pafp CHELSEA DAGGER // joiners


Asshole With A Heart of Gold
Sep 20, 2022
//Please wait for @KAZENIKURA with Jinn, thanks!

It was hard to miss the unmistakable stench of a well marked clan border. Usually such a thing would earn a prickle of his fur and a snarl but not this time. On this particular occasion it was precisely what he had been seeking. Now came the hard part; sitting and waiting for a passing patrol. Old instincts urged him to simply waltz across without a care, but if he wanted any hope of becoming part of SkyClan he knew he had to reign himself in.

Fortunately he had not come alone and already he found himself looking to Jinn for support in an emotional way. "If it looks like I'm about to do something stupid don't hesitate to cut me off. You have a better way with words than I do." He knew what he could be like when old habits threatened to overcome him, and he honestly wasn't great when it came to respecting figures of authority.

Breathing in deep, he decided that it was time to make themselves known to the clan beyond. "Oi! We're here to join yer clan! Provided that the twolegs haven't scared ya off!" He called out in a sharp tone, baring his teeth as a matter of habit rather than that of aggression. He was aware of their situation through the chatter on the streets, plus he could already smell the lingering stench of twoleg even there at the border. He could have picked a better time for this, but it was too late now for reconsiderations.

Jinn stood patiently by his friend's side while making sure not to cross the border. His attention was fixed on the other side to listen after any sign of life from the forest. His eyes under the meantime were observing the trees after movement. The only time he would drop his attention from their surrendings were when Talon seeked their attention. " Don't worry i've your back." he would ensure them with a smile. For a moment he felt positive about this but that quickly turned out to become a challenge. Straight away Talon showed exactly why clan life would become difficult for them.

Jinn couldn't help but feel amused with how quickly the tide could turn and how bad his friend actually was to give a good first impression. Just like he had promised though he was there to help their friend out. Jinn took a step closer, his eyes briefly moving to the forest to search for movements or glowing eyes before he leaned closer to his friend, that smile staying on his maw. " Perhaps you should let me handle the talking moving forward." he titled his head a bit at them while observing his friends facial expression. " And uhm, maybe hide your teeth. I think a smile would be alot more charming. " he pointed a paw at his own maw to show how a smile was supposed to look like. If anything he was curious if Talon even knew how to smile.


From the treetops, the Lead Warrior watched as the faraway figures moved closer and closer to SkyClan's borders, his limbs tensing like a snake coiling to strike. With Twolegs promising the swift capture of any careless cat was a rare thing for the silver tabby to be out near the borders, and even rarer for him to utilise his home's climbing techniques. Today, however, his claws gripped into the dark wood and his eyes peered out from behind the new leaf sprigs his tufted ears shooting forwards as the taller one's voice rang through the area. Silversmoke thought them to be rogues, lacking the general air of haughty indifference of kittypets and their many, many accessories, but he still felt his throat tighten from uncertainty. He slapped a thin twig with an extended forepaw and watched as it fell towards the ground, executed to let the strangers know where he was. The tabby maneuvered closer to the edge of the branch and straightened his posture, his narrowed eyes twitched as he looked down at the pair as if trying to deduce their motivations. Rogues were seldom any better than kittypets nowadays, two different types of evils that both worked to harm his clan. At least these two were asking to be rid of that lifestyle.

"If you think some simple Twoleg tricks would scare us off, then you've been hearing the wrong rumours about SkyClan." He spoke plainly. A nod of greetings was offered and of appreciation for not crossing the borders as so many had done prior. It was then that he noticed the grimace of the first cat, so aggressive in the perception of one used to fighting that it made his tail sway as if battered by a violent wind. "You respect our rules, that's at least something." He huffed, wondering how best to handle the situation. The issue of acceptance was one normally passed over to Orangeblossom or Blazestar, but with the former now stuck in the nursery and the latter likely busy, he had to wonder if Thistleback would be around to give the pair the right to join - did he want Thistleback to be around for that? He wouldn't forget his peer's decision to traumatise an entire clan anytime soon. "Have you got names?!" He called down, voice strained from underuse. There was a croak in it he refused to cough out, not until he was certain the brutish rogue was out of earshot.

