camp Chicken noodle soup || Bringing the sick food

Frostbite grows restless by the day as he watches warriors go about their duties. He watches cats go without eating, come back empty pawed. He could be out there, helping. He loves his kits, he loves the other kits in the nursery too. But he can't stay in here much longer. The clan needs every able bodied warrior available to provide for it, and he feels guilty and useless sitting here. He fears he'll go insane. So, he is once again looking to do chores around camp.

Except the apprentices have beaten him too it.

Which leaves him with nothing.

A glance towards the medicine den gives him an idea. Perhaps he'll visit Poppykit....Again. He visits her every morning and night, and while it is simply midday, he chooses to bring two decent sized frogs from the pile over to the medicine den. Considering how most of the sick cats were unwilling to eat, he was mostly bringing them for Starlingheart and whoever had the strength to eat. He thinks of Poppykit, of course, Halfshade, her son, Swanpaw... He thinks of Heavybranch who passed recently... And of course, Starlingheart's own son, Flintkit. Comfreypaw..... There were so many in there. All probably wondering when they will take their last breath. They probably could do with a little company.

He stands before the den and looks over all the patients. Will this be the last time he sees them...? He drops the frogs at the entrance and sits.

"I've brought food for everyone, if anyone feels like eating." He says. He tries not to look solemn as he gazes upon his clanmates who's futures are so uncertain.

A ragged cough tears its way up her throat and out into the medicine cat’s den. Comfreypaw huddles in her nest, eyes and nose streaming no matter how often she wipes them with one dark paw. Her body aches, though her chills and delirium have abated after a mouthful of feverfew sometime ago.

Comfreypaw feels as though every day, she loses a little more of herself. More of herself withers and dies, both externally and in her mind. The charcoal tabby wakes some mornings with dread; others, she does not wake at all, sleeping restlessly until the sun is dipping below the treeline once again, painting the sky in berry-bright blazes of color. She hurts, and her existence is miserable, and she’s beginning to forget what it was like before she was sick.

Her hunger, for example—she’d never liked being hungry, really, but she misses the reminder to fuel herself and stay alive. Seeing Frostbite with fresh-kill in his snow-kissed jaws causes her lids to droop over her dull amber eyes. “Poppykit should have it,” she says listlessly. “I’m so not hungry. But thank you, Frostbite.

  • comfreykit . comfreypaw
    — she/her, apprentice of shadowclan
    — bisexual ; single
    — short-haired charcoal tabby with amber eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Yewforia

"there is plenty for all of you in here. come on. it will do you some good to get some of your strength back."

kits, elders, and sick first. the rest could deal. they would deal. but the sick needed to keep as much strength as they could so they could try and feel better. chilledstar hated this, however. so many of them sick and there was nothing anyone could do without the lungwort. they were wasting away... the symptoms could be slowed but not truly treated. managed but not cured. it was sad. they couldn't do much but they could at least try and feed them.

"come on, kiddo. just eat a couple bites."
He cannot help but wonder what it is that has spared ShadowClan's survivors so long as it has. They do all that they can, of course– avoiding contact with the ill, spending time away from camp. Snakesight is among the most ardent of avoiders. This sickness is a disgusting thing, heavily draped across them all. They were wasting away. For all of his detachment....the warrior did not enjoy seeing it. Poppykit and Comfreypaw are far too young to be taken to StarClan; all that potential, wasted away. Comfreypaw could be the best among them, and Poppykit– could any cope with such a loss come twice?

"Come now," he tells the apprentice, "Chilledstar is right. What good will it do you to obey your tiring body? Eat up. You will need your strength to fight this, will you not?" How inspiring of him. He nudges one of the fat frogs into a roll, closer and closer to her paws.

  • OOC.
    ——  a sleek silver and black cat with venom-green eyes and a large scar bridging his nose. he carries himself with confidence that might seem at odds to his small stature, but leaves no room for any to doubt him.
  • "speech"
When cats gather around the medicine cat den, Applepaw wonders if someone has died. Everyone makes it seem so much worse than she truly believed it to be. Yes, Heavy Branch had croaked, but Heavy Branch was a dying, old tom. Comfreypaw was nothing short of ShadowClan’s most promising apprentices, certainly there was nothing to worry about.

Applepaw has come to see her anyways, a few times; at the same times she would check up on her mother and brother. Comfreypaw did loo oh so miserable, with a snotty nose and half - lidded eyes. She looks… gross. But she would get over it, wouldn’t she? Then they would be right back to walking side by side, talking as they hunt together. Maybe selfishly, Applepaw wonders if this is the chance she has been given to catch up in her apprenticeship. She would catch up. She would bring her first catch to to sick.

But if Comfreypaw does not want to eat, Applepaw does not think she should have to. Quiet behind the likes of Chilledstar and Snakesight, an appraising gaze rakes over the sick. " Comfreypaw will be fine, " she says, though it’s only a mumble. Swanpaw or Poppykit would be more worth worrying about.

  • ooc:
  • ( I'M OBSESSED WITH THE MESS THAT'S AMERICA. ) APPLEPAW. kit of shadowclan. eldest sister to swanpaw, ashenpaw, and garlicpaw. ( + birdkit, halfkit & tanglekit )
    —— she / her; confused by the use of others.
    —— currently 6 moons old as of 9.27.23. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applekit is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. A rule - follower to a T, and thinks herself better than the majority of her clan for this. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and never wanting to be afraid of anything ever again.

XXXXXHer refusal to take part in the frogs Frostbite had brought draws more attention than she’d dared hoped. Chilledstar themselves is not far behind the white queen, their blue eyes uncharacteristically kind. “Come on, kiddo. Just eat a couple bites.” The charcoal tabby rolls over in her nest, her own amber gaze wide with surprise. “Me? But… Well, I can share with Swanpaw,” she insists, not daring to outright disobey her leader but still uncomfortably aware of the cramping in her belly. She meets Snakesight’s eyes, giving him a slight nod, and leans forward to forward to take a nibble from the frog’s belly. It tastes like nothing, mercifully, but the feeling of the somewhat slick meat on her tongue is nauseating. She has to force herself to swallow, and narrowly avoids gagging on the mouthful.

XXXXXThen her gaze goes through the gathered adults. She sees Applepaw, who says in a quiet voice, “Comfreypaw will be fine.” She will be fine, no doubt, but… a little trickle of cold fear drips down her spine. She’d felt so good, with Frostbite and Chilledstar and Snakesight trying to get her to eat, worrying about her, but Applepaw doesn’t look worried at all. She looks… almost mad, though the dark tabby couldn’t imagine why that would be. “…Yeah,” she murmurs. “…I’ll be fine.

XXXXXShe can’t disguise the hurt glowing in her golden eyes.

  • Crying
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