cinderfrost's spawn

cinderfrost x unknown grime
an encounter that eerily mirrored the past. that's when he found her: emotionally and mentally shattered. he listened to her and wrapped her in warmth. in that moment, she wasn't a monster nor maniac; she was a young woman who felt betrayed, unwanted, and exhausted. he offered delicate words that wove her sweet tales. instincts bled into emotions. and so they danced beneath the stars that had forsaken her.

a brief encounter that meant the world to the confused and sad molly. an encounter that simply provided a fun time, a frivolous moment, for the tom. she searched for him but he vanished without a trace. he'd become a ghost on the wind. once again, the blue molly found herself alone. a feeling that'd be replaced by fear when she noticed the changes to her body.

With Cinderfrost now exiled from ThunderClan, she'll be giving birth to her litter outside of the clans. She'll either not be able to produce enough milk to feed them or she'll be with them until they're weaned: whichever the case, the kits will end up in ThunderClan as she'll view it as a much safer place for them to live. How much the kits remember of Cinder is up to you! However, she'll ask Roe to keep their lineage as hidden as possible. She doesn't wish for them to be judged due to her past actions.

1. This litter is not first come, first served. Instead, there will be a tentative deadline of October 31st with the date subject to change depending on levels of interest.
2. They will not be aware of their father UNLESS someone wishes to adopt the sire and figure out a way for him to be in their lives (or actively avoiding them).
3. Kittens will be intro'd at 2 moons old. When they age will be decided later!
4. I'd like for the kits to stay in ThunderClan until they're at least warrior aged. However, if you plan on having them join the remainder of their family in ShadowClan then they can leave at around apprentice age!
5. Please let me know if you ever want to drop your character <3 They'll either be rehomed or written off in some way.

kits will be third gen! the majority of their family resides in shadowclan!

grandchildren to frog's croak and grandmafur
nieces, nephews, and niblings to Prowling Toad, Axolotl, and Geckoscreech
cousins to Leaping Toad and Ribbitpaw

litter genetics
shout-out to floppa! thank you so much!

Sire: LH silver tabby with low white (carrying dilute, solid, non-silver, burmese restriction)
Dam: SH blue mink (carrying longhaired)

Kits can be black, black smoke, brown tabby, silver tabby, seal mink, smoke mink, lynx mink, silver lynx mink, seal sepia, smoke sepia, lynx sepia, silver lynx sepia, blue, blue smoke, blue tabby, blue silver tabby, blue mink, blue smoke mink, blue lynx mink, blue silver lynx mink, blue sepia, blue smoke sepia, blue lynx sepia, or blue silver lynx sepia
- Kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
- Kits will have no white or low white
- Non-pointed kits with no white may have any realistic eyecolor barring blue; non-pointed kits with white may have any realistic eyecolor; mink kits without white will have aqua eyes; sepia kits without white will have golden eyes
- shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; silver kits will carry non-silver, non-pointed kits will carry burmese restriction OR colorpoint; tabby kits will carry solid; non-dilute kits will carry dilute

Cinder has a list of names (that she doesn't know about)! However, any names are allowed barring negative and mean ones. They were unexpected but it's not their fault they are here! This is simply some references:

amphibianfam Frog, Toad, Newt, Salamander (most likely not) - any other amphibians names that I missed!
family names Leaping, Croak(ing), Prowling, Ribbit, Frog, Toad
marsh colony Shadow, Dark, Pine, Marsh, Swamp, Mud, Muddy, Fen, Mire, Bog, Flood(ed) (+ plants and animals found in swamps)
thunderclan Lightning, Thunder, Bright, Oak, Forest, Tree, Leaf (+ plants and animals found in the forest)
reptiles Snake, Adder, Viper, Cobra, Turtle, Tortoise, Snapping, Hissing
appearances Blue, Silver, White, Black, Brown, Gold, Pale
herb related Burdock, Borage, Nettle, Yarrow, Honey, Poppy, Tansy, Thyme, Lavender, Marigold, Moss(y ), Juniper, Holly
friends/mentors Windy, Breeze, Hare, Rabbit, Marrow, Ash(y/en), Honey, Bee, Echo, Light, Yarrow, Nectar
roepaw Deer, Antler, Doe, Fawn, Storm(y ), Rain(y )
emberstar/the fire Shining, Dazzling, Chirp(ing), Gleam, Twinkle, Scorch(ing), Burning, Smoke
frost/cold Freezing, Shiver(ing), Frozen, Blizzard, Cold, Avalanche, Snow
actions Running, Jumping, etc

litter slots
1. Mine
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hollykit . hollypaw . hollybite, hollywhistle

↳ named after the deadly holly berry
— kitten, unknown allegiance
— cisgender female, she/her; bisexual
cinderfrost x grime, sibling to ???

seal mink with white and aqua colored eyes as a kit, holly is extremely tall, towering over her siblings. shes built as if she was born a fighter, with broad shoulders and a stocky frame. adorned with a darker colored brown pelt, a seal mink pattern, she has splashes of white on her back, chest, tip of her tail and around her neck, giving her a mane like appearance. theres also a little heart shaped spot on her forehead. due to being a mink, her eyes are aqua in color, and are typically narrowed with a spark of mischievousness.
↳ carrying longhair


