camp CHILDISH DAYDREAMS // sneaking into med den


Sweet As Apple Pie
Dec 5, 2022

The nursery had begun to bore her, and it seemed as though the majority of the fun SkyClanners were out on patrol and weren't available to amuse her. Energy bubbled within her alongside her growing fascination with the wider clan life. It could no longer be contained, so the first chance she got to sneak away from her mother's side she took it! The young ragdoll scampered across the clearing of the camp in search of something to sate her boundless curiosity, and that was when she came across the hazel bush that marked where the medicine den was located. "That's where the magic cat goes..." She murmured to herself, still believing Fireflypaw's words about Dawnglare possessing sacred powers. Maybe she could steal the magic for herself! Yes, that would be truly something! The youth slipped inside, though she was brought to a halt when the waft of herbs hit her and nearly made her gag. "Gross! What is that?!"

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With a recently acquired sprain to her leg, Howlpaw found herself temporarily resting in the medicine den. She didn't really feel like it was that bad in truth, just a little tender to walk on if anything, but despite her eagerness to get back out there, she was loath to argue with Dawnglare or her brother. Maybe if she was good and did as they asked she might even be allowed to return to her duties earlier than expected.

She had been resting quietly when the voice of a kit hit her ear, and she looked up to see Applekit standing there. "They are medicinal herbs," Howlpaw told the kit, chuckling at her immediate reaction to the smell. "They will make you feel better if you start feeling sick."

Preparing for the inevitable herb patrol caused the spotted tabby to linger close to the medicine den much more than usual. As willing as he was to obey authority, Dawnglare's was something that the male was unused to, it was an uncertainty that made Silversmoke pace more frequently and constructed a desire to hound the medic with questions, though he had done his best to be professional and stick to relevant inquiries. A retched noise from inside the den caused his head to snap towards the entrance, having previously been aimed towards the camp entrance in hopes of catching the fox patrol when they left. He didn't recall anyone being particularly sick, but then a naive, youthful voice pierced his ears which all but confirmed it. Spinning as he stood, Silversmoke inched a few lengths towards the den and poked his head inside, looking at Howlpaw before his attention landed solely on Applekit. His eyes narrowed for a moment, breaths growing deep as he worked on restraining the worst of his frustration. She was just a child, barely looking big enough to begin an apprenticeship, it was asinine to expect her to know any better, but logic didn't stop the prickle of irritation in his skin.

"You really shouldn't be in here." He advised, the usual bitterness in the tone of someone who felt perpetually wronged replaced with a softer edge. Silversmoke lacked a higher pitch and babied words when addressing the child, but it was a large step for the tabby who, moments before, had been prepared to yell. "It'd be easy for Dawnglare and Fireflypaw to trip over you, and the last thing anyone needs at the moment is a kitten who's sick because they can't handle the smell of herbs. Don't you have siblings? Go play with them or something."

"No worries about tripping over kits, Silversmoke. Dawnglare would just trample over the kit, though. So watch where you're pickin', kiddo." Fireflypaw is eager to speak up despite his exhaustion, black paws stepping out from the shadows of the den's inner guts. Eyes shut in the dark, his paws guide him with ease as he makes his way over to the cats whom both warned Applekit and informed her of what she was getting into. Fireflypaw grins towards the direction of the child's voice, head bobbing momentarily. Then, after he hears his sister's voice, charcoal ears lift and swivel in her direction.

"She's right, y'know. Our herbs can heal you, but some can also harm you. So please don't touch 'em unless we give 'em to you." He can see why cats would be put off by kittens, annoyed by their antics- but Firefly himself found their curiosity charming. They were all kits once, weren't they? A yawn sprawls past his lips, limbs stretching individually in a dramatic pause. Then, he seats himself down and scoops up the herbs Applekit had caught a whiff of, shoving them back into a hole. "Let's just hope you never have to visit us, yeah? Bein' stuck in the medicine den isn't too fun. Isn't it more fun playing with your friends and siblings, anyways?" He thinks of his own siblings, of Quillpaw and Twitchpaw and Mushroompaw and Butterflypaw- man, he really had a lot of friends, didn't he?

Drat, caught!
Apple stood very still as she stared at Howlpaw through the gloom, at first fearing that the apprentice would scold her. But the stern words didn't come from her, no, that came from Silversmoke. Softer tone or not, she recognised when she was within the range of getting in trouble. The youth puffed up her cheeks as she flattened her ears all the way back against the top of her skull, all the while fixing the warrior with the huffiest glare she could muster. "I don't want to play with my siblings! I want to see the magic cat!"

It's then that Fireflypaw appears and seizes her attention, especially since he was the one who had told her about Dawnglare in the first place. Though what he says isn't what she had hoped to hear. Idly she begins to toy with the soil with her small claws as she lowers her gaze. "Don't cats eva just visit the den to see you guys when not hurt or ill?" She queried with a shrug of her shoulders. "Can you show me some of the herbs?" A new request was given even despite her senses being overwhelmed. Just anything to avoid leaving.

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