CHOW DOWN TO EARTH + intro and joining


New member
May 7, 2024
I BUILT A LITTLE EMPIRE ฅ^._.^ฅ ————————————
Being a housecat is the perfect life, and Noodle (aka Noods aka Noobies aka whatever-his-housefolk-come-up-with) was willing to fight any beefy wildcat he ran into to defend it. It was also pretty dang lonely. Ever since that wildcat group started letting other housecats swing by for the day, all of his favorite neighbors had been busy. Old Deuteronomy, that stupid, lazy, fat tom from two houses over, joked they were going to the "clan" to get away from his pestering. Rude.

Well, if he could thank Old Deut for anything, it'd be that his nasty comments gave him a new purpose. As the sun peeked over the horizon, Noodle watched curiously as neighbors gathered themselves after being let out and set off into the woods near their neighborhood. Using his softest steps the tom prowled behind the group chattering away about "patrols" and "warriors".

Eventually, they cross over a scent border and something so instinctual takes over and Noodle pauses on the other side while he watches the others keep pressing on. Rare nerves take over his body and his feet knead the ground in anxiety. "Hey guys? Can I come with today?" Oh this was embarrassing. Usually he does first and asks questions later, but that instinct that kept him on one side of the heavy wildcat scent made him feel squirrely. He felt like a kit asking to play. Small, vulnerable, and shy.

[penned by muddly - ]
———————————— ฅ^._.^ฅ OUT OF SOME CRAZY GARBAGE

ooc: any daylight warriors are welcome to be the ones who noodle followed. also feel free for your characters to know noodle and how annoying he can be! ole Deuteronomy was not wrong that cats would have a reason to be away from this goof ball!​
Right when her paws cross into SkyClan territory, it’s like a burden is dropped onto Sangriapaw’s shoulders. She’s not Sangria now, not able to purr and sleep and play without fear of being hunted down by foxes or rogues or whatever else might be out there killing her clanmates right now. Right now, she’s Sangriapaw, and she’s not supposed to want to stay indoors all day. She’s supposed to want to hunt and fight and die for her clan, even if they all hate her because she still loves something that’s outside of SkyClan. She’s so caught up in her miniature crisis that she doesn’t realize anyone is trailing behind her. That is, until he says something.

Stay vigilant. Johnnyflame’s warning rings in her head, clear as a bell, and the girl frowns. She hadn’t even noticed that they were being followed until an unfortunately familiar voice calls out to them. Cinnamon ears swivel flat, shoulders hunched, and she turns to face the cat who waits arceus the border. He’s a familiar face, Noodle. "Oh. You followed us," she offers, simple and guarded. She’s seen this cat before, but she doesn’t like him very much. He’s annoying. And she knows that she can be a little bit too excited sometimes, but to Sangriapaw, he’s kind of like a fly that got stuck inside, and now it’s buzzing and buzzing and buzzing. It’s only a matter of time before her paw swats at the fly and breaks a wing, right? "No, you can’t come with us. SkyClan doesn’t like pests." It isn’t her place, but until one of the warriors decides to speak up, Sangriapaw can handle telling this house cat to go away. The clan could probably benefit from having him around, though…

  • ooc: mentor tag @Johnnyflame if he would be here
  • 78265045_tUGqQTyXuIRKc1K.png
    SANGRIAPAW ❯❯ she/her, daylight apprentice of skyclan
    cinnamon torbie with white spotting and vibrant leaf-green eyes. bold, bright, and curious.
    daughter of fantastream & figfeather ; sister to coffeepaw
    mentored by johnnyflame
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

The morning shone pale, and Twitchbolt faced it with his usual not-obvious enthusiasm, a glimmer in jade-flecked-jasper eyes and a shaky smile on his maw but little else. It wouldn't be long until the daylight warriors started to show up, and Twitchbolt wasn't opposed to seeing them as they walked in. Counting them, even... his mind was running overtime, Tatteredlight's body a stain behind his eyelids, painted in negative. The pelts of Johnnyflame and Sangriapaw weren't difficult to miss- and whoever was with them. Stars, was he forgetting his Clanmates? That didn't make him look good, did it? He hoped they wouldn't see the flicker of hesitation on his face when it fell upon this- this other one...

No. No, no, it wasn't him, wasn't a problem with him- this was... a newcomer. "Hi guys," he greeted the small patrol in usual hoarse but quietly friendly tones- though his pupils shrunk a little as they flitted to the stranger. Inquisitive... wary... his head tlted. Definitely a newcomer. Wasn't an overclocked mind burning out, nope. "Who's this, then?" Expectation danced in his wide eyes, studying his face. Well, he wasn't bristling, wasn't- glinting claws in the light, but you could never be too careful.
penned by pin ✧
for all that wild charisma and wanderlust , you sure are vengeful
“Lookin’ like we got ourselves a trespasser.” He mused, tone chilly despite the low gravelly sound, borderline friendly if it ain’t for the slow shift of narrowed hues. “Got some nerve followin’ a few strangers darlin’.” The shadowed warrior mused, timbre carefully light, paired with the soft crinkle of molten hues.

“Afraid the missy is right darlin’ but being the curious bugger that I am, assumin’ yer a kittypet tryin’ to tag along on somethin’ ya don’t need to be shovin’ yer nose into—” Outlaw couldn’t say the same for himself, havin’ been searchin’ for his brother for moons and downright refusin’ till he saw Duskpool.

It was an interestin’ few days.

“—Tell me darlin’, why did ya follow this lady here?” He gestured to the daylight apprentice, timbre a low, vibrant thrum.
thought speech


"Oi!" he scolded sharply, aiming to lightly swat at Sangriapaws ear. Okay, so maybe Noodle wasn't everyones cup of tea, but there was no need to be rude to him without proper reasoning. "And he's not tresspassing- yet." he said, eyes flickering toward Outlaw for a moment. He didn't share in their suspicion, mostly because he was familiar witht he reason why a Kittypet would want to come to clan borders; curiosity and boredom being right at the top.

"Look Noodle, we appreciate you wanting to come with, but it's not all fun and games out in the woods. We're working, and it ain't exactly light work, either." Johnny explained with a patient chuckle. "Are you sure that's what you want to spend your day doing- gettin' covered in dirt and and going home sore when it's all over?"

Chances were Noodle would be disappointed when he realized the neighborhood cats weren't out here lounging in the sun or pounding after buterflies- well, not all the time, at least. It also came with a lot of work, and Johnny could remember going home aching from nose to tail the first few moons he'd joined the forest cats.

To be honest, Johnny wasn't against giving the tom a proper shot, but the lead wasn't so naive as to think that every cat -kittypet or otherwise- was cut out for Skyclan. It took a certain kind of dedication to thrive in the pine forest, and most cats ended up leaving after the first day and not coming back. He suspected that might be the case with Noodle if they were allowed to join them, but Johnny was always happy to be proven wrong. Who knows? Maybe clanlife could whip Noodle into shape? Noodlefang, Noodleclaw, Noodlenose- the warrior names were filled with endless possbilities.
