pafp cherry waves | kitten


moonlight on the river
Jun 1, 2023
The sun begins to set in the sky and the moon replaces where it was previously hung, frogs start their nightly wallow and insects buzz around. Tansy rests in her nest with a quiet purr, her tail curled gently around two sleeping bodies tucked in to her side. To her, it was almost perfect.

Until theres a shadow cast over the nursery entrance and her ears pin back, a cream tom she recognizes as Brackenleap stands there. She opens her lips to tell him to come back later, that the kittens are sleeping- because it was a hassle to get Crystalkit to finally rest, and even more so to get Coal to even lay down. Except... She squints and held by Bracken, theres a tiny little kitten, and he walks in. "Another one?" she asks, slightly exasperated, surprised- shocked that a tinge of anger laces her tone. How many mothers would leave their children in Thunderclan territory, how many children would be left abandoned? Her heart squeezes, but he stops in front of her.

Her heart stops, somehow this feels much more stressful than when Howling had told her to take care of little Tigerkit. Tansy blames it on the lack of sleep she has gotten recently, laying wide awake and tossing back and forth, but she only lets out a little sigh, closing her eyes for a split second. When she opens them, she takes on a more gentle expression. "Does Howlingstar know?" her voice is not unkind, not gilded with the anger as it had been before. She gently pats the moss in front of her, an invitation to set the little one down between her paws. So little, and yet- he would fit right in to her little family, he would fit perfectly. A quiet purr begins in her throat.

// @Brackenleap ,, @HOWLINGSTAR
Finding the tiny body abandoned in the woods left Brackenleap feeling an emotional whirlwind. First, he panicked - how could StarClan assume he was suited for such a task? How was he chosen to rescue this kit? If the kit was even alive. That thought prodded him closer, and Brackenleap finally approached the lump of fur to find the chest rising with breath and life. His sigh of relief stirred the kit's pelt and any scent Brackenleap would have been able to use to track its mother was too faint for him to find. A quick search exposed no other kits, so Brackenleap murmured a prayer of thanks and added a quick plea for wisdom as he grabbed the kit's scruff to return to camp as quickly as possible.

His dexterity and speed served him well as he leaped along familiar trails toward home. He could only pray again that StarClan would provide a solution for the mission apparently assigned to him.

He took a moment to calm himself before he enters the nursery. The nursery was a safe place, a calm place, and he knew the queens would kill him for waking their charges. Brackenleap also knew he would deserve his death. With this in mind, he eased his way inside. He flicked his ears in response to Tansyshine's words - there had been an alarming number of kits abandoned recently. Upon her inviting pat, he placed the kit between her paws and took a respectful, if reluctant, step backward.

"Not yet," Brackenleap replied. His fears of the kit being rejected prove unfounded as Tansyshine begins to purr, welcoming the kit to her family. He felt foolish for ever doubting the queen. His nerves were still present, however, as he thought about interacting with Howlingstar. The leader was kind and extremely unlikely to turn away an innocent kit, but Brackenleap was an anxious soul and prone to worry.

"I wanted to make sure the kit had access to food, first," Brackenleap continued, feeling like he needed to explain his potential lack of judgment. He glanced at Crystalkit, Coalkit, and Tigerkit. "You do still have milk, right...?" He trailed off and his ears pinned to his head in embarrassment, feeling silly for asking. It was none of his business now, only the concern of Tansyshine, the kit, and Berryheart.

Brackenleap consciously unpinned his ears and muttered, "I'll go get Howlingstar." He didn't wait for an answer and ducked out.

It was quick work to search camp and approach Howlingstar. "Excuse me," he said quietly, then shook himself minutely as if he could physically shed anxiety. "I found a kit in ThunderClan territory," he continued with more confidence. "I was unable to identify anything I could use to track the parent, and there were no other kits nearby. I brought them to Tansyshine for her to care for."

