CINNAMON IN MY TEETH | Eavesdropping


Mud-caked paws didn’t stop the triumphant gait Roepaw took on as she pushed through the entrance, the rest of the hunting patrol trickling in behind her, a large bundle of russet clamped securely in her jaws.
She had caught squirrels before, of course, but this one was huge! Her biggest catch by far, if she had to guess.
Despite the weight of her catch wanting to drag her down, her head is held high when she trots by the entrance of the apprentices den, unknowingly past a small group of some younger apprentices.
By the time she had dropped the impressive meal off at the nursery and was circling back to settle beside another clanmate, the group was chattering like starlings somewhere behind from where she settled.
Curious, she subtly perks her ears.
Did you see that squirrel Roepaw brought in?
I hope I’m as good at hunting as her one day..
Now, her interest is set ablaze, hazy colored eyes widening with both flattery and surprise.
They want to be like me?
I heard she’s killed an adder!
Well I heard she can sneak up on full grown warriors!
She’s almost a full grown warrior-
Another voice pipes up, and Roepaw feels a small spark of an anxiety, was the ball about to drop? Were they going to call out her faults?
I want to be like her someday, she’s the deputies apprentice- she must be something special!
Her cheeks burn with a flattered flush, even as the relief floods over her spiked heart rate.
She straightens her shoulders, but her head dips a little after the fleeting rush of pride has run its course.
The apprentices are quick to notice her pale cinnamon pelt facing away from them, and shuffle away in anxious murmuring, Roepaw watches them go with a bittersweet blink.
She wasn’t really someone to look up to in her mind -most of even the younger apprentices physically couldn’t, she was too small, too troublesome and loud.
Thats okay though, as long as they only focuse on the good..right? She tries to find some small solace, choosing to fully believe in that rather than mope around on it any longer.
They think I’m cool! She assures, her head straightening up once again.

[ Being the apprentice of the deputy and one of the older apprentices means the kits and younger cats look up to her somewhat! Roepaw overhears some younger apprentices talking about how cool she is, it’s nice to be admired but it carries a weight as well. Does she feel she is a cat worth looking up to? How will she hold herself now as a result? ]
