private CHECKIN' IN TO A HOSPITAL ⸝⸝₊・shellkit



The night would be eerily quiet and still if Eveningkit hadn't picked this particular time to sneak into the medicine cat's den. Her eyes glow in the darkness, and she almost trips over something, but she is determined not to wake Moonpaw up. Thank StarClan it's just her- and immediately, her heart and stomach twist with guilt over knowing how devastated everyone was over Ravensong's disappearance. But still... it's undeniable that Eveningkit's mission is much easier with just one cat to avoid. She looks over her shoulder one more time to ensure nobody noticed her and started trailing her, and then she is by Shellkit's side in a heartbeat.

Little paws tuck themselves underneath herself, flattening herself to Shellkit's side like sap. It's comfortable this way, or so she hopes, and Eveningkit can keep her warm like this. A purr wets her nose and makes it glisten, but she cannot even feel embarrassed about it right now. Shellkit has been having a runny nose all this time anyway.

Eveningkit rubs her cheek against Shellkit's shoulder just for good measure. She's never been one to avoid physical contact, but seeing her sister this sickly and in pain makes her crave this familiar intimacy even more. "How are you?"


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    ────── SHE/HER ✦ PENNED BY KARMEN ✦ 04/15
  • @shellkit

she feels aged here ; nestled centerfold in moss bedding too large for her, herb - dotted greenery woven with feathers and pebbles her brother had rolled through the medic's sedge curtain. comfort is fleeting, however much she cradles and etches to memory the waving colors of many gifted river stones. cold, sharp - scented, all shadows and stone when moonpaw wasn't around to lull her into a fitful sleep with a soft, absentminded story. shellkit had woken alone this time, valepaw slumbering at the far corners and their medicine cat apprentice curled off to the side, a gentle snore all to be heard over the rumble of cicada song just outside their riverlined walls. brief panic wracks her, but a whisper of alabaster glow through the hatchwoven thistle overhead promises safety ; a watchful eye. she takes a breath, river - ridden wind soothes.

her plumelike tail wraps tight around a billowing flank, thin paws tucked close to a heaving chest when she hears it -- psst. an ear swivels before she so much as opens bleary eyes, glimpsing the fleshy pink of her second lid through a sudden blister of moonlight, ” evie? “ pinwhistle breath, a nervous glance back towards where a strawberry - ribboned coat still billows in deep, overworked sleep. she thinks she sees an ear twitch, but maybe its the nerves, the fear, the trembling of reed thin limbs that thinks cant do anything, cant do anything, ” moonpaw is, um -- “ just over there she goes to say, but her sister is already ducking in, pressing to a frosted side and warmth. familiarity. lily curled fur tangles in gentle blue and she relaxes, sniffs against the sudden tightness in her throat. her tail unwinds from herself, flourishes to envelop the young molly to a thinning side.

she wasnt supposed to be around anyone, not until moonpaw figured out what kept her nose wettened, her chest rattling with sickness. its selfish, and dangerous, but when the molly rubs a kit - fluffed cheek against the jut of her shoulder, shellkit couldn't tell her to leave, ” im.. okay. hurts but, the honey.. is good. “ a splintering croak, broken with a purr that falls gently in line with eveningkit's. she wants to tell her about the honeycomb, the dried bee dwelling tidesong had brought for them to see moons ago, but it doesnt seem quite right. instead, she takes a shaking breath, touches her nose tenderly to the spot between eveningkit's shoulderblades. ” glad to see you, though. miss you. “ she hadn't been able to get near them, not since her move to the medicine den. she wonders briefly if pebblepaw or riverpaw felt the loss as much as she did -- if the apprentices den took away the longing, the loneliness. she swallows hard, winces against the rawness in her throat, ” how's.. mama? “ hazecloud. she thinks of snowflakekit, though not for the first time. was she scared because of what happened too, like shellkit got sometimes? her stomach churns.

the thought isnt as comforting as she hoped.

  • i.

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    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush in a way seemingly similar to hazecloud's. tufted elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined rheumy, rosen amber. the anemic cold pink - purple at tender paws and nose tell a lifetime of sickness, further made obvious by the feathering weakness in half - whispered tones.
    currently HIGHLY INFECTIOUS WITH WHITECOUGH. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.

Shellkit doesn't push her away, and Eveningkit couldn't be happier. She had expected her sister to recoil at the idea, to submit to the notion of being so ill that family has to come visit, to come face to face with the fact that she is here while her brothers are already trailing after their mentors to learn the way of a warrior. There's no way Eveningkit could possibly retort, either; for all the wit and sharp tongue within her mouth, she wouldn't be able to take such a thing from Shellkit. Mostly because she understands, as much as a kit without the ever-present sickness can understand.

No, Shellkit simply lets surprise fade into acceptance. Her voice beckons and her tail wraps around Eveningkit. "I missed you," she lets it slip into the warm breaths shared between the two of them.

"We should get more bees." That one slips in just as easily, without much thought put into it. Her nose is buried within Shellkit's fur and the moss lining her nest, burrowing deeper. "More honey for you! Is Moonpaw giving you enough?"

Something stirs in the dark. Eveningkit freezes but doesn't have the smarts to stop her eyes from widening, unblinking, staring like a deer caught in headlights, the yellows surely being highlighted in the night. Moonpaw has merely shifted in her sleep, settling in once again with a deep exhale.


The danger behind their happy reunion is quickly forgotten when Shellkit echoes Eveningkit's earlier sentiment right between her shoulder blades. She purrs, wondering if it'd help Shellkit recover faster. "She misses you too. But I think..." her voice drops to a whisper, mischief in her eyes. "She might be glad that you're still Shellkit." No projecting here, not at all. "Do y'know when you'll be out? It's not the same without you."