chew on my heart | termite

Head down, brows furrowed, Howlpaw isn't watching where she was going. Redstorm had assigned her cleaning duties today, once again sorting the elder's den. Howlpaw found it a little funny she was doing this again, having only recently mocked Chrysalispaw for his cleaning efforts of the medicine den. In her effort to hurry and gather her supplies, the chocolate torbie runs smack into another cat who walks into view. She tries to swerve but it is too late to avoid a collision.

When she rights herself, Howlpaw shakes her head and then looks to see who she collided with. "Oh, Termitepaw! Hi!" She says awkwardly. How ironic that she had only just been thinking of Chrysalispaw and now she had run into one of his littermates. A moment passes before she notes she ought to apologise. "Sorry for running into you. I should have been paying better attention to where I was going. Are you alright?"

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( 𓆣 ) Termitepaw is wandering the camp as they are often inclined to do, mind wandering off elsewhere. Their new mentor is a daylight warrior, which is certainly an adjustment; Termitepaw doesn't often leave camp without her mentor dragging her along, so when Hailstone is off with his twolegs, Termitepaw is never quite sure what to do with themself. So, they pace the camp, sticking towards the edges, just in front of the dens. Unfortunately, it puts them right in the collision path for a certain other apprentice.

Termitepaw startles violently as Howlpaw crashes into them, jumping back a mouse-length and arching their back, fur standing on end. They blink wide-eyed at Howlpaw for a moment, before registering who it is standing in front of them. Oh. "Ho-owlpaw," they say, easing little by little. "He-ello..."

They've seen Howlpaw around before, but have talked to her little, as they have for most cats. Termitepaw tends to keep to herself. It certainly hasn't helped that Howlpaw has been hanging around Chrysalispaw; they tend to follow him around at a distance, some invisible barrier keeping them from ever getting too close to the brother they long to befriend, too scared of his non-stop beratement to attempt conversation.

They continue to stare at her, silence drawing out into awkwardness, before Howlpaw speaks again. "'M fine, no ne-ed to apologize," they smile lightly at her, before peering behind. Howlpaw seemed to be in quite a hurry. "What were you doing in the eld-er's den? Cleaning, yes?" Their tone is flat, politely curious; maybe they should be more sympathetic, but they've never quite understood why cats disliked cleaning duty.

To Howlpaw's relief, Termitepaw is unfazed and unharmed, quick to assure her that she is fine and that Howlpaw did not need to apologise. "Okay," Howlpaw said with a nervous giggle. "I'm glad you're alright though."

At Termitepaw's following question, Howlpaw nodded eagerly. "Yes, Redstorm thought it would be good for me to help clean the elders den," Howlpaw said, further elaborating on her simple nod of an answer. "I quite enjoy it myself, which I know isn't a shared sentiment among some apprentices." Howlpaw gave Termitepaw a knowing look; she was probably all too aware of her brother's aversion to cleaning and making nests. "I actually need to gather some more supplies," Howlpaw said, looking around. "Did you want to help at all? I could get things done faster if I had all my supplies together at once."
( 𓆣 ) Termitepaw chuckles a bit at Howlpaw's pointed remark, soft and surprised. She knows, of course, that most others are not as eager to please her brother, yet speaking of him so lightly like this always feels like something secret, forbidden. In front of Chrysalispaw, she is always trying her best to impress, or at least to diminish criticism. It puts her at ease a bit, being in on this. "Mm-m, yes, some apprentices rea-lly seem to ha-ate it," she muses, "...Ve-ry loudly ev-en. No-o one in particular, though, of course," they shrug with a little lopsided grin.

"I en-joy it too," they say after a moment, voice quieter, "'S one thing I'm-m-m, actually good at?" Not something they can say of most of their apprentice duties. They perk up a bit at Howlpaw's offer to help. Much as they keep to themself, Termitepaw does enjoy helping others, being useful where they can. "Ye-es! Yes, I can help, would be gla-ad to," They're a bit nervous, as they always are with other cats, but that's alright. She likes Howlpaw a bit already, from their brief interaction, so maybe it won't be too bad. They don't immediately move to gather supplies until Howlpaw does; they'll follow her lead.

Termitepaw is certainly not like her brother. She's nervous and reclusive, stammering her words when she speaks. It's a far cry from her more bolder brother who perhaps sometimes didn't know when to keep his opinions to himself. Still despite the differences, Howlpaw finds it rather endearing.

When Termitepaw agrees to help, Howlpaw smiles, glad that the other feels comfortable enough to assist. Howlpaw leads the way, taking Termitepaw to where she has left a small pile of supplies to return to. She divides the pile up with a paw, trying her best to ensure they both had an even mix of moss, branches, grass, and a few flowers. After the supplies are divided, Howlpaw leans down to gently pick hers up before trotting back to the elders den, looking over her shoulder to make sure Termitepaw is following.

When they arrive in the elders den, most of the elders are tucked up inside keeping warm. "Hello!" Howlpaw trills in greeting, just about able to get her words out through the mouthful of materials. A few elders mumble greetings in return, but most stay silent, watching as the two began to get to work.

One elder, a grumpy black and white tom with a notched ear, watches Termitepaw closely. He is silent for a while before making a comment about hoping that her nest is comfortable. When he turned away, Howlpaw nudged her companion gently to make sure they were okay. "Don't mind Smokestep, he's always a bit short with cats," Howlpaw chuckled. "He found a small pebble in his nest once and hasn't let me live it down since."