pafp chikai | cuddle puddle

Sep 13, 2022
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Despite the warmer weather beginning to filter throughout the forest Silverlightning still found himself shivering from time to time. It was apparent to him that his unfortunate plunge into the icy depths of the river had done far more than give him some additional bruises. There was a coolness that constantly lingered, something that even his own warmth could not chase away. Another shiver runs through him as he looms over the freshkill pile, trembling as he eventually settles upon a squirrel someone managed to bring in. Grasping the tree dwelling rodent in his jaws, Silver turns to make the trek back to the den but the cool temperature of his body in numbing and the gentle breeze that floats through camp is akin to ice slicing through his fur. Perhaps it was foolish of him to think he could traverse camp just yet. The ache he feels building within his paws and ears announces that he has been exposed for too long as so the ticked tabby seeks immediate relief.

Spotting Palelily lounging just a cat's tail away he weighs his options. He could certainly make the walk back to the med den and warm back up at a painstakingly slow rate. Or, be granted quick warmth with the help of his fellow clanmate. Another breeze pushes him to make a swift decision as he turns to face her. "Pardon my intrusion." Silverlightning voices politely around the squirrel he is carrying, laying it at her paws as he seems to hesitate briefly. "But may I...lounge beside you? I'm afraid I've exhausted my time out of the medicine den and if I try to warm myself now I may relapse." How embarrassing, asking such a request of her. After gaining her approval he tentatively steps around her, lowering himself into a loaf with limbs and tail tucked tight. The warmth now flooding over chilled muscles causes a sigh to nearly slip from his maw. "Would you care for a bite? Its the least I can do after granting me such kindness." He murmurs, nudging the rodent closer. (@Palelily)
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

After her tumble in the woods she'd learned her lesson and simply accepted that cats didn't want her on hunting patrols. She wasn't doing a very good job learning and she wished she could be better, but it was so difficult. She was scared of getting hurt and it surprised her each day when every other cat accepted that pain was just something normal here. Tumbles and scratches, bumps and bruises, every cat took them with ease and little complaint and she remembered bumping her head on a branch and being tearful for hours after. Was she just softer? Cause she was a kittypet before?
That didn't make any sense, they had a lead warrior who was once a kittypet, they had apprentices here who had a kittypet dad somewhere so she heard. Maybe it was just her. The albino she-cat sighed as she stared down at her paws, only to jerk her head up in startled surprise as a squirrel suddenly appeared between her stretched out forelimbs. Silverlightning! She'd been briefly about to panic at the sudden intrusion on her thoughts, expecting another warrior or the leader to come scold her for her idleness but he had only ever been kind. Exhaling an airy sigh she smiled at the question, "Oh-um! Of course! I don't mind at all!" A chance to be helpful without a lot of effort or suffering? Especially to such a nice tom? She had no problem with it. He'd had a nasty spill in the river afterall, something she'd only found out when they had returned from the dog fights she'd been hiding from participating in. Not that she thought Howlingstar would send her anywhere, not as she was.
The offer for food was tempting but she remembered being scolded before and her smile strained as she forced herself to refuse, "Oh, that's need all the strength you can get after what happened. I'm very glad you're okay!" She meant it sincerely, he was one of the few cats who seemed to tolerate her. She shifted to the side slightly so the ground under her that was now warmed from her own body heat was clear for him to settle onto.
"I bet it was scary..."

Pale blue eyes peered out from the nursery as the shaft of sunlight selected his latest target. Shinekit was drawn to those in need like a mosquito to blood, satisfied and satiated when he could improve the lives of others. Helping people meant new friends, after all, and he could always have some more of those. Luckily for Silverlightning, warmth was something the small boy had in spades.

The veritable wreath of fur Shinekit had been lugging around since birth was usually quite uncomfortable. it seemed there were always errant strands blocking his sight, and once the kit could’ve sworn he’d somehow tripped over it, but all that suffering was worth it if it meant someone else’s life would be improved, however slightly.

Dancing towards the duo, Shinekit pressed himself against Silverlightning without saying a word. Sky-blue eyes glanced up at the conversation the two bigger cats were having, trying to make sense of a story half-revealed to him. The warrior being beset by cold was about all the kit could grasp, but that was enough for an idea. “Why don’t you go to those rock things?” he chirped, tiny chest puffing with ignorant pride at his knowledge of a territory he’d never seen. “I heard some of the queens talk about them once. Aren’t they supposed to be warm?”