More rogues, this time two of them. The Ragdoll's fur is bristling again, and he cannot force it to lie flat this time. Their scents also don't seem familiar, but can he be so sure? He doesn't spend enough time smelling the damned things to know if they're the ones who drew claws on his child. And, as Silversmoke pointed out gruffly to himself, they were maintaining boundaries, unlike the other awful marauders.

The Ragdoll is not in the trees like his lead warrior; as is befitting of his breed and abilities, he stands regally among the pine needles littering the forest floor. The leader gives both rogues a curt nod, indicating they shoulder answer Silversmoke's question. "Who are you, and what are your intentions?" His tone is neither friendly nor aggressive. He sits, waiting for them to respond.

It was going to be a miracle if Talon made it through proceedings without irritating at least one clan cat, though he would at least attempt to avoid that. But his mouth had a habit of running itself before he could think things through. Though what Jinn said did leave him somewhat confused and it made his expression waver as his lips closed back over his teeth. "But... I was smiling." Was there something wrong with the way that he did it?

Still, there wasn't time to correct his facial expression as the clan cats made themselves known to the pair. Do or die, right? "Good to know that you've got some guts then." He remarked in response to Silversmoke before internally scolding himself since he ought to really leave the talking to Jinn. But he was finding it hard to avoid speaking. Their names are requested though so he decides to share those at least, he couldn't cock that up."The name's Talon, this here is Jinn." There, he managed to say it. Not that hard really. "We wanna join." After sharing the short version of the reasoning he then decided to look to Jinn for further confirmation about their reasoning for being there.

From within the boughs of a tree, orange eyes narrow to slits. The voices of strangers filter into his ears, interrupting the sound of shifting leaves and pine needles—Cloudberrythorn yawns. A frown twists across his pale muzzle, hearing the voices of clanmates a few moments after. Silversmoke, he recognizes as one of the voices. The other doesn’t say enough to pin the cat who’s speaking, so he reluctantly pulls himself from his perch.

Alabaster paws dance lightly between branches, interspersed with the occasional powerful leap and graceful landing. When Silversmoke comes into view, his gaze trails to the forest floor, where three particularly unpleasant figures stand. Blazestar, facing down a pair of strangers. Cloudberrythorn takes a place a few tail-lengths away from the warrior, listening as one of the outsiders introduces them both. "Jinn and Talon…" he mutters, glaring down at the two. The spidery one says they intend to join the clan, and Cloudberrythorn looks to Blazestar again, awaiting the reaction of the leader.
[ just a side character ]

It was amusing that he would even call that for a smile. Jinn should have known this was going to be Talons best attempt at looking friendly. Nothing to do about it for now then since they had company already. His attention would shift up to the trees there he spoted two cats one of them speaking first while the other remained silent for now. The silver tabby at least didn't seem offended which was something. Their dire situation had not made their mood grow sour which was a good thing to look at it for two joiners like them anyway.

Talon did not follow his advice instead deciding to interact with the clanners which had been expected, at least he was more careful with his words this time. That brought a smile to his maw. A third cat joined them but this one was coming out from the pine trees to approach them on the ground. Jinn would politely dip his head at them as Talon introduced both of them, a sign of respect and good manners. " It's an honor to get to be in the presence of three skyclan warriors." he would look up a friendly warm smile shining on his maw which lived up this otherwise tense interaction between them because he had eyes to see with. The cats living in the trees were wary of them.

" Like my friend just said we're here wishing to join your clan if you will have us. Both of us know how to hunt and fight. We both have experience living in the wild and if you will let us we would use our skills to serve your clan and follow your traditions and laws. " He wasn't sure what else he should say to make them look like useful tools for the clan to use like they pleased. That was the only experience he had with cooperation groups like this one. Nothing more, nothing less.

Blazestar narrows his eyes, half in thought and half in suspicion. The black-pelted cat seems a little rough around the edges, but his ivory-pelted friend is courteous and well-spoken. They had clearly come here with knowledge of SkyClan's existence, which makes him vaguely wonder if they had been with Vermilionsun at one point. "We've had a lot of trouble with rogues," he says. His prejudice flares. Howlpaw had been murdered by one, and Fireflypaw had been assaulted by a pair of them on their own territory. He wants nothing to do with them in general, but... "Why do you want to join SkyClan? Tell me that."