( + ) confident ( / ) loud, ambitious ( - ) arrogant from the very beginning, holly has trouble with perceiving the world around her, especially the concept of good and evil. holly, regardless, is a very loud and obnoxious kit, with a knack for getting in trouble and playing a little too hard. she's quite childish in her manners and absolutely opposes authority figures.
mannerisms: lots of big toothy grins, talks with her tail
— will start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will show mercy
— (will) excel at tree climbing, fighting & jumping


— holly finds out what her mother has done, holly takes a hollyleaf approach & struggles with accepting the truth because all she has known was mama being loving & kind
— holly will forgive her mother, but will look at the world a little differently - wants to reconnect with other family to figure out what she was like before the great battle
— holly eventually picks a flower that reminds her of cinder & wears it religiously

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toadkit . toadpaw . toadhop

↳ named after his slain cousin, leaping toad
— thunderclan kit
— amab, he/him
salamander x grime; sibling to tbd

a brown tabby tom with low white and blue eyes with a similar appearance to his cousin, leaping toad, it is quite clear why toadkit is named after him. toadkit is adorned with light brown fur, with darker stripes of brown swirling through it. white hits his tail tip and paws, as well as locates itself in a diamond-like shape on his forehead. his eyes are a cerulean shade of blue, similar in hue to leaping toad's.
↳ carries color point, solid

( + ) clever, observant ( / ) determined, impressionable ( - ) cautious, clingy a clingy kit, toadkit is typically seen at the side of at least one of his siblings most - if not all - of the time: especially after their arrival in thunderclan. the kit is a fast learner, and will settle into clan life well, though finds himself struggling to find his own sense of originality within it - often getting in trouble for his lack of critical thinking, and his tendency to mimic the thunderclanners around him.

— as he grows, toadkit will potentially learn further about his lineage, thus facing a need to prove himself in the wake of such knowledge - wanting to be a better thunderclanner than cinderfrost was, and wanting to prove that he's his own cat as he learns about his namesake and their similarities
— vaguely remembers cinderfrost - blips of soft fur and warmth in a time before his life in thunderclan - but likely will have fond memories buried under soured tales of thunderclan's first medicine cat
— potentially gets persuaded by an older apprentice / warrior into doing a dangerous task, ending up with some sort of life-altering injury.

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Named for the marsh colony
Two moons
Thunderclan kit
Cis male (he/him), orientation TBD

A short-haired black smoke with an average frame and shining green eyes
At a glance, Marshkit is rather average in appearance, sporting a short black pelt and a typical, if not ever-so-slightly large, frame, though upon closer examination his dark fur is broken up by lighter swatches where his fur is mussed and parted. These lighter tones are most prominent along his chest and underbelly, though it's not uncommon to see him with a seemingly shifting pattern from encounter to encounter. Especially prominent while Marshkit is young, very faint striping can be seen along his pelt, particularly in noticeable around the areas where his fur parts the most. Marshkit's eyes, a dull green in color, are almost always bright with curiosity as his attention flits from place to place.
Carries longhair, non-silver, Burmese restriction, dilute
Fur is always a little askew/ungroomed
Constantly covered in little bumps and scratches and bruises from adventures

Curious, impatient, friendly, mischievous, boisterous, deflective, resilient
The first thing that comes to mind when picturing Marshkit isn't his appearance, but his presence - if he's nearby, he's likely to find a way to make it known to everyone around him. Never seeming to slow down, Marshkit is constantly bouncing from one thing to the next, looking for what might hold his next adventure. While he's not exactly the most conscientious of his surroundings, he is always eager to interact with others, and his friendly chattering and seemingly endless questions can be overbearing at times. His curiosity knows no bounds, and rules are more like suggestions to Marshkit when it comes to a good adventure. Marshkit can almost always be counted on to be in high spirits, and is quick to bounce back into shape when things do go wrong - rather than dwell on misfortune, he tries to always look ahead and keep marching forward.
Chaotic good

Easy to form platonic relationships with
Salamander x Grime
Littermate to TBD

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YAH... OKAY!!! im doin it... (sorry if it seems short, ive converted from bios to simple in-post tags!!)


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTKIT, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 2 moons . ages on the ??
╰ ‣ thunderclan kit . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· NPC x CINDERFROST, sister to tbd
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

notes that dont rly fit in the above;
- singular folded ear is merely a stylized way of drawing her (same with the green skin tones sometime seen in her art!)
- she learns at a snails pace, will struggle a great deal in her early apprentice moons. Will feel a blow to her self-esteem, but will grow to appreciate the strengths she does have even if shes not the smartest
- It sounds like how exactly the plot with Cinder goes isn't ironed out yet, and i dont want to get attached to ideas before its concrete,,, but almost regardless she will take the lack of a mother figure with difficulty! Lack of any parent figure in general and will kinda just... try to raise herself and her siblings the best she can!
- Might be a bit rejecting of Roepaw at first?? Being told "you're siblings now!" as a child is difficult and confusing, and not knowing Roepaw all that well despite her mothers mentions of her, she will ultimately be rejective of her at first
- might try out for mca with her WAYYY down the line, thought its worthy to mention cause that means she may accidentally take after mom. obviously, not a concrete plot just a little, sliver of an idea possibly
- will be rly stonk, scary to fight in battle.
- speaking of which when sparring with clan-mates, she often accidentally gets too rough (or maybe her SHEER FORCE is just too much for many LMAO)
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Prowling// for nibling Prowling Toad ;; Kit// for rank in the clan
No previous names
Two months // Created: 10/21/2022
Thunderclan Kitten
AMAB Genderfluid Enby (they/ze) // Demisexual Demromantic Polyam
No kits or mate

