll play. What do you have in mind?"
