- Jun 7, 2022
- 189
- 53
- 28
cinderfrost x unknown grime
an encounter that eerily mirrored the past. that's when he found her: emotionally and mentally shattered. he listened to her and wrapped her in warmth. in that moment, she wasn't a monster nor maniac; she was a young woman who felt betrayed, unwanted, and exhausted. he offered delicate words that wove her sweet tales. instincts bled into emotions. and so they danced beneath the stars that had forsaken her.
a brief encounter that meant the world to the confused and sad molly. an encounter that simply provided a fun time, a frivolous moment, for the tom. she searched for him but he vanished without a trace. he'd become a ghost on the wind. once again, the blue molly found herself alone. a feeling that'd be replaced by fear when she noticed the changes to her body.
With Cinderfrost now exiled from ThunderClan, she'll be giving birth to her litter outside of the clans. She'll either not be able to produce enough milk to feed them or she'll be with them until they're weaned: whichever the case, the kits will end up in ThunderClan as she'll view it as a much safer place for them to live. How much the kits remember of Cinder is up to you! However, she'll ask Roe to keep their lineage as hidden as possible. She doesn't wish for them to be judged due to her past actions.
1. This litter is not first come, first served. Instead, there will be a tentative deadline of October 31st with the date subject to change depending on levels of interest.
2. They will not be aware of their father UNLESS someone wishes to adopt the sire and figure out a way for him to be in their lives (or actively avoiding them).
3. Kittens will be intro'd at 2 moons old. When they age will be decided later!
4. I'd like for the kits to stay in ThunderClan until they're at least warrior aged. However, if you plan on having them join the remainder of their family in ShadowClan then they can leave at around apprentice age!
5. Please let me know if you ever want to drop your character <3 They'll either be rehomed or written off in some way.
kits will be third gen! the majority of their family resides in shadowclan!
grandchildren to frog's croak and grandmafur
nieces, nephews, and niblings to Prowling Toad, Axolotl, and Geckoscreech
cousins toLeaping Toad and Ribbitpaw
litter genetics
shout-out to floppa! thank you so much!
Sire: LH silver tabby with low white (carrying dilute, solid, non-silver, burmese restriction)
Dam: SH blue mink (carrying longhaired)
Kits can be black, black smoke, brown tabby, silver tabby, seal mink, smoke mink, lynx mink, silver lynx mink, seal sepia, smoke sepia, lynx sepia, silver lynx sepia, blue, blue smoke, blue tabby, blue silver tabby, blue mink, blue smoke mink, blue lynx mink, blue silver lynx mink, blue sepia, blue smoke sepia, blue lynx sepia, or blue silver lynx sepia
- Kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
- Kits will have no white or low white
- Non-pointed kits with no white may have any realistic eyecolor barring blue; non-pointed kits with white may have any realistic eyecolor; mink kits without white will have aqua eyes; sepia kits without white will have golden eyes
- shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; silver kits will carry non-silver, non-pointed kits will carry burmese restriction OR colorpoint; tabby kits will carry solid; non-dilute kits will carry dilute
Cinder has a list of names (that she doesn't know about)! However, any names are allowed barring negative and mean ones. They were unexpected but it's not their fault they are here! This is simply some references:
amphibianfam Frog, Toad, Newt, Salamander (most likely not) - any other amphibians names that I missed!
family names Leaping, Croak(ing), Prowling, Ribbit, Frog, Toad
marsh colony Shadow, Dark, Pine, Marsh, Swamp, Mud, Muddy, Fen, Mire, Bog, Flood(ed) (+ plants and animals found in swamps)
thunderclan Lightning, Thunder, Bright, Oak, Forest, Tree, Leaf (+ plants and animals found in the forest)
reptiles Snake, Adder, Viper, Cobra, Turtle, Tortoise, Snapping, Hissing
appearances Blue, Silver, White, Black, Brown, Gold, Pale
herb related Burdock, Borage, Nettle, Yarrow, Honey, Poppy, Tansy, Thyme, Lavender, Marigold, Moss(y ), Juniper, Holly
friends/mentors Windy, Breeze, Hare, Rabbit, Marrow, Ash(y/en), Honey, Bee, Echo, Light, Yarrow, Nectar
roepaw Deer, Antler, Doe, Fawn, Storm(y ), Rain(y )
emberstar/the fire Shining, Dazzling, Chirp(ing), Gleam, Twinkle, Scorch(ing), Burning, Smoke
frost/cold Freezing, Shiver(ing), Frozen, Blizzard, Cold, Avalanche, Snow
actions Running, Jumping, etc
litter slots
1. Mine
an encounter that eerily mirrored the past. that's when he found her: emotionally and mentally shattered. he listened to her and wrapped her in warmth. in that moment, she wasn't a monster nor maniac; she was a young woman who felt betrayed, unwanted, and exhausted. he offered delicate words that wove her sweet tales. instincts bled into emotions. and so they danced beneath the stars that had forsaken her.
