pafp CHILL OF THE GRAVE || river ice


He once recalls asking Moonpaw if ice would sound pretty, seeing as how Nettlepaw was almost completely blind. He saw no shapes, no figures which could be recognized, only blurs of shadow and light, and washed out colors that bled together as if in a melting pot. Now, though, as the boy sits on the edge of the river, he can finally have his answer. A thin sheet of ice had crept across the edges of the water, and thought the central channel of the river still cut harshly through the ice, it seemed that much of it had frozen. At least on the top, where a thin layer seemed to hover upon the wintry depths.

It had snowed the night before, and blind as he is, even Nettlepaw can experience the burning, pristine white of an undisturbed veil of glistening powder. It was disorienting, and if not for the deep blue of the cloudless, sunlit sky, he might find himself completely uncertain of where the ground began, and where it stopped. Shining speckles of cold dust cling to the creamy tom's coat, giving him a sparkling appearance, as if glitter had been flung across tabby fur.

For now, he is still, sitting on the edge of the river and listening to the creaking of the thin ice as the water shifts beneath it. On occasion, he has flung a few stones across the slick surface, finding amusement in the echoing sounds it made. The sound of another's paw-steps fill his ears, and the scent of Darkwhisker washes over a snow-kissed nose. They had been assigned to the hunting patrol together, though the apprentice had given up the idea of fishing rather quickly, once the ice was discovered. Nettlepaw flicks his tail in greeting, before rising to his paws, curiosity burning within his mind.

Cautiously, the sightless apprentice places one paw upon the edge of the ice, and he can hear it groan beneath his weight. Was it safe to walk on? The snow was, so surely the ice would be, too. Another step, and he quickens his pace with renewed interest. By that point, Darkwhisker had probably reached the shore, and Nettlepaw turns to stare at him with blind eyes. "Look at all this ice." He calls out. Nettlepaw can't help but wonder how RiverClan could possibly survive if they couldn't access the fish in the water below. Would there be enough ground prey to sustain them? A frown crosses his maw as he considers, taking a step back toward shore.


The ice shatters in an instant as both front paws fall through. Nettlepaw shrieks a moment before cold water explodes past his muzzle, drowning his cry of alarm. The claws on his back paws scrabble desperately against the ice, trying to prevent the rest of his body from slipping into the dark, frigid waters. He was a good swimmer, but he doesn't want to take a chance with getting trapped beneath the ice, so he fights for purchase, talons reaching to hook into whatever they could find. Thankfully, Nettlepaw is fairly close to shore. Perhaps close enough that he could simply stand, for his paws would surely touch the bottom of the river, if only he could stop his raging panic.