camp CIRCLE THROUGH THE LEAVES [nest making]


Mar 31, 2023
š“…« He shouldnā€™t feel unwelcome within his own home. He shouldnā€™t feel shame for the relationships that he holds, and the ones that he clings to out of fear that heā€™ll be left alone, abandoned and still unaccepted. He should be ableā€”should be allowedā€”to live his life as he chooses, without fear of judgment hanging over his neck like a guillotine. But this is SkyClan, and he is Cloudberrythorn, so he keeps his mouth shut and his swirling thoughts to himself.

Yet as he makes the walk from his home to the camp set within the pine forest, the blue smoke can think of nothing else but his concerns. Orangestar was killedā€”not merely injured, but killed. There was nothing that he could have done to prevent it, but itā€™s a life gone already. Heā€™d always feared this would happen, even back when his older sister had first been promoted to deputy. Her lives, so precious and powerful, being stripped away one by oneā€¦ Her clanmates and loved ones, being forced to watch helplessly as she dies over and over again. As she suffers. Cloudberrythorn hates it. He just canā€™t stop thinking of Briarstar, of Pitchstar, of every other leader whoā€™d lost all their remaining lives in one go. He can only imagine the same fate befalling his beloved sister, who deserves nothing of the sort. She deserves happiness, a good ending tucked away with her mate in the eldersā€™ den. She doesnā€™t deserve to die over and over relentlessly, terrified all the while. But her first life is gone, and it is all but confirmed in his mind: she will suffer nine times over.

Maybe heā€™s just worrying too much. He tends to do that, after all. He should take his mind off thingsā€”and better yet, he should prepare. Heā€™s never had to make a nest before, spending his nights sleeping either in the warm sheltered indoors or on a soft bed beneath the porch roof. He knows how to gather the moss, but has no idea where to start. So he turns to the first cat he sees, golden eyes narrowed and pupils thinned to slits. "How do you make a nest?"

  • ooc: ā€”
  • 63123442_WiVlARmdNppNzfZ.png
    CLOUDBERRYTHORN āÆāÆ they/he, daylight warrior of skyclan
    ā­ƒ tall, slender blue smoke with bright orange eyes. gruff and overprotective, but a hardworking warrior.
    ā­ƒ sibling to honeysplash & orangestar
    ā­ƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    ā­ƒ penned by foxlore
  • Love
Reactions: wolfie

Cloudberrythorn was not an unfamiliar face to Howlfire. What was unfamiliar to her was the blue smoke staying in the warrior's den. Usually, the daylight warrior returned to his housefolk at night, spending his nights sheltered in the warm.

Howlfire is resting when she hears Cloudberrythorn's voice. She blinks and sits up, her own amber eyes staring back at the warrior. Howlfire glances down, seeing he's gathered some moss. It's a start, at the very least, but it wouldn't make a decent nest without any sticks to hold it together. "I'll help," Howlfire offered, stepping out of her own nest. "Let's leave the moss for now. We should find some sticks first to start building it up."
Truth be told he didn't know much about Cloudberrythorn. The other cat showed up and was gone most of the nights, so it was peculiar seeing him around the warriors den at this time. So much so he's about to comment "What do you mean how do you make a nest?" It's only when he looks to the source of inquiry that it makes sense. Howlfire is kind enough to help the other warrior with something as difficult (not really) as making a nest. Had he known this was Orangestar's littermate perhaps he would've been nicer, but ever one who seeks entertainment he saunters over to the pair full of mischief.

"You sure you want a nest? It's not like a requirement or anything. The floor is pretty comfortable y'know!" While yes the floor wasn't the most uncomfortable thing, it provided no cushion. Imagine if our den had sharp rocks as the ground. We'd actually need to sleep on nests, but I think the medicine cats would work overtime. There's so many cats who roll around in their sleep. They might wake up with new cuts. Anyhow, as if to sell his point, the blue tom lays on the ground. The ground isn't exactly warm, but he supposes it beats the heat in some ways. "See! It ain't so bad!"

-Ė‹Ė ą¼»āą¼ŗ ĖŽĖŠ- They tried to not think about it. To think about the fact that everything they knew, everyone they loved, could be stripped away like nothing. ORangestar had lost a life and it was rather hard to deal with, she couldnā€™t even begin to think what the Skyclan leader was going through. Though it was only enforcing her need to stay away.

She was close to loosing her sister, someone she had been close to at some point and now was more than a stranger to her. It was painful and wasnā€™t something theyā€™d wish on their worst enemy. The young warrior though tried to keep things upbeat, tried to make the sun shine at least a little bit even if it hurt them more than helped them. Everyone around them was more important after all.

