cheap thrills — stuck in a trashcan


bad decisions make good stories 09/30/23
Feb 19, 2023
.you're a little ———


——— tragedy, aren't you.
———————— ————————
MISMATCHED OPTICS BLINKED OWLISHLY, STARING AT THE OBJECT of interest, tail twitching. “Doesn’t look that hard.” He mused head cocked. Quick in and out. I won’t be gone for long! The others won’t even know I wandered off. He thought with a nod of his helm. Easy peasy!

With a wiggle of his hind legs, Yuhwa flung himself into the trashcan in search of something edile to bring to camp, nose wiggling at the stench of rotten food. “I’ll never get used to the smell.” He mumbled, shaking his helm.

The chimera shuffled around, paw slapping away anything that wasn’t edible, finding a few things that looked promising until the sound of a door opening stopped the feline in his search. “Oh, shoot.” He squawked, hunkering down. Mismatched hues blinking owlishly as the twolegs ambled about.

Yuhwa peeked out from where he was hiding, head thumping against the lid with a startled trill. “I’m stuck.” A laugh bubbled up from his throat, paws pushing at the metal lid. What to do. What to do. His eyes adjust to the darkened space. His breath quickened, panic grazing at his insides.

“Is anyone out there?!” He thumped against the lid, body quivering. “Keane’s going to kill me.” He muttered, whiskers twitching. I just wanted food! That’s all I wanted!

Yuhwa whined, clawing at the lid, cheeks puffed in annoyance. What if no one came? No. The others would find me .. eventually. He frowned. I hope.

thoughts speech