cheekbones and glitter | herb patrol, phase iv

One could say Cherryblossom is a veteran of finding herbs in the snow. Sometimes she wishes she were still on that Journey, trudging through it thousands of tree-lengths above this forest, the scents of all five clans blending together on the clean white canvas of the mountains. Sometimes she imagines she still is, and a quick glance to her right will reveal the fiery form of Scorchpaw through the pale curtain, and when she closes her eyes all that will come to mind are her friends waiting back home.

It's absurd of her to miss weathering the exact same hardships, only in another setting, and she recognizes it. Which is why she dogs her own pawsteps through the blizzard, resolutely shutting her ears against the wind and cursing that she can't do the same with her thoughts. She clenches her jaw, but not to keep her teeth from chattering. When I get back to camp, I'll brush all the snowballs out from my belly... No, I'll start with my back so it doesn't melt first... They would've done it for me...

She's distracted by a sudden pop of green. The little white flowers are all crumbling with chill, and the leaves are brittle and shriveled, but the herb clings stubbornly to the dull verdure it has left. She looks at it with tired, flaxen eyes, her hungry brain trying to rouse recognition into the body.

It takes a few tugs, but she gets most of it out in the end. The calico warrior traipses back towards the patrol with her precious bundle, giving only the slightest of nods to those who lift their heads towards her. She can hardly make out anything over the wind anyway, and it seems none of them are in the mood to yell.

ooc: rolled a 15 (rare herbs) + 3 (chills)!

After her last outing, Howlfire had forced herself - or more accurately, had been advised by her brother - to stay in and rest. Clearly, it had been a bit too cold that day, for she had struggled to get warm in the days following, shivering away in her nest feeling awfully sorry for herself. She seemed to have recovered, but even now, close behind Cherryblossom, she could swear she could feel the cold gnawing on her bones.

Howlfire hadn't been so eager to come on this patrol in truth. Not because she didn't want to help, but because after the last time she had searched for herbs, she had been unable to find anything of use. The chocolate torbie is still searching among the frost, when the younger she-cat returns, clutching a precious green herb in her mouth. Howlfire is not well versed in herbs to know what it is she's looking at, but despite its slight withered state, it seems like it might be usable. Howlfire caught the she-cat's gaze and gave her a curt nod, silently congratulating her for her success in getting something to bring back to camp. She could only hope that the same success would grace her. Alas, either it was because she could scarcely see, or simply all the herbs were too far gone, but again, she found nothing worth bringing to camp. She caught the attention of a nearby clanmate and with a heavy sigh, she shook her head in disappointment. Perhaps somebody else might have more luck than she was...

/ rolled a 1 for no herbs, and a 10 for frostbite :(
Crowsight is thankful for his abundance of fur, but he also dreads the sickly sensation of snow clinging to his pelt. Like Cherryblossom, he contemplates how he should go about it. Should he start with his belly? So his kits wouldn't get wet? They were not big enough to reach his back and clung to his legs at times. Of course he could ask them nicely to help him. He doubts they would say no, as they would get to bond with him as well. However, he doesn't want them to get sick. He is fortunate not to come down with anything yet, but it's only a matter of time before he is sent to the medicine cat den to recover.

Despite his time with Fireflyglow, he has yet to know what plants are herbs and what aren't. He's more accustomed to cobwebs and moss. Nevertheless he has vague memories of what plants he's seen around. What their uses for is lost for him, but not all plants were leafy. Though, it made things more difficult on his end to figure out what would be useful. Big black paws shift powdery white, to find green. Carefully, the black smoke harvests his find. Chills run down his spine as he returns to the group, noting Howlfire's heavy sigh and disappointment. "It's alright. Who knows if I even got anything Firefly can use. We still have to find prey and bring stuff to keep our nests warm." All he can hope is that Howlfire doesn't take his words the wrong way.

Rolled a 1 (chills) and 17 (rare herbs)! 2 POINTS
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There's been a slight cough that's been following Owlheart like a shadow for the past day, stubbornly she insists that it's fine and still trudges out through the snow to join another patrol. She looks to her sister for guidance, as she often does. Unsure if it's because of that deputy position she once held or if it was because Cherryblossom is just her older sister, it could truly be a matter of both. Her throat once again grows tight but she tries to shrug it off, instead keeping her gaze to the ground in an attempt to find herbs.

She thinks to ask Crowsight if he may know anything about what herbs would be useful. Though she doesn't want to assume that just because the two are brothers that her mate would have insight to what herbs are useful. Would that be considered judgemental? She would hate to be thought of as such, not that she truly thinks the smoke would but.... There's that lingering doubt. So instead she decides to keep her thoughts to herself and sniff along the snow covered plants until she found something useful. Stubborn determination dictated that she would be out here all day if she had to, she knows that she can't fault her children for being sick but she grows concerned that her kin are taking so many supplies without there being some kind of balance of giving back.

She is eventually successful, while it's not herbs per say she is able to gather a plentiful amount of cobwebs. This wasn't what she had in mind but she would rather this then be empty pawed. "You're okay Howlfire, we can take this back to camp and try again?" She echoes her mates encouraging words with a polite smile. She can understand the frustration of not finding anything, but she doesn't want the lead warrior to give up.

  • ooc. Rolled a 8 for herbs (1 point) and 13 for health (whitecough)
    She / her ||Warrior of SkyClan || 19 moons
    An orange tabby with low white and an owls feather tucked in her tail.
    Mates with Oddgleam and Crowsight | Mother to Pearlkit, Cuckookit, Morningkit, Brightkit and Ravenkit.
    Mentoring Hollypaw
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
"H-hey guys is anyone else dr-opping their herbs ... ?" Hawkspine manages, ducking his head once more to pick up the scattering of comfrey leaves he'd managed to cobble together. He's pretty sure he's found some catmint, unaware that he's wrong in this assessment: with his stuffy nose he can't be sure. He presses close to Howlfire as if the presence of his mother would immediately solve his rattling. It doesn't, but it soothes him somewhat, and that soothing helps him keep a hold of the leaves. He offers her a contented glance, an attempt at a purr rumbling in his chest, appreciative of his mentor's now-less-common presence at his side.

health: 4 (chills)
gathering: 11 (1 point)