pafp check out in the fast lane - Questions


oh look, a squirrel!
Jul 15, 2023
Darlin' dont quit your daydream

She had questions, many many questions for this leader of the thundercats. Mouse dung! (She had heard that from others, and apparently 'shit' wasn't something she could say because it was 'inappropriate'. ) Thunderclanners! And it took a bit of looking to find Howlingstar again. She seemed so nice! When she stood up on the rock though, there was a feeling that Tigerkit felt everyone felt. Respect, Authority. A leader!!

So as she pulled forward when she found the female, and came to a 'screeching stop', there was no sound, but she could barely stop her paws from where she was trying to stop- her brown, orange, and white pelt slid straight into @HOWLINGSTAR.

"Oof! Sorry!" she squealed, shaking her head before looking up to the leader with jade green eyes wide in an awe. "I was looking for you! Are you busy? Can I talk to you? I wanna ask you things, well, a lottaaaa things! But you seem so super busy! So I don't wanna bother you... if you're too busy!" Her eyes filled with curiousity, her paws shuffling beneath her frame and antsy trying to refrain from running circles in excitement.

She had to visibly bite her lip to stop the questions to begin pouring from her maw.

thought speech
Howlingstar doesn't notice the kit right away. Her mind is busy with thoughts of patrols and assessments and troubles at the border. Not to mention the eerie sickness that has now downed several of her warriors. Lost in thought, she jumps in surprise when a furry lump slams into her leg. "Oh! Hello, Tigerkit!" She purrs once she realizes who it had been. Relaxing, she swishes her tail and tilts her head slightly. Well, she is busy, but she certainly has some time to entertain a young mind. "What would you like to ask me?" She mews with a chuckle in her tone, leaning back to sit on her haunches.

"Oooo! Is the great Howlingstar about to be interrogated?" Shiningsun cooed playfully as he watched Tigerkit approach the leader. Just what would be asked? It was an opportunity too good to miss out in regards to learning more about the she-cat, so he hurried his way over before plopping himself down close to the pair so he could listen to every detail.
Darlin' dont quit your daydream

As Howlingstar agreed, she gave a little hop in excitement. She took a moment to realign all the questions, and it was that time that Shiningsun approached. "Intearo...?" She broke up the syllables, her eyebrows narrowing and her multicoloured head tilting in confusion.

But then she would inhale, her head pulling back with her shoulders, visibly taking in a breath before beginning her first load of questions. "So you're a leader, right, you got everyones eyes drawn on you, and you lead everyone with this respect you have earned! So that makes every cat love you and adore you, right? It seems like a lot of the other kits, like me, like pretending to be a leader, but How'd you get there? Do you like being a leader? Do you wish you werent sometimes? Like, have any..." She paused searching the ground for less than a second, as if the ground told her the word she needed. "Regrets becoming a leader? I know even i have these regret things, like one time i accidentally knocked my mom into a river, and boy, she was not happy! Or like, eating a butterfly one time. That wasn't tasty."

Her lips seemed to peel back in a face of disgust. She could still remember that distaste. For now, Her stampede of questions would be paused, still having many more, but she wanted to listen to how she responded to the load first.

thought speech

Regrets. Doubts. Hollow Tree felt the weight of that. More than ever these days. She never thought her mother felt those things. Howling Wind was always the strongest cat she ever knew. It was hard to imagine that the leader would ever doubt themselves. But at the end of the day, Howling Wind was a cat like anyone else in camp. Everyone had their regrets.

She keeps to herself. Almost curling into herself. The warrior waits to hear what Howlingstar says. ""
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]

It seems Howlingstar was Tigerkit's newest conversation victim. The tabby smiles softly, and decides to see what the kit wanted to chit chat about. Tigerkit asks Howlingstar questions about leadership, and Flamewhisker feels herself raising an eye brow. She would be lying if she said she wasn't curious as well. It was hard to imagine their leader regretting her ascension, apart from having to lose Emberstar first...that had hurt the entire clan as a whole.

She sits beside Shiningsun, offering the younger warrior a friendly head dip in greeting. Her attention then flicks to the tabby leader, trying her best to not look too interested. She was far from a kit...but it was hard to not be interested. Sometimes she liked to imagine herself in Howlingstar's place.
  • flamegal.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — 24 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey !
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball​
Stormpaw hovered near her mother, finding comfort with Flamewhisker's ginger fur not too far from wherever Stormpaw stood. Tigerkit's innocence contrasted heavily against the gloom that had blanketed camp like a heap of snow. Stormpaw had not remembered Emberstar's reign—she had been merely a kitten when their founding leader was torn apart by dogs. So she had never really known how Howlingstar got to be leader. She had never thought to ask that. The tricolor apprentice's ears twitched in interest and she glanced over at their leader with her eyes half-narrowed in curiosity.