pafp CHEAPEST THINGS LEFT + nightmare


it's hard to make the good things last ✦
Jan 29, 2024

———————————riverclan | apprentice | she/her——————————
tw: slight body horror, horror imagery

Cool night mist clung to the ground as a shadowy figure lumbered to her nest. Green eyes pierced dim light from the moon and shone with exhaustion. Her head hung low, and if her tail was a normal length, it would have been dragging on the ground. Turtlepaw's muscles groaned in protest with every step closer to her nest tucked away between familiar slumbering bodies. She had been pushing herself harder the past couple of nights. She could tell Snakeblink was going easy on her ever since he returned from her imprisonment.

The apprentice understood why her mentor would think she needed a break, but in her mind she knew that she had to be better. She couldn't let that happen again. Warriors were risking their life everyday and what had Turtlepaw done when danger reared its head? She froze and allowed herself to be dragged away into a monster. It couldn't happen again.

Turtlepaw clumsily stepped over sleeping bodies, murmuring a tired "sorry" to those she stepped on. Once her paws hit the familiar feeling of moss-lined reeds, she flopped into the comforting smell of sleep. A light crunch from her beetle collection (stashed neatly under a small moss clump) made her cringe, but she decided to check up on that in the morning. Now it was time for sleep.

Turtlepaw was alone in a dark wood, bracken crackling in a steady wind. A metallic smell permeated the air, the same the "cage" (as Oddfish called it) carried. She shuddered and attempted to press further into the bracken, wanting to be home with Snakeblink and Moonbeam. The metallic smell must have been blocking the smell of wet mud and fresh fish, because she couldn't scent home at all. As her nose hit the bracken, Turtlepaw found that it wouldn't budge. She growled, deep and angry, as she pushed on the bracken with her paws, finding it not moving despite her effort. "Oh, come on!" She cried out.

Before her eyes, the bracken began to turn silvery and shiny despite the lack of moonlight in the clearing she was in. It glinted tauntingly and shifted into neat, straight lines. No. No. No. Not again. Turtlepaw's heartbeat pounded and her breath grew rapid and frantic. "Not again!" A cage, again. A cage to keep her from the only life she knew. Like last time, the apprentice flung herself at the cage and felt a sob rising in her chest when she realized she still wasn't strong enough to burst through.

Giant fleshy paws reached down from all directions and began to pull at her pelt. Her skin stretched and ripped from her body like when she would pull fur from prey. She cried out in protest and could not move against them. They poked and prodded her, grabbing at her limbs and stealing her pelt. A thin wail left her and her limbs eventually gave way, popping from her body. They stole her eyes, her ears, and every part of her she needed to find home and be safe again. The world was muffled and cold as they continued to take and take and take from her, and all Turtlepaw could do was scream.

In the waking world, Turtlepaw thrashed in her nest with limbs flailing and soft whines leaving her. She was trapped there in her mind, unable to leave the nightmare. Her paw crashed in to her nest-neighbor's backside, but she didn't notice.

[penned by muddly].

ooc: please wait for @Magpiepaω to be violently waken up by turt's super-midsleep kick!​
Nightmares were something they had become quite accustomed to. Ever since the night their sister had been taken they had had violent nightmares for what felt like weeks but it had only been a few days. They had subsided now but they lingered and stroked with coaxing claws at the back of their mind. Lately, they hadn’t had any sort of dream or anything it was merely blackness and quiet. The soft snores of denmates around them and breathing- peaceful almost if it hadn’t been for waking up even more tired than they went to bed with.

Magpiepaw had been resting in their nest and listening to the soft chirping of cicadas in the distance. They hadn’t yet found sleep, it took a while for them to sleep it seemed, but they had been zoned-out in their own thoughts. Thinking about what they needed to do the next day, what they could do while they were out, what everyone was up to, did Lichenstar have dreams? That question made them snort a little to themselves and they curled tighter around their tail. That was silly, of course they did cause who didnt have a dream?

The young apprentice picked up on rustling in the distance and figured it was a clan mate getting up to go to dirt place or something. Though the whimpers were something they hadn’t been expecting to pick up on though and it made them furrow their closed eyes a little. The black and white apprentice twitched its ear slightly before settling back down- when they were slam kicked in the back.

This made the cat jolt upright and yelp with surprise and slight pain from the impact. What the hell? What was that for! Were they breathing too loudly or something? Magpiepaw whipped their head around to snap and bite at the culprit for being rude, they could’ve just said so, but then the rude tone was bit back on their tongue. Their blue gaze found the silver charcoal coat of Turtlepaw in the darkness, and she looked like she was writhing and in- distress?

Pushing themselves a little to turn around in their nest, Magpiepaw reached out a white, front paw and nudged the other apprentice. While their back now ached with being swatted at they tried to ignore it in favor of seeing if their clan mate was okay. “Turtlepaw! Turtlepaw- you okay?” They hissed quietly into the den.​


Don’t Try To Fix Me