CHRISTMAS KIDS — skyclan patrol

❪ TAGS ❫ — Three moons ago, picturing himself at the helm of a clan patrol, or even doing anything for the benefit of the collective would have been laughable. However, acclimation to clan life grew little by little — contributing to the fresh-kill pile, tagging along on border patrols, and then before he knew it, Slate was assigned to be a patrol leader. As mundane a task as marking the territory could be, the ex-rogue saw it as being trusted with responsibility. The term nearly makes him quiver. Slate has never had responsibilities before, if not to himself and only himself.

The atmosphere surrounding the SkyClan patrol is not necessarily stricken with the warmth and radiance of new-leaf but somber and tense, as not one but two sudden disappearances have wracked the clan. Search parties had already been dispatched previously, but Slate was sure to remind the others, "Keep your eyes peeled for anything... interesting." Plenty of things could make their way downstream, including bodies. That is not the conclusion that anyone wants to jump to at this point, especially not young Termitepaw who has just lost her mentor, but it's a very real possibility that Slate accepts.

As the muscular tom strides toward the river's edge, he parts his maw to taste the air and angles his ears for any oncoming pawsteps in the other direction. Slate didn't particularly feel like dealing with RiverClan, not while they had their own issues to worry about, but he fully expects a patrol to show up any minute now and give them dirty looks for not assisting against ThunderClan. As far as he was concerned, that was Blazestar's call. It wasn't his—or anybody else's—problem.


Well, he's never been this far into SkyClan's territory, has he?

Such a long, long walk, too. Snorlaxmoon wonders if this was on purpose, that the Sherrif put him on this patrol. Make him walk far, tire him out more than the walk from his home to SkyClan does in the first place.

Because, really, what help is he to be on this patrol? What does the Sherrif expect of him? To find the two cats who went missing? Snorlaxmoon thinks they should be searching the other way. That they should be looking upon the streets of the twolegplace. One of them used to be a daylight warrior, didn't he? And the other, the child of the kittypet leader? It only makes sense to Snorlaxmoon, that they'd given up on SkyClan, that they would have gone to become kittypets themselves.

Snorlaxmoon would have been a better help then, pathways he knows well, neighborhood cats he could ask.

But, they seem adamant in looking over here. For some reason.

"Interesting..." the daylight warrior repeats Slate's words, tired gaze scanning the area. Nope. Nothing other than sticks and grass. And water. No missing SkyClanners here, from what he can see.
જ➶ They are thoughtless for the moment. Merely weaving their way through the bracken and reeds of the outer banks of the river. Eyes of olives search and look for a potential spot along the riverside to begin a small hunting session before returning back to camp where the injured are. Most of their time is spent hunting and working to try and benefit Riverclan in some way. But the moment that they smell Skyclan their gaze becomes malignant. Slowly paws step along the river and a figure pressed forth from the reeds. For a moment they just stare, eyes slowly narrowing. Thoughts move and they understand them well enough. To them Skyclan is useless. Just another group that sought to use Riverclan as a tool but too afraid to help them back when it was needed. Honestly to them they should have let those kittypets and rogues perish at the claws of Windclan.

Would have been better for all of them. A curl of a muzzle brings a small growl forward but they keep themselves from speaking. What use would it be to try and talk to backstabbers like them, headed by a feeble leader. Turning their head away they continue their trek along the river but also marking. Keeping their boundaries. Letting them see and know that they are being watched all the same and maybe not just by them.
TAGS — There is a subtle drip of anxiety that beads down Cloverjaw's limbs. He anticipates the worst on this patrol to RiverClan, truly; he is not confident that things will be all sunshine and rainbows considering Blazestar's withholding of aid at RiverClan's last request. Maybe the border squabble is petty; maybe SkyClan had sent patrols after the fact; but Cloverjaw imagines he would've handled things differently. RiverClan had, after all, aided them in their own struggle when WindClan had come barreling in. But he supposes he's sentimental, too. Maybe if he had family in ThunderClan he would've done the same. It's hard to imagine when his only relative is leading him along the river, as safe as they could hope to be at their own border.