The young warrior had been wondering towards the warriorsā€™ den in hopes of finding someone to come outside with them, but instead they found their brother sticking his head into the den. Howlfire had approached and they could hear Beetlebacksā€™ voice inside as well. Curious, they tilted their head to the side and padded up to the group of cats. Picking out the last of Beetlebacksā€™ voice as he suggested sleeping on the floor and that it wasnt ā€˜so badā€™.

Honeysplash tilted her head to the side, ā€œWhy are we sleeping on the ground now?ā€ They found themselves voicing and looked to her blue furred brother then the likes of Howlfire beyond that. Had Beetleback lost his mind?

  • HONEYSPLASH āœ© she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 27 moons.
    ā­ƒA lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    ā­ƒYounger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    ā­ƒpeaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    ā†› see battle info here
    ā­ƒ penned by you ā†› wolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Well, Beetleback wasn't wrong that having a nest wasn't a requirement, but even so, she still pulled a bemused face when he suggested sleeping on the floor. "I mean, sure, you could sleep on the floor, but I don't think it's very comfortable," Howlfire mewed. "Then again WindClan sleeps out in the open so maybe it isn't so bad."

Her eyes shift to Honeysplash when the other asks what is going on. Howlfire gives a nod of acknowledgement. "Cloudberrythorn wanted help with making a nest," She explained, eyes flickering to the moss he had with him. "Beetleback is trying to argue for not having a nest at all." Howlfire adds, chuckling in amusement.
Cometpaw had never really thought about a life away from his twolegs, giving up his kibble and the affectionate coos of his owners in order to dwell in the pines full-time. Being a daylight member gave him the freedom of both worlds; the ability to explore and train during the day and retreat to the safety of his home at night. It was quite a perfect situation, at least for him.

"I can help you gather sticks if you'd like." The daylight apprentice offers with a small smile toward Cloudberrythorn, a warrior he does not know very well at all. The other warriors are nice, though. His twolegs would love them, he often thought to himself. They would all have a home under his roof if they ever needed it.

Speaking of his twolegs, Cometpaw decides to speak his mind, rambling, "My twolegs give me a pretty comfy nest to sleep in. I don't really know what they're made out of, but it's probably a lot comfier than sleeping on leaves and sticks and stuff. I think that would just make me itchy all over." The boy doesn't feel the least bit concerned about coming off rude, comparing his plushy bed to the naturally-made nests. He just likes to speak his mind, figuring he isn't doing any harm.

  • Ā 
  • ā‚Š ā‹† * āŠ¹ ā‚Š ā˜¾

    ā€” he/him; daylight apprentice
    ā€” shorthaired lilac tabby with green eyes and low white; wears a gray collar and usually a sweater
    ā€” "speech", thoughts, attack
    ā€” link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!ā€‹
š“…« The cat who he demands answers from is a kind one. He doesnā€™t expect Howlfire to refuseā€”and she doesnā€™t. The she-cat points out that he should leave the moss and begin with sticks instead, but before he can say anything in response, Beetleback makes his way over with a swing in his step and an irritating expressionā€¦ or maybe Beetleback is just an irritating tom. He suggests that they can just sleep on the ground, and Honeysplash of course arrives soon after that.

Howlfire points out that sleeping right in the dirt might not be so bad if WindClan does it, and the tomā€™s face twists into a scowl. He glares not at Howlfire, but at Beetleback for even suggesting it. The fool even lies down on the ground himself, as though heā€™s one of the hare-breathed followers of Sootstar. Cloudberrythorn would sooner sleep unprotected in the rain than share anything with one of those hounds. "Iā€™m not sleeping on the ground. WindClan may do it, but theyā€™ve done plenty of other stupid things." So have SkyClanners, of course; heā€™s looking at a stupid one right now.

Cometpaw is a more inoffensive clanmate to approach them, and Cloudberrythorn tries to lessen his glower as he looks to the younger tom. "Myā€”the twolegs I spent my nights with also gave me a nest." He thinks of his soft, fluffy nest now; it may be rainsoaked and smell of mildew, but it still reminds him of a home apart from SkyClan. A home where cats donā€™t die from being attacked by foxes. A home where StarClan doesnā€™t exist. A home that heā€™s left behind, now.

Blinking harshly, he shakes his head and turns to face Howlfire again. "Anyway. You said to start with sticks?"

  • ooc: ā€”
  • 63123442_WiVlARmdNppNzfZ.png
    CLOUDBERRYTHORN āÆāÆ they/he, daylight warrior of skyclan
    ā­ƒ tall, slender blue smoke with bright orange eyes. gruff and overprotective, but a hardworking warrior.
    ā­ƒ sibling to honeysplash & orangestar
    ā­ƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    ā­ƒ penned by foxlore