private Chickadee, fly through my window ☠ Ferndance


Quieter than the dead
Dec 18, 2023
*+:。.。 Bonepaw wasn't afraid to become an apprentice. Although the chances of getting hurt increase exponentially the second he steps out of Shadowclan' protective camp walls, learning the ropes on how to hunt and defend himself ensures he doesn't end up dying anyway from lack of self-preservation. But the boy's gaze still lingers at the camp entrance, imagining his sixth moon's slow encroach like the stalking of a shadowy predator in the corner of his eye, it's pounce is inevitable but how sharp it's claws are still left to be seen. He figures it might help to know his enemy a little better before he lets the rabbit-hearted fear take over.

After his chores are done for the day and the warriors return from their patrols, Bonepaw searches the camp for his Mom, Ferndance. He feels his feathers bobbing against the back of his neck, making the boy smile as he always does when he thinks about pressing his nose to his mother's cheek in greeting. Though he isn't the type to cry over missing his moms all day now that they aren't spending 24/7 with one another, that wasn't to say he didn't mourn the lost time he could be spending with them. Spotting his mom's lanky form in the crowd, Bonepaw trots his way over to her. "Evening," he greets, dull green eyes twinkling ever so slightly as he forgets his mission temporarily to ask, "did you have a good day?"

Bonepaw wasn't afraid of becoming an apprentice, but he couldn't be described as particularly excited, either. Still, the idea of one day getting to patrol along side his moms did make his tail lash with a sudden burst of energy.

    Shadowclan — apprentice
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Brother to Bloodpaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    Apprenticed to Nightwhisper

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently
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It was lonely sleeping in the warrior's den - her mate was Nursery-bound, her children were stuck in the apprentice's den, and what had once been a prison for the cinnamon tabby was, on occasion, appealing, if only to spend her nights with good company. Quietly, she pranced through the camp like a deer in the meadow, her tail whipping up and down as she maneuvered aimlessly. Her patrol had ended, and boredom had struck her idle mind. As tempted as she was to find entertainment out within the territory, the sundown guards had eyes like hawks and tempers like badgers - some would let her go alone with enough convincing, but these wouldn't even if she paid them in rat bones. A pale little figure appeared in a gap between clanmates and the she-cat slowly tilted her head, affection filtering into her emerald eyes. "My boy..." she cooed like a dove, licking the top of his head once he was close enough. She let her nose stay close to his ears longer than what was comfortable for her neck, as if tentative that he would disappear if she removed herself. Eventually, she suppressed the idea.

"It's been a wonderful day, I returned to the Carrionplace and found a feathered snake." A beautiful blue thing, absolutely not a snake, absolutely not edible, but she had left an impression on the young warrior who wanted to decorate their nest with it. Hopefully, the ruse would not be up the moment Mottlefox stuck her jaws around the Twoleg trash and tried to taste it. Amusement lingered in her smile as she recalled the memory, then, a twinge of sadness, that Bonepaw would not be able to experience it for some time. It was safer he had to wait, but sad he could not see the world as she had done in her youth, cruel, almost, that he was separated from family but still treated like a child in the eyes of ShadowClan. Her blinks fluttered like a butterfly's wings, somber almost. "I'll bring something back next time," she promised, and flopped back onto her haunches. A paw brushed against the earth, inviting her son to sit with her. Sure, they were in the middle of camp, but the others could walk around them. "How are you finding sleeping in the apprentice den? Is it too cold? I will get some warmer bedding for you."

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