a brief encounter that meant the world to the confused and sad molly. an encounter that simply provided a fun time, a frivolous moment, for the tom. she searched for him but he vanished without a trace. he'd become a ghost on the wind. once again, the blue molly found herself alone. a feeling that'd be replaced by fear when she noticed the changes to her body.
With Cinderfrost now exiled from ThunderClan, she'll be giving birth to her litter outside of the clans. She'll either not be able to produce enough milk to feed them or she'll be with them until they're weaned: whichever the case, the kits will end up in ThunderClan as she'll view it as a much safer place for them to live. How much the kits remember of Cinder is up to you! However, she'll ask Roe to keep their lineage as hidden as possible. She doesn't wish for them to be judged due to her past actions.
1. This litter is not first come, first served. Instead, there will be a tentative deadline of October 31st with the date subject to change depending on levels of interest.
2. They will not be aware of their father UNLESS someone wishes to adopt the sire and figure out a way for him to be in their lives (or actively avoiding them).
3. Kittens will be intro'd at 2 moons old. When they age will be decided later!
4. I'd like for the kits to stay in ThunderClan until they're at least warrior aged. However, if you plan on having them join the remainder of their family in ShadowClan then they can leave at around apprentice age!
5. Please let me know if you ever want to drop your character <3 They'll either be rehomed or written off in some way.
kits will be third gen! the majority of their family resides in shadowclan!
grandchildren to frog's croak and grandmafur
nieces, nephews, and niblings to Prowling Toad, Axolotl, and Geckoscreech
cousins to
litter genetics
shout-out to floppa! thank you so much!
Sire: LH silver tabby with low white (carrying dilute, solid, non-silver, burmese restriction)
Dam: SH blue mink (carrying longhaired)
Kits can be black, black smoke, brown tabby, silver tabby, seal mink, smoke mink, lynx mink, silver lynx mink, seal sepia, smoke sepia, lynx sepia, silver lynx sepia, blue, blue smoke, blue tabby, blue silver tabby, blue mink, blue smoke mink, blue lynx mink, blue silver lynx mink, blue sepia, blue smoke sepia, blue lynx sepia, or blue silver lynx sepia
- Kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
- Kits will have no white or low white
- Non-pointed kits with no white may have any realistic eyecolor barring blue; non-pointed kits with white may have any realistic eyecolor; mink kits without white will have aqua eyes; sepia kits without white will have golden eyes
- shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; silver kits will carry non-silver, non-pointed kits will carry burmese restriction OR colorpoint; tabby kits will carry solid; non-dilute kits will carry dilute
Cinder has a list of names (that she doesn't know about)! However, any names are allowed barring negative and mean ones. They were unexpected but it's not their fault they are here! This is simply some references:
amphibianfam Frog, Toad, Newt, Salamander (most likely not) - any other amphibians names that I missed!
family names Leaping, Croak(ing), Prowling, Ribbit, Frog, Toad
marsh colony Shadow, Dark, Pine, Marsh, Swamp, Mud, Muddy, Fen, Mire, Bog, Flood(ed) (+ plants and animals found in swamps)
thunderclan Lightning, Thunder, Bright, Oak, Forest, Tree, Leaf (+ plants and animals found in the forest)
reptiles Snake, Adder, Viper, Cobra, Turtle, Tortoise, Snapping, Hissing
appearances Blue, Silver, White, Black, Brown, Gold, Pale
herb related Burdock, Borage, Nettle, Yarrow, Honey, Poppy, Tansy, Thyme, Lavender, Marigold, Moss(y ), Juniper, Holly
friends/mentors Windy, Breeze, Hare, Rabbit, Marrow, Ash(y/en), Honey, Bee, Echo, Light, Yarrow, Nectar
roepaw Deer, Antler, Doe, Fawn, Storm(y ), Rain(y )
emberstar/the fire Shining, Dazzling, Chirp(ing), Gleam, Twinkle, Scorch(ing), Burning, Smoke
frost/cold Freezing, Shiver(ing), Frozen, Blizzard, Cold, Avalanche, Snow
actions Running, Jumping, etc
litter slots
1. Mine
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