He waited for Howlingstar's response and barely noticed his tail tip twitching, one last remnant of his nerves.
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The unnamed kit remained at the paws of Tansyshine. He wasn't moving for a few moments, as if he were aware of the danger and the severity of this situation. And then as soon as he'd heard Tansyshine's voice over top his ears, the orange kit dived in between her legs and stayed there, content and purring. He was still sleepy enough to believe that this was his mother, and while he was correct in saying that, - StarClan bless it, he was so right. Tansyshine would be a mother to be envious of. - this was not the cat that had birthed him.

She was better. The kit that would become Shardkit, mewled up at Tansyshine with a soft and sleepy purr. He was definitely not concerned in the least about whether or not this queen would keep him safe.
There are hushed murmurings fluttering about the camp, whispers of something Brackenleap had brought into camp. Some day it was merely fresh-kill for the queens, others swear it was a kit. Curiosity is getting the better of the leader and she's about to head to the milky den herself to clear the rumors, but before she does she is met with a nervous greeting from the warrior himself. He quickly explains, and her heart drops. Another one. How? How can this keep happening? Tansyshine now bears three orphaned kits at her belly, and though Howlingstar knows the queen is more than willing to do it, she can't help but wonder what keeps happening to all of these kits' parents. "Thank you, Brackenleap. You did the right thing. Excuse me - I need to go talk to Tansyshine about this," She mews, giving the tom a grateful look before hurrying off to the nursery.

She slips inside, already finding the little one between the queen's forepaws. The tabby's gaze softens and she gently crouches down near the other, tail sweeping around her paws. "Are you okay with this?" She asks, looking to Tansyshine while already knowing the answer. "You can name him," She then decides with a purr. It would normally be up to her to name all new cats who may end up in the clan, but she can see the way Tansyshine is already looking at him and in that moment she knows that kit is hers. She will allow her to name him.
Not yet, he says. "Thats okay," her voice is just barely above a breath as he sets the child down between her front legs. Her ear flicked in amusement as his question and she slowly nods. "I do, the kitten will be well fed. Don't worry." she purrs as he leaves.

And then Howlingstar comes. Are you okay with this, yet they both know the answer. "Of course." and then she says she can name him, everything escapes. Lilykit, maybe? After her, or- or maybe... She lets out a small sigh.

She looks over the little thing again, mewling, tiny. He raises his head in a sleepy meow and her heart squeezes and then stops beating once more, for a split second, maybe longer does the world stand still. The markings- She jerks in to motion, gently brushing the kittens cheek as he looks up to her through closed eyes. She feelings a tightening sensation in her chest, he bears her markings. She feels her world shatter around her and it feels like hours until a choked sob escapes her lips. "Littlekit had these same exact white spots," talking about her late daughter makes the air feel heavy to her, unescapable- and yet... He is his own being, he has a whole world to discover. "He's so..." perfect, her mind fills in. He looks so much like her daughter, yet so much like his own kitten.

He would fit right in. She decides then and there that he will be loved for all of his life, protected so fiercely, she will give him a life that Littlekit and Rainkit never got to experience. "Shardkit," she brushes his cheek again, gently resting her forehead on his flank. "For the piece that will complete our family." not to say it wasn't complete before- but with an addition, a trio once more, she feels the holes in her heart slowly start to heal.
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Brackenleap barely hears more than Tansyshine's "I do" before he's gone. The conversation with Howlingstar is quick and settles his nerves as well as instilling some pride in himself. He did the right thing. It's a heady feeling.

It's late and Brackenleap pauses by the fresh-kill pile. Tansyshine has probably already eaten, right? It would be polite to offer, though, and Brackenleap is surprised by how protective he feels of the new kit. It's as if he has some responsibility to make sure the kit is cared for, beyond what is expected of him as a warrior of ThunderClan. Unless he is supposed to feel this way about every kit, and it's just now that Brackenleap is meeting expectations? The thought is overwhelming and he puts it aside, like his idea of a very late dinner for Tansyshine.

Instead, Brackenleap moves to an unoccupied area of camp to stare at the nursery, like he would be able to learn all about Tansyshine, her new kit, and Howlingstar from his gaze alone.

(This will be my last private post! I'm good to go public whenever you guys are. ^_^)