pafp cherry bomb — prank ( camp )


tell me, i'll listen 08/17/23
Apr 4, 2023
.fight it, or accept it ———


——— fear it, or control it.
———————— ————————
AMBER HUED OPTICS CRINKLED IN TANDEM WITH THE CURL OF HIS LIPS, pulling the darkened flesh into a cheeky grin. His willowy tail twitched, letting out a snicker as he wiggled on his haunches, peaking from his spot where he hid a dozen feathers drenched in sticky syrup that he stole from his older brother.

Pollux stood, watching from afar with a deadpan expression, shaking his helm. The amber-hued male knew his brother well enough to know the other sighed in exasperation. Just you wait, Pollux! You’ll laugh, too! He thought with a nod of determination. Of course, he made sure no one excepted what he was about to do. It was to boost morale, of course! After all the catnapping, what else than a good laugh? Just because he had a good reason, didn’t mean he had an alternative motive. I better have timed this right. He thought with a twitch of his whiskers.

The black-and-white male shuffled, grinning behind his paw. It had to work otherwise all that hard work in stealing Youkai’s feathers would have gone to waste and he couldn’t have that. Probably should find some more. He thought, making a mental note to do before Youkai noticed. Unless he already did. He winced. Definitely fucked if that happens.

please wait for @orangeblossom ^^

thoughts speech
She'd left camp for all of a few moments. In and out of the dirtplace, pausing only for a short conversation with a warrior on the way back; and, unaware of the tragedy about to befall her, Orangeblossom had taken to mentally preparing herself for a long afternoon of fielding questions from Sorrel and doing very little else otherwise. Such was the life of an expecting queen. The deputy hesitates by the entrance of camp, looking at the hubbub of apprentices chatting and warriors sharing tongues, and she takes a deep breath before she steps back into the heart of SkyClan.

Or at least she tries to.

Her pelt sticks.

Orangeblossom whips her head around to where her pelt has snagged on something, ears twitching backwards at the sight of her long fur tangled in sap and feathers. What? She tugs again, and her fur comes free - but a pawful of dark feathers come with it, glued to wispy strands of white and weighing the strands down to just get stuck further into her pelt.

"What?" She says, aloud this time. If she weren't so baffled, she might have recognised the feathers Duskpool had been gifted, or noticed Shadowfire snickering from across the camp. But for now, she does not; maybe a different SkyClanner would put two and two together.

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3

moving briskly through camp, eveningpaw notices orangeblossom coming back in. she pairs the twitch of her ear with a smile to greet the deputy, but it seemed she was a tad... pre-occupied.

light fur marred by feathers coated in sap, eve raises a brow. what in starclan's name had she gotten into? surely it wasn't on purpose, the look of shock plastered on the molly's face secured that hunch. so what exactly had happened here? it had to be the work of some trickster within camp, too convenient to be a random occurrence. whoever had done it was either very very brave, or cared little for their ears. what an unfortunate victim to walk into such a prank. "you okay?" she offers tentatively, fighting off the urge to laugh at the predicament the expecting deputy found herself in. whatever had happened, the tortie would be sure to put herself on orangeblossom's good side here. someone else would feel her ire, someone that was not her.

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Shrimpy Boy draws in a sharp breath, aghast at the sight that lay in the mouth of camp. Seeing Orangeblossom all tarred and feathered was bewildering enough, but watching on as the deputy has to pry her own pelt free nigh on upsets the daylight warrior. His jaw clenches as he takes in the scene, a deep frown creasing his forehead. Had this antic been some wily attempt at humour, it'd certainly missed the mark. That one of his clanmates gets pleasure out of causing another's embarrassment is a fact which does not sit well with him. Not at all.

He walks en route to the befouled second-in-command, following in Eveningpaw's stead on languid pawsteps. "This is a sticky situation," he would remark upon approaching, sparing a sympathetic look to the pregnant molly. "I didn't see who'd done this, but whoever's responsible better brace themselves for justice." Justice that he himself wouldn't serve, mind you. There are more pressing matters still to carry out on his imagined itinerary. All the same, Shrimpy Boy hoped the threat fell naught on deaf ears—it'd set a nasty precedent going forward if such cruelty went unchecked.