// after your next posts as long as they don't say anything crazy you can start posting in the boards! he's suspicious but since they've been polite he will begrudgingly allow them to join

  • Love

Rogues?. Was that how they looked at them?. Jinn blinked slowly, puzzled by this assumption the clanners had made of them. " We've never associate us with groups like that. Talon has always been a loner walking the streets and i...used to be a traveller who was curious to see and explore the world around me. It was only when we find each other that we realized that company was quite..nice." He briefly shared a look with Talon to give them a warm smile. Jinn did not let his gaze stay on them for long as he was back to facing the tom who he started to puzzle together must be the leader of this group. With how he held himself and carried this conversation forward it made sense. He looked like a leader to him anyway.

" We've lived past our adventures as youths and is now searching for a place to call our home where we can grow old and serve honorable for many months to come. We have heard a lot of good things about your clan and how your clan is more accepting and willing to give cats like us a fair chance, and not judge us for our appearance or backgrounds. That's difficult to come across. " which he had heard the other clans did who wouldn't be so accepting to take in outsiders such as themselves. " You take care of each other like a family." he pauses as his gaze shifts up towards the sky with a dreamy smile. " That's something i wanna be a part of. "

Talon couldn't lie that Jinn had a way with words. Better than his own anyway, which was why he was content to let the other tom handle the main brunt of the affair. Though some of what Jinn said regarding their reasoning for wanting to join didn't exactly capture the way that Talon would put things. Brash or not, he wanted to actually share what was in the depths of his heart. "The kittypets in your clan, they probably felt it, that pull that urges you out into the lands beyond the stone dens. Like an itch that only gets worse the longer you deny it. It's only when you set foot into the forest that you truly feel... right. Have you ever felt like that yourself? I want to keep feeling it, and this seems like my best bet."

The tom let slip a sigh as he reflected on what they were learning from the short interaction. So rogues had been causing a stir with SkyClan recently? Unfortunate, but he held no association with it. Though he could see why they were being treated with suspicion. "The rogue groups in twolegplace are bold, to say the least. I've had plenty of run ins with them, seen the horrors they leave in their wake. Must admit sleeping in a safer place like SkyClan would be a blessing." Maybe he could finally stop sleeping with one eye open.

The white-pelted tom looks disgruntled by Blazestar's label of rogue, and he explains they are travelers and nothing more. He speaks of wanting a place to grow old, and Blazestar can reluctantly understand that. The Twolegplace was no such place unless you were a kittypet. Cats died terrible deaths there, starving or hit by monsters or slain by another territorial cat. He knows only by stories he's heard, some by Slate, some by Silversmoke, but he believes it. Jinn states that SkyClan looks after one another like family, and Blazestar's exhale is soft with agreement.

The darker feline speaks to Blazestar's experience. Yes, he'd felt that itch Talon speaks of... many moons ago, before any of the five Clans existed in the forest, before StarClan dwelled among the stars. He'd been lulled by the moon, the scent of the wilderness, and a green-eyed she-cat who had changed his perception of wild cats forever.

His expression grows sad as he thinks of Little Wolf, of the pine group led by honorable Rain. He has never felt old before, but in this moment, he feels as if a thousand years stood between the Blazestar he is now and the Blaise who had bumbled into the forest.

"SkyClan could use more fighters, if you're willing to put your claws to use defending our territory and your Clanmates." He curls his tail around his big golden paws. "And you know how to hunt, of course, though I warn you it's a bit different in this part of the forest. I expect you'll learn quickly by shadowing some of the experienced warriors." He nods to the silver lead warrior beside him. "Of course, I must warn you... Twolegs have infested our territory. We've had many cats taken to Twolegplace, and we suspect there will be more if nothing changes." He flicks his ears. "I want you to be aware.

"I'm Blazestar, the leader of SkyClan. It seems you've heard quite a bit about us already." He fixes them both with an unreadable dark blue gaze. "Yes, I will allow you to join our ranks. You may follow us back to camp."

// out

So the clan needed more fighters? That was definitely something that they could provide, neither was weak and both knew how to use their claws thanks to living on the streets. At least they had a purpose and now the access to chase a dream that had plagued him for so long now. Talon visibly began to relax now that the main tension of worry was allayed, and he couldn't stop himself from shooting Jinn a smile of approval. "We've lived around grabby twolegs all our lives, we know how ta avoid 'em." With the invitation to accompany the leader back to camp the black tom wasted no time in following him.
