city of angels — briarpaw

spiderpaw ✧

after dark 𓆩🕷‎𓆪 7.20.2023
Apr 29, 2023

[] Spiderpaw finally dragged her loose limbs from where she was sprawled, as she often was, in the contented afternoon sunlight of the camp. Stretching to relieve the small ache in her spine from lazing around much of the day, she crossed the camp in a few long pawsteps to where a familiar short lilac pelt resided. Spiderpaw's shaggy tail dragged behind her like an announcement of her presence; she deserved no less, in her own opinion, and managed to avoid tripping over her oversized legs for once. While her trademark bored expression resting over her features, the apprentice's ears were settled contentedly back on her head instead of twitching with irritation; there was Briarpaw, one of few cats Spiderpaw would call herself close to and who could (mostly) avoid her scathing tongue.

"Hey, Bri," The smoky shecat mewed in her raspy drawl; the tortie had earned the more personal nickname, as opposed to Spiderpaw's favored 'loser', "D'ya wanna go and do some huntin' practice? If I stay'n camp any longer Pigeonsong's gonna make me, and he's much worse company," Spiderpaw's tone lacked its usual venom; she tended to soften a bit around Briarpaw, who, by means Spiderpaw couldn't really tell, had wormed her way into being Spi's best friend. Similarly, Briarpaw was one of few cats Spiderpaw was willing to hunt with; her climbing attempts fell short more than they didn't, though Spiderpaw would be loathe to admit that, preferring to focus on her honed battle skills—even if Pigeonsong was her mentor, most of the time she'd rather eat crowfood than share a single iota of air with him, if you asked Spiderpaw. The apprentice turned on her paw and was heading for the camp exit before Briarpaw could even respond; who wouldn't want to spend time with her, anyways?

// @Briarpaw
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The sun had shone through the trees and warmed a nearby rock that sat on the inside of camp. With a white muzzle rested on white paws, the young cat had their eyes closed contently in the warm sunlight. Things were quiet and a nap is just what Dawnglare ordered- then there was noise. An ear twitch in response for a moment as the sound of dragging fur on the ground and it was followed by a voice- Spiderpaw. The rather cold she-cat had become some what of a friend of theirs. They didn't understand how they became friends, but it was just one of those things that just 'happened' and then went along with it.

With a dramatic yawn, Briarp blinked open dual colored eyes of sapphire and yellow stone to stare at Spiderpaw rather boredly. What did she want again? The tiredness that leeched at they edges of their vision made focusing hard for a moment before the other turn tail and started towards the camp entrance. There was a head tilt from the young apprentice before they too got up to their paws and stretched for a moment to loosen their limbs. Briarpaw then trotted after Spiderpaw with another yawn and shook out their coat with a few laps at their white chest.

"What're we doing? Hunting?" They questioned as they finally fell into step beside the smokey cat with looked at her with a tilt of the head for a moment, "Something about Pigeonsong?" Briarpaw gave a slight shrug of their shoulders before continuing beside Spiderpaw with a flick of their tail, "Bearheart hasn't really been like- training me? So a good hunting practice would be ideal," The large tomcat seemed rather busy with other things than with Briarpaw. It was fine, she could learn to fight