CHOSEN FEW | snow & quill

A flick of a nettle black snake for a tail, white tipped and razored. He beckons his apprentices through the frosted wonderland, thudding paws and a bristled spine carve through the forest where he herds the pair into a sludgy arena encircled with frozen ferns and looming above the nettles of the evergreens of course.

" Firstly. I’d like to take a moment- to tell you both just how proud I am of you. To commend you each " he speaks hoarsely, a scowl pierced and hardened on his maw as metallic eyes switch from his grey coated apprentice to the black tabby. " how far you have both come. Each in your own pawsteps, bringing you closer to your warrior ceremony " he rotates his limbs, Quillpaw still wore injuries but time would mend them soon enough. " diplomacies, strategy, and the ways of a Skyclan warrior- you both have proven yourselves to be very capable lads "

" Snowpaw, for your brave words. To stick your neck out for Coyotepaw, and defend your own truths." he dips his head to the pale pelted youth. The most emotionally tormented of his wunderkinds.

" Quillpaw, your brutality and resilience is blossoming so very well. Same as your climbing " he pauses to press a smirk over his jaws.

" Now. that’s enough kitten-fluff for me today, anymore of this and I’ll be nauseous " he jokes. " Today. We will assess our strengths, while exercising our minds "

  • @Quillpaw @Snowpaw

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw & snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


He didn't feel brave really, mostly foolish. He wondered if Coyotepaw knew yet about the risk he'd taken by speaking up, that he threw himself back into the den of wolves that was his clanmates so soon after crawling out of it alive. Snowpaw didn't want to be brave, he wanted to feel like he belonged and he worried that having opened his mouth had lead him down a darker path than what he most desired, but perhaps not so...
Thistleback believed he'd done the right thing. Thistleback, one of Blazestar's trusted and a tom he'd respected from his early days as a silly kitten. It had to mean something then, didn't it? Even if his feelings said otherwise? It took blood spilled to get here. He couldn't waste it for a second.
The blue tabby nodded, tried to look less uneasy than he felt but camp was strange now and he worried things might get stranger as time went on.
The change of topic to their training today made him falter uncertain, he wasn't sure what was being implied but he'd try his best all the same. Golden eyes roamed over to Quillpaw curiously, maybe he had an idea what this was.