The movement of their sister, Eveningpaw, is what caught dual colored eyes from their spot beside the apprentices' den. Briarpaw lifted their head from where is rested on front white paws and tilted their head to the side idly. What was she up too? Watching as Eveningpaw approached Orangeblossom as she was entering the camp entrance, and Briarpaw idly recalled seeing Duskfire over there moments before. Though they didn't know what he had been up too while over there- they had assumed some important warrior duty.

Rising onto white paws, Briarpaw moved across the camp curiously and popped up beside their sister with a blink or two before completely bursting out laughing. Orangeblossom had gotten stuck! Now she had sap and feathers plastered to her side! Briarpaw put a paw over his mouth to stiffle the sound but the loud snort of amusement would surely not be covered.

"Sticky indeed," She amusedly spoke to Shrimp, tip of her white tail twitching back and forth as she tried to contain the snicker."SPEECH"


  • //
  • BRIARPAW devoted and loved
    — they/fae/she; 5 months; single; lesbian mongamist
    — Skyclan Apprentice; mentored by BEARHEART
    — Snarky, hesitant and a little bit of a over achiever

    casual character. penned by wolf.​
  • Untitled48_20230412141835.png
  • Haha
Reactions: ThistleBack
it’s the sound of suppressed laughter that draws his focus from the remnants of a chipmunk that lies splayed open between cream - toned paws. tall, curved ears swivel forward, twisting in the direction of the gorse entrance just in time to watch their deputy wrench herself from the twine, sap clinging to her alabaster coat in thick, syrupy dollops, feathers already matting to short, ruffled fur. unlike his siblings, sunflowerpaw does not bear witness with any sort of grace. the boy cackles, rolling over onto the knotches of his spine to slap a paw over his hollow vanilla belly, " gee, orangeblossom. are — heh — are you okay? " a hiccup, a snrk of laughter bursting from his throat before he could stifle it. wild pupils splay against the light, age - old ache in his skull turning that wide, lazy grin to a grimace for the slightest beat. sunflowerpaw tosses himself to the side, launching up onto his toes. he rounds the side of eveningpaw, lets his flank brush warmly against his kin’s as he peers curiously around her, letting his tone range serious as he lowers his head, peering closely at the older molly.

" i really think.. i think you should see dawnglare. " the boy looks her up, down, slowly — before nodding, grave and slow. his twitching lips betray him, " you’re lookin’ a little.. under the feather. "

  • i.
  • SUNFLOWERPAW⠀ ⠀−−⠀⠀𖤣.𖥧.𖡼.⚘
    m. he / him. tall, shaggy blond tabby with golden eyes. a lanky thing. straight, sharp edged, blade - curved ears bring his figure to a jutting point, almost stilt like to view from the front. a wonky adolescence he will be forever condemned to, never filling out his too - long legs nor the wild mane of cream feathering from sharp, angular features. heavy - lidded dandelion eyes settle deep in their sockets, giving him a sleepy, smug resting expression — but injury at birth leads to forever uneven pupils, left eye often blown wide and jittering in response to direct light.

    closeted bisexual, single. smells like sun - warmed fur and fresh grass.
    skyclan apprentice, five moons, ages with his litter. prone to seizures and food aggression.
    penned by antlers​

  • none yet,,,

  • "speech"
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  • Haha
Reactions: ThistleBack
The child bears news of coincidence! For he, a bloody visage of weeping willow drudges nearby. A beast's gait is one you cannot help but notice; bitter, pungent aroma permiates the very air she breaches. Instinctively, somewhat, his great eyes snap to the matt of orange and white. Sight that breeds nightmares, full - body shudder, in the realm of all that was holy. There is a leech on her side, he cannot help but notice.

It isn't as if the pine forest was clean as the bristles of the sun – nettles crept and clung, could punch in your fur and leave you a sticky, sappy mess if your luck was so down. No, the stick of feathers is not worthy of such rapt attention. That alone was not worthy of the full blue pierce of a lake moon's gaze or peeking of teeth between his smile, but her perplexed little chirrup and the look on his face stirs a cackling from him, paws pounding at the earth as if it took every drop of will and fire to keep him from running wild throughout the muck. The slightest of discomfort, tiniest dip into distress, it feeds the thing inside of him that sings sweetly for another's weeping distress. His tail lashes wildly, and just as his laugh begins to deaden into drunken giggles – A sticky situation, he says.

