camp CHERRY WAVES ☁︎ climbing


✧₊⁺.⋆ gilded lily
Nov 24, 2022

eveningkit had woken up that morning with one goal in mind. she would scale that stump that sat so smugly in the center of camp. it taunted her constantly, 'eve you couldn't possibly climb me, you're too small!' is what she imagined it saying every time she strolled past. well she could, and she would. the tortie didn't care that it was covered in snow. everyone would witness her amazing feat. they would worship her for it.

she remained in the nursery, watching, waiting for warriors to stop using it to catch some sun and go do something productive. a fluffy tail twitched in anticipation behind her as the npc occupying it began to rise. it was about time. eve waited until they were out of her line of sight, she didn't want to be rude, and then dashed outside.

once the kit arrived at the stump, it seemed much bigger. much more daunting than before. had it always been this tall? pale blue eyes were wide as she greeted her enemy, circling it and searching for the best route. she settled a spot where a root pushed it's way through the ground, giving her a small advantage. her worried look was replaced with one of confidence. a triumph would be soon to come, she was sure of it.

small claws unsheathed as she stood awkwardly on the root, trying desperately to balance all four paws. bringing her weight to her hind legs, the girl reached out with her front ones to the stump, grabbing onto it's snow covered side. a moment was taken to quell her fears, before she stood up all the way, slamming her paws onto the flat top. a bright grin reached her face, but she wasn't done yet. eveningkit tried to bring the weight of her body up with her front legs, using her hind ones as leverage against the wood, but she quickly found out it was much more icy than first perceived.

hind claws scrambled against the fallen tree, but it was in vain. she quickly found herself falling backwards, landing in the snow on her back. quick back on her feet, the pale furred kit shook out her fur and glared menacingly at the rude piece of wood with flat ears. "you know you're just a stupid piece of wood, right? not nearly as cool as the big tall trees in the forest! all you do is take up space!" she hissed, further proving her point by slashing the side of the stump with her claws. admittedly, it probably hurt her more than the enemy before her, but she would take that to the grave.

she returned to her root with more vengeance than ever before, tail dusting the ground as it lashed furiously. eve returned to her position from before, this time making sure to get a secure hold on the top. she tried using her hind legs again, but was met with the same slickness. eyebrows knit in concentration as she moved them back to the root, this time using it to jump. it looked and felt awkward, but before she knew it she was the proud owner of the top of a stump. her chest puffed out in a mix of pride and victory, but she couldn't resist winning gracefully. "see? you're easy to climb... and ugly." eveningkit boasted, the second part an afterthought. maybe she had gone too far and hurt it's feelings. did it have feelings? "i didn't mean it i'm sorry. i'm sure you were totally gorgeous before the rest of you disappeared," the addition eased her conscious greatly, so she crouched down, tucking her paws under her chest, to make her new stump a home.

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Redstorm had been eating a rare meal when he spotted the little kit racing out of the nursery, making her way to the stump in the midsts of camp. Amused blue eyes follow her as she makes her way to it, shouting insults at it. When she lashes out at it he has to press the back of his paw to his mouth to keep from laughing out loud, best not to embarrass the poor thing.
When finally she makes it to the top he pushes himself to his paws and makes his way over to her. "we’ll make a Sky Clan warrior out of you yet!" he praises, nodding his head as he speaks, as if he is agreeing with his own statement. "just maybe next time save the insults for our enemies" he can’t help himself, he winks at her and lets out a small laugh before turning to return to his meal.
It was fascinating, the way kits saw the world, how it differed from the viewpoint of a warrior. Finchfang had passed by the stump which was Eveningkit's archnemesis many times on his way to rest in the warriors' den, drop off prey, or depart camp for a patrol, and never once had he seen it as anything more than a...well, a stump. Today he had been sitting in a weak patch of winter sun, rasping his tongue along one striped foreleg, when he heard a small, bold voice ring out. Mmm? picking his head up, the brown tabby watched Eveningkit lash out at and eventually conquer the stump. A smile appeared on his face without his even realizing it, and the tall tom stood, allowing Redstorm to speak with the small girl before approaching, for fear of overwhelming her. "Good work." praised the warrior solemnly, hoping that his seriousness would bolster her self-esteem. He flicked his dark tail against the stump which had been so resolutely defeated and added, "Perhaps we should name this stump after you, eh? My name is Finchfang. What's yours, mighty climber?" it was good to see kits in high spirits; really, good to see anyone having a good day. After the skirmish, it seemed that everything was gloomy. Minus Fireflypaw, I suppose. Cheerful lad, despite it all.
"Look out, she'll be at the top of Tallpine at record pace when she becomes an apprentice." After jumping down from the sunning spot a small while before, Orangeblossom had been watching the little tortie make an attempt at climbing the big stump from the entrance of the warriors' den. She returns now, brown eyes turned upwards towards the top of the stump where Eveningkit stands proudly, having conquered her foe. She offers a rare nod, a show of pride, though she lingers a little away from Redstorm and Finchfang. Her mind rests, briefly, on the dream she'd had a few nights ago, and that little fragment of a miniature version of herself tripping over her paws. Maybe that was how Thistleback saw his daughter - she can't say she knows how Deersong would feel, deputy missing and all, but Orangeblossom is sure the molly would be proud of this achievement.​


  • orangeblossom, warrior of skyclan
    — no apprentice.
    ✦ 25 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with brown eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.


she sat atop her newly found throne, soaking in praises of warriors that approached. redstorm noted that she should save her insults for the enemies, did he not understand? "this is my enemy," she insisted, gesturing to the stump below. there wasn't much time to dwell on it, because a tabby was approaching and offering her more approval.

finchfang, as he introduced himself, suggested that the stump should be named after her. eveningkit almost took it as an insult. it was so... decrepit. she liked her name, didn't really fancy sharing it. especially with an ugly old stump. "i'm eveningkit!" the tortie chirped as she began to ponder a name for her seat. something fitting for it's looks would suffice. "it should be named uglywood," came her declaration. yes, perfect. another barely audible apology was muttered to the stump for her disrespect, but she couldn't lie and say it was pretty. that would likely be more rude than honesty.

"i could do it now," eve stated after orangeblossom spoke. "but i don't think ma 'n pa would like that, so i'll wait i think," she added quickly after. the tallpine was scary, much scarier than her foe. despite fully believing in her abilities to make it to the top and touch the clouds, it could wait. at least until the looming tree became less intimidating.

Sheep is drawn forth by the sound of a kitten talking, to herself and then to others and curiosity ended up killing the cat, yellow eyes landing upon Eveningkit. She has clambered upon a stump and now she names it, making her giggle out loud before she waved her tail. Thistle and Deers daughter, both she would consider friends, she can almost see both of them in her. "In all honestly, the bebé should be made a warrior right now~" teasing. She moves to lay besides Redstorm, flicking her tail gently across his back before she giggles once more as Evening speaks again. Kittens, youthful innocence, unbothered by the happenings of the clans so much so that it was refreshing.


Baby fever was real and its next victim was Sheep, adoration in her eyes as she watched Evening play. "In fact, how does Eveningstar the Great sound?"
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