A solid black cat with bright yellow eyes.
Prowlingkit is a very long cat, having been long since they were born. Ze has a very narrow face that is triangle shaped with rounded, bat-like ears and puffed up jowels. They have long legs and a long tail with small paws at the end of their limbs. Prowlingkit also has short, velvety fur that is pitch black in color with not a single marking adorn across their body. Finally, Prowlingkit has these almost neon yellow eyes with partial heterchomia in their right eyes; it has a patch of amber in them.
No scars/injuries
Carries burmese restriction OR colorpoint; dilute

They are known to carry their mothers temper with how hotheaded Prowlingkit can be. Ze is very grouchy and anti-social a lot of the time, coming across as harsh or snappish very often. Though ze is begrudedly kind hearted and loves to give gifts to show affection or that he cares even a little bit about them. They have washy morals and loyalties, finding it more in cats than in the clan. Prowlingkit is ambitious and proud as can be and it is at times to a fault. Eager to learn and get their warrior name as soon as possible, ze has determination to make a different and be a hero of this fairy tale. Despite their rather- rough exterior.
Lawful Undecided

hard to form platonic relationships
easy to form romantic relationships
mate of no one. crushing on no one
parent to no one
child of Cinderfrost x NPC
sibling to TDB

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I'm going to keep it as the 31st! I want to start planning/brainstorming with the fam before they're born! I want her to have some little interactions while they are under her care so they can possibly form some memories of her <3

Edit: their father now has a name (Grime!) and will be played by Alloy!
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coldkit . coldpaw . cold???

↳ named for his stark white fur upon birth
— kit of thunderclan; curious about shadowclan & indifferent towards the rest
— trans male, he/him; undiscovered sexuality
salamander x npc, sibling to name, name, name, and name

a shorthaired blue silver lynx mink with aqua eyes and white patches. coldkit is a small, scrawny thing; it is apparent in his petite figure that he will not have a very impressive build once fully grown. his fur is short yet fluffy, with a slight wave to it's texture resembling his mother's. it's silvery in color, striped with pale blue upon his extremities. the icecaps of white are hardly distinguishable from his light body. his eyes are triangular, with dark aqua irises.
↳ carrying longhair, solid, and non-silver


( + ) laid-back, studious, cheerful, enthusiastic ( / ) teasing, defensive, perfectionist ( - ) obnoxious, know-it-all, bitter, insecure, obsessive, paranoid coldkit is, at first glance, a laid-back and cheerful young tom. he enjoys teasing quips and playful banter with others his age, often seeking this out with an argumentative yet easygoing demeanor towards his peers when understimulated or downright bored. however, as a stark contrast to his impish treatment of other young thunderclanners, coldkit is reverent and respectful towards his superiors. this stems from a deep-rooted insecurity about his heritage, a need to prove himself and be accepted by authority figures. he possesses a bitterness within his heart, both towards his mother for the crimes which led her to be shunned within thunderclan and thunderclan itself for leaving him without a mother. he's known to be defensive, even downright harsh, when questioned. paranoia towards his status leaves coldkit perfectionistic in his duties, to the point of being downright obsessive; if he should fail, he is quick to enter a downward spiral of anxiety and panic attacks.

coldkit is, above all, a studious child. he's eager to learn about the world, and he's quick to spout random facts that he's picked up to others. however, he can come across as a know-it-all.
mannerisms: has an odd adoration of things he considers cute, such as birds and fireflies. coldkit enjoys mimicking birdsong, as well as collecting feathers.
— will not start fights | will end fights | will flee | will show mercy
— will excel at stealth


— exploration of gender identity during kithood; will transition around the beginning of his apprenticeship.
— struggling with his feelings towards his mother; loves her so, so much, yet bitterly regrets her actions which have left him in thunderclan without her.
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I hope to roleplay and plot with you all regardless of this outcome.

This was an incredibly hard decision. I want to thank @Noor for helping me pick <3 Most of all, I want to thank everyone who applied!

I'll announce them in the order they'll be born:

1. Ragwortkit by @ava
2. Hollykit by @kanezaka
3. Mykit by @juniper (I haven't decided on a name rip)
4. Prowlingkit by @wolf_
5. Toadkit by @ABRI

We have a (wip) family discord!

Once again, thank you all for applying!

( Also, shout-out to @alloy who will be roleplaying their father, @GRIME )

Happy Halloween!