chrys' hate chart

Haven't properly met yet
Fearful of
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Finds Entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love

hiii welcome to the hate chart step up to be judged by skyclan's designated grump! everything here is IC opinions exclusively.

"What is it with Skyclan and attracting the most oafish, fluff-brained, stupid cowards in the entire forest? I refuse to take anything from a cat who is so afraid of the outside world that she just sits in the nursery all day. Why can't she just go to a Twoleg nest if she wants to lie around and sleep?"
"Did Bobbie teach him how to speak like he walked straight out of Lionclan or does he just do that on his own? Either way, if he's trying to imitate Blazestar, he's doing a shitty job at it. He didn't speak like that at all. I'll give him this, though, his nettle sprig weapon is kinda cute."
"Who left this idiot in charge of the herbs? I swear, this whole clan is going to be gone by the time leaf-bare is over if he's still around. That kittypet's a good-for-nothing loser to me. I'd rather eat a whole bushel of deathberries than let him tend to my wounds. Well, at least he does his job. I can't say the same for half of these nitwits and morons. And I'd rather have a freak that does his job than a dozen who don't."
"I just hope the newest medicine cat apprentice isn't as much of a freak as Dawnglare is. Well, that's honestly a pretty low bar to set. He seems nice, I guess. He's pretty big, though. How is he going to see where the injuries are if he's got those large paws? I just hope I don't get injured within the next hundred moons."
"Honeysplash is the only cat who's ever tolerated me this long. Dare I say it, she's the only cat that truly likes me for who I am. No matter what I do to sabotage it, she always comes right back. And she's one of the only cats here that I can stand, so that's definitely some kind of achievement. But I don't deserve her, I ruin every interaction we have... It's a wonder why she's stayed this long."

"I don't understand why she left. And just when I thought that she wasn't like the other kittypets, that she actually wanted to be here. I'm the biggest idiot in Skyclan to think that I had finally met a cat who cared about me."

"She gave me a Twoleg-flower. I put it in my nest, but it still smells kind of weird. I wonder why she would go out of her way for me like that. All I've done is yell at her. I wouldn't do that to someone who treated me like that. I still haven't found those yellow flowers..."

"What a stupid, clumsy oaf. Who does she think she is, crashing into me like that? With the way she's going, I wouldn't be surprised if she fell into some ditch and died. Maybe that's what she deserves for breaking my concentration like that... Well, she's not that bad. At least she's nicer than most of the absolute dumbasses in this clan."
"What kind of cat doesn't even bother to remember someone's name? My name's not Cricketpaw, because that's an ugly name. What a stupid scatterbrain. At least she's not a complete asshole, though. The enthusiasm still gets annoying. Cats like that are bound to be disappointed by life."
"All she does is argue with me, even when she knows she's wrong. It's so annoying. And she acts like she's above it all, too! She's not any better than me, or Termitehum, or any of her family. Whatever, I hope she gets pine-sap all over her mouth so she shuts up forever."
"I can't believe that she has the gall to treat me like I'm a kit when all I'm trying to do is make sure our clan functions. We can't take in every single starving loner or fatass kittypet, or else we'd hunt all the prey in our forest. At least she's a good leader, regardless. More assertive than Blazestar."

"Well, I don't have much to say about Orangeblossom. She's cool, I guess. If I had to choose any of these nobodies to play deputy, she would be high on the list, at least. I don't like how she thinks she can treat me like a kit, though. I'm eight moons old! I can think for myself, and I can do it much better than you shitheads!"
"I don't really know her too well, but she's a lead warrior, so that's got to mean something. Apparently she's a former kittypet. Well, she's better than half of the so-called daylight warriors that infest Skyclan. She still looks like a softie, though, and we certainly don't need more of those if we're to be a respected clan in the forest."

"My old mentor is stil as stubborn, bull-headed, arrogant, and selfish as the day I met him. I would've thought that I would at least understand him when I grew up, but I don't. And what kind of mentor doesn't show up at his apprentice's ceremony? At least he does his job. As long as I never have to talk to him again, I'll be the happiest cat alive."

"Ughhh. I can't believe Blazestar assigned him to me as a mentor. Seriously, does he think it's funny to watch me suffer? All he does is nag and scold me. And give me chores, lots and lots of stupid chores. He's just like my dad, except worse because I actually have to see him every day. I hope he falls down a big ravine and dies."

"What an asshole. I hate adults who think they know everything, because they remind me of my dad. Well, my dad also told me that you shouldn't take shit from anyone. I could probably kick his ass when I'm older! Or maybe not, he can be okay when he wants to be. At least he shares the same opinion about kittypets with me. That's got to be a sign of intelligence."

"Do we just let any cat in nowadays? Blazestar must be trying to get us killed if he's allowing cats like Slate to stay in the same camp as me. Seriously, if I ever become leader, I'm going to verify each joiner's intentions and past in detail. The last thing I'd rather do is call him a clanmate of mine, because he's not. He's just a stupid rogue who thinks he can traipse in here and mooch off of us."

"What the fuck is his problem, gobbling up all of Skyclan's food like that? In the middle of leaf-bare, no less! I swear, I've met feathers with more common sense than that fat kittypet has ever had. He's honestly the reason why Skyclan shouldn't even allow kittypets - they'll just eat all our prey and sleep in all our beds without ever pulling their weight. He should go back to his Twolegs if he likes being a lazy bum so damn much."

"It's weird when you've never talked much with your family, because now you have to bond when your father dies in some idiotic accident like a stupid fuckin' kit. She's still quiet, which is weird, because I would've thought she would grow out of it by now. Oh well. I guess I get it. I wouldn't want to talk to anyone in this clan, either."

"What kind of Skyclan cat is afraid of heights? I can't believe such a cowardly idiot is my sister. Probably no coincidence why she looks so much like Dragonflywing either - she probably inherited all his stupidity. Which is good, 'cause I don't want any of it. I can't stand looking at her, especially when she acts so dumb all the time."
"I don't really know him, so I guess he's nice. Much more competent than a lot of the cats here, and that's saying something considering his kittypet-stink. His spikes are kind of scary, though... Does anyone else think he was a thornbush in his past life? Or, like, a hedgehog? Seriously, he looks so weird. I'm surprised he even has a mate, if I saw him in my nest next to me I'd be terrified."
"I cannot believe Orangestar made him deputy. Did she make that decision after sniffing a whole load of catmint? Him, the cat who stutters all the time and can't say a full sentence without acting like he's freezing his ass off! Seriously, I could do a way better job than him. Not that I even want to be deputy, but still."

"Does he ever learn how to not stutter or be such a huge wimp all the time? I thought he was just freezing out here, but turns out that's just how he talks. It's seriously so irritating. I don't think I can stand it, to be honest. At least he's amusing when he gets into trouble, though. He's good for one thing."

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