Dawnglare bellows a laugh like there is no funnier thing on this earth, and never would be. Clipped fangs glint in the sun's rays, his voice nears on a screech as fresh tears spring in his ears, the giddy thump of his paws only becoming more rancorous. Even the most, (in their own thinking, poor things) refined of them couldn't hide the quirk of a lip. Those more in tune with the hollow's hum easily slip into the dip of mother's spine, carried by her joyous will. Rejoice, he would encourage. Voice in the heavens, worthwhile.

His summoning goads him into slipping closer, his grin tipped practically to his ears, and form practically tips to the ground. Held upright on feathery white legs, his movement is an insidious slithering, leaving him and his smile bright in the face of the queen. The last words spoken – under the feather – goads a final, bellowing 'HAH!' from his throat. " See me? Wh-o can save you? Who – can say! " Giggly like a gossiping molly, dipping into chirps and broken with his hiccups.
"I'm fine. Do you think this was put here on purpose?" Orangeblossom would, at least, respond to her apprentice (relatively) politely. Even if she can see Eveningpaw swallowing a laugh, se does so, and Orangeblossom can appreciate that. Shrimpy Boy earns an unimpressed look for the pun he makes, brown eyes narrowing further at the rest of his words. Was he being sarcastic? She would certainly be the justice he had implied, one way or another.

As Briarpaw and Sunflowerpaw join in with giggles of their own, the deputy's ears flatten farther. The latter suggests she go to Dawnglare, of all cats, and while that might have been a good suggestion if their more experienced medicine cat wasn't a raving lunatic, Orangeblossom decides she would just try her luck with the river instead. Speaking of, the last pun he breathes - under the feather - is finally what says Dawnglare off loud enough for Orangeblossom to stop ignoring their medicine cat and register that he's cackling at her.

"Look what you've done, now he's completely useless." She snaps, pale teeth bared in an annoyed snarl to the general group. Over the sounds of hysteria, she continues to Briarpaw and Sunflowerpaw, "You two, clean this mess off the brambles. I don't want any other cats getting their fur stuck, and I want this gone by the time I'm back. If any of you find out who did this, or what their motivations are, I want to be told."

With that, the furious queen would turn tail and leave camp to try and find a place to get most of the sap off.

// out
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Fits of giggles and jests, a pair of the lead warrior’s equivalent to an aneurism without death. While it warmed most hearts, the annoyed beast was already in a mood from the pressure of the twolegs, and shoulder pains. That’s excluding the traumatic series of unfortunate events between it all. His untouched dinner is put back on the prey pile once again, Orangeblossom’s coat is glossed with pine sap and odd feathers jut from the mess made of it. He had finally tuned in on the jabs delivered by none other than his kids. He shakes his skull, inwardly amused.

" well didn’t Deersong and I raise a lovely bunch of smartasses" Thistleback softly scolds his children with a narrow-eyed flick from ear set to ear set but his maw is crooked with the threat of a smirk. He’s hardly actually scolding them, even passes them with an affectionate brush of shoulder. He pauses by Eveningpaw though to touch his tail to her shoulder, " and an angel of course " he praises her, turning his attention to a particularly amused warrior from afar.

" no prolonged eye contact. no tricks. Pregnant mollies, are not to be messed with- .... unless of course you enjoy your chances of a broken limb " he warns with a simultaneous dance of comedy and seriousness to noone in particular. " why don’t you go help her, Eve. " he asks his daughter before turning to make his own leave.

  • — out

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-seven moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


"doesn't really seem like a coincidence," it followed a brief yet kind nod after orangeblossom said she was okay. her voice was nearly hesitant, not wanting to throw anyone to the wolves, but she couldn't lie to cover up for an unknown assailant. then she would be the one fighting for her life.

more join, all ready to crack jokes at the unfortunate queen's expense. she keeps a straight enough face, the only sign of it faltering was the amused glint in her eye. sunflowerpaw's clever pun, however, was quick to crack her face into a small grin. suppressed almost immediately, she hoped the deputy was more focused on the jokesters as well as dawnglare's bemused cackling.

she beams at the praise bestowed by thistleback, a toothy grin as he taps her shoulder. relishes in the fact that she was not tasked with cleaning up this mess. unfortunately it was short lived, sent to help orangeblossom. the tortie only nods to her spike furred father, excusing herself from the group and heading after the deputy. not without a little flaunting, however. she paused after he had left, turning over her shoulder to stick her tongue out at her siblings in a rather childish gesture. then, quickly before she had a chance of getting caught, trotted off after orangeblossom.


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