Cloverjaw is so busy letting his thoughts wander that he almost misses Slate's reminder. A coal-tipped ear twitches and his gaze darts to the churning waters of the river at their side- and at its shore, a set of paws, and then limbs, and then a face scowling back at him. His ears perk forward, wary, but he doesn't think he can really blame Wolfglade for the way they sneer at the SkyClan patrol. He looks away, though, unwilling to engage in any contests of will or dignity or what-have-you. Blazestar had made the decision to not bring aid. Cloverjaw doesn't feel like reaping those consequences himself.

He casts a backwards glance at the other members of their patrol, though his gaze lingers on Termitepaw. He wonders how she feels, to be on this patrol without her mentor. It sends a sharp pang through him. And yet, he's not quite sure how to engage her, or if he should even try. So he sets his sights forward again, trailing close to his littermate's side. "Big day," he meows quietly, trying to keep some semblance of a jovial bounce in his tone. "How's being a patrol leader?"​
Ravenpaw might have been one of the few cats in RiverClan who did not bear ill will toward SkyClan's decision to not help them with the battle at sunning rocks. While it would have been beneficial to have them on their side, this dispute remained squarely between ThunderClan and RiverClan. What sort of Clan could they be, if they needed another Clan's help for a border dispute? Ravenpaw would be more inclined to call on SkyClan's help during the WindClan invasion of their camp. While he worried himself with these thoughts, he knew he was no leader. No decision rested on his shoulders.

Tagging alongside the end of the patrol that Wolfglade was on, Ravenpaw raised his tail at the appearance of a SkyClan border patrol. He recognized Slate from the WindClan herb raid, but the others were unknown to him.

"Did you find your missing apprentice? Howlpaw?" Asked Ravenpaw with a tip of his head to the side.

The SkyClan patrol isn’t met with a glare from Clay, but it also isn’t greeted with his usual cheer toward the cats of his former home. SkyClan, as a whole, is RiverClan’s ally. Blazestar, however… he can’t be trusted. Clay feels terrible for him, with his mate and kits lost to Emberstar’s ruling, but it’s apparent that he isn’t the same tom he had been when he took on the role of leader, when Clayfur had known him in the original pine colony. Like some of the other clan leaders, he’s lost his sense of self somewhere in his leadership. It’s easy to begin with the intention of keeping one’s own clan safe, but selfishness and hypocrisy run rampant in the cats who sit upon the high rock at gatherings.

(Cicada is no exception, of course, but he is the tom who Clay’s family chose to follow, and he is the tom who Clay’s mate trusted, and he is the tom who Clay’s loyalty belongs to. He’s made missteps, to be expected of any leader, but he is doing his best to keep RiverClan safe. He’s always been openly distrustful of the others, but never outright antagonistic. Not like Sootstar. Not like Howlingstar.)

Clay has taken a life from Howlingstar, has watched the light leave her eyes. He wishes he’d been able to see that same light return to her eyes, if only so he could have ripped it away again. Pitchstar, Emberstar, Briarstar—all three of them lost multiple lives in one go. Who’s to say Howlingstar couldn’t be the next to follow in their pawsteps? Blazestar has surely lost a life or two by now; Clay thinks his odds of besting the red-pointed tom are significantly worse, but once RiverClan has recovered…

His own malice shocks him for a moment; he hears the red-furred ThunderClanner’s cry for his mate, sees the tom he’d attempted to drag into the river’s depths. He feels fur, blue as jay feathers, swirled like a whirlpool, brushing against his side. Would Clearsight be proud of what he’s done—or does his warrior look down upon him with shame, with disappointment? When did he get so… angry? When did he begin to lash out? He schools his expression, smoothing over the twisting anger to retain some semblance of neutrality. His frustration doesn’t lie with the everyday warriors of SkyClan.

He doesn’t say anything to the SkyClanners, only stares blankly across the river at them. He, like Ravenpaw, is curious about Howlpaw—concerned for her, even. He hasn’t seen hide nor hair of the multicolored apprentice, but he has kept an eye out for both her and Gloompaw since the last time he’d met a pine forest patrol at the border.
beesong finds that skyclan is the only other clan that he does not dislike as of late. blazestar hadn't sent reinforcements to sunningrocks, but the healer couldn't fault the ragdoll for doing what was best for his clan... or his divided family. that's what riverclan had done when howlingstar requested that cicadastar helped drive off the dogs, isn't it?

so the healer greets the skyclan patrol with reserved friendliness; a small, but forced smile, and a dip of their head. nothing too out of the ordinary in hopes of avoiding suspicion from their clanmates who know of their origin. ravenpaw asks if skyclan's found blazestar's missing daughter, howlpaw, and beesong hums in acknowledgment of the question. that's right... skyclan and riverclan both have lost much in the past moon. gloompaw, howlpaw, clearsight... is there an end in sight to the suffering?

he doesn't speak, waiting for the answer to ravenpaw's question.
❪ TAGS ❫ — Orangeblossom had done a true act of kindness assigning Cloverjaw to Slate's patrol. It wasn't as if it would be the end of the world if his brother couldn't tag along with him, but having the silver tabby around made things a little more tolerable.

At the sound of Clover's voice, a hint of a grin appears on Slate's maw if only for a moment, though it isn't easily discernable. "Honestly? I thought I would feel cooler, but it's not too different." It was as if Slate was taking a walk amongst the pines like he usually did, only this time he had to grunt at the others to keep up the pace and stop lagging.

His attention snaps upward again as warriors opposite the river manifest within his vision — a few adults and an apprentice. One of them doesn't look particularly pleased with his patrol's presence, something that wasn't surprising, while the others seemed largely neutral. Slate, not being one for cordial greetings, acknowledged the dark-hued apprentice's inquiry with only his gaze and flicked a torn ear. If his memory serves him well, he could vaguely recall Ravenpaw from the WindClan raid. "Not yet, no." The patrol leader answers with a frown.

Golden eyes survey the rest of the RiverClan patrol, stance straightening into one that exerted self-assuredness. Even if he still felt like a rogue on the inside, not truly belonging to SkyClan, he had been trusted to lead this patrol. Slate had to take charge of the situation and prove his worth to the others. "One of our warriors has gone missing, too. Have you seen a big gray tom with dark stripes?" He wasn't sure what impression two SkyClanners going missing in a short span might give off to other clans, but right now, that isn't important. Something—or someone—is taking their clanmates. They could soon be as good as dead, if not already.

Grapejuice padded alongside his patrol quietly. This was going to be an awkward one for sure, considering they hadn't helped Riverclan in their time of need as they had done for them. It infuriated him at the time, but as time passes he began to understand Blazestar with his newfound clarity. But even so, this alliance was important.

His kits are going to be in danger regardless. Riverclan will show them no mercy. Will they become enemies over Blazestars kin?

He himself had selfish reasons for wanting to help Riverclan. If he heard that Dogteeth had gotten hurt by Thunderclan, he will be furious.

The visit to the border left him in inner turmoil. He looked across the border at the Riverclan cats and smiled. What was he supposed to say? He should have been there helping them, and he wasn't. Guilt was gnawing at him like a dog gnaws on a bone.

Nothing he could say would make anything better, so he remained silent. A rare occurrence indeed.
  • Crying
Reactions: DogTeeth

The cavernous rattling of a growl stirs ahead from the darker warrior Wolfglade, Dogteeth pokes a bandaged muzzle through the reeds to stand flank to flank with them. Smelling and hearing the Skyclanners, his fur is twined clumsily behind his ears in somehow elegant tendrils that halo an injured face. It stings in the open air near the river, but his eyes dart prettily until they land on familiar greys. Like riverstones blessed by starlight. Grapejuice. That silly name and silly smile, with silly words.

Skyclan hadn’t sent-, no Blazestar hadn't sent reinforcements. He had little ones in Thunderclan, it was a personal affair. Dogteeth couldn’t fault him, nor blame his loyal warriors. It’s not like it’s easy, right? It's not like Grapejuice wished Dogteeth to die. Did he? The blonde steps into the shallows of the river as Ravenpaw asks about the missing Skyclanner. Revealing himself with a blank face, it hurt to smile- it hurt. He smiles softly against the sting, meeting eyes with his friend on the other side. " Hi-… Grapejuice…" he waves his tail in a long upward sweep that slings water through the air.

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    2023 VOICE & ACCENT
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
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