chrysalis - lupinekit

It's a bit odd. Growing that is. Lupine, Drowsy, and him were together for all their life, but now that they've been given more freedom to explore and meet many cats within their home they haven't been as close as before. Their differences have become more pronounced, but there were some things that remained and would stay that way. The first was their mother. The second was despite the fact they may have different personalities, all of them were the same ink color with some differences. Lupinekit was the only one to have white paws, while he was the only one to have extra toes. The third was this. Even as time changed and they grew up, they would always be siblings. A family.

However, at the moment everything was a bit much. With their mom returning injured, skyclanners returning battered, and experiencing their very first lockdown was overwhelming. They weren't even apprentices, yet they had already experienced so much. Crow didn't even want to think about the time they would become apprentices. Eventually they would become apprentices, but for now he wanted to focus on being a kit. Coming back with wounds was something that terrified him and it was no good to feed into those fears when there was at least a moon or two before they became Crowpaw, Drowsypaw, and Lupinepaw.

Crowkit at the moment decided now would be a good time to find Lupinekit because he had finished visiting Drowsykit. Well... Visiting might not be the right word to say that more like she was sleeping as usual and he brought her back a random flower to wake up to. Lupinekit was his brother who always made sure to take charge for them. Drowskykit would sleep and he himself was either too shy or wanted nothing to do with the situation. In short, his brother not only had to take care of himself, he had to take care of them. It ate at him. He shouldn't be doing this to his brother. He loves Lupinekit and the last thing he wants is for Lupinekit to suffer on his behalf.

Maybe he had a good sense or something because he did find his brother, but he caught his brother speaking to himself. Ears twitch when their mother is mentioned. It doesn't take Starclan to let him know that their mother returning hurt did a number on Lupinekit. Then again, all of them were torn that day. He frowns as his brother's mumblings become worse and this needs to stop now. Crow had never liked speaking too much, but for his one and only brother he needed to.

The first thing he did was step into his brother's line of sight, "Lup, stop." Crowkit didn't care if Lupinekit looked up, he would continue anyway. "You're not okay. Mama s-says when b-bad things happen, tell her. I not mama, but w-we are broth-ers." He couldn't help scrunching in distaste of how his words came out. Ah, he shouldn't be too hard on himself. After all, he didn't exactly use his voice that much. Anyhow, he would rub against his brother's side to comfort him. "Lup can tell Crow. C-crow can help!"

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The night passed slowly, he and the other kittens huddled together in a fearful mass in the darkness of the nursery, waiting for the fateful moment that the sound of yowls and snarls would breach their camp. That moment would never come, the Skyclan camp would remain protected, surrounded only by the sound of breeze through branches. Windclan had been chased off, the warriors all came back bloodied but alive, the sun was rising, the camp was secured, and everyone in it was safe now. This was all true, and yet Lupinekit couldn't get his heart to stop racing.

Later that day, he'd slipped out to find a quiet corner away from the nursery so as to not bother his surely exhausted denmates. He just needed some space, he thought, and then he'd be back to normal. "We're okay, Mommy's safe, my siblings are safe, Skyclan's safe, everything's okay. Everything is fine, Mommy's fine, you're fine, everything's fine..." He murmured to himself, kneading needly kitten claws into the soft earth beneath him rhythmically. He couldn't think of anything else but to talk himself through his thoughts. Certainly, he couldn't bother anyone else about his feelings, because he knew that they weren't based on anything real anymore. He wanted to sort himself out by himself, it was like Cherrykit had said, Blazestar wasn't going to ever let him be a warrior if he was a crybaby like this.

He didn't notice Crowkit until he was standing right in front of him. He winced, halting his muttering with a start. He was washed with a familiar sense of embarrassment, the last cat he wanted to find him like this was Crowkit. Crowkit, who loved him and trusted him and depended on him. Crowkit, who was up all night with him and definitely was dealing with his own emotions already. Crowkit's words were touching, but mostly Lupinekit felt as if he was letting his brother down by not being able to handle what he surely should have been able to.

"No, Crowkit, it-it's okay, I'm just being a crybaby, really..." He shook his head, sighing shakily. Lupinekit felt a pang of guilt that Crowkit had even noticed that he was upset, he didn't want his brother to worry about him when he knew that he was fussing over nothing. Even still, he would press closer to Crowkit, watching their feet with his rush of thoughts still persisting internally. Between them, they had three black forepaws and one white, which was funny, kind of. "It's nothing."

Everything is okay, why are you still scared? Stop being a baby..!

//im so sorry this is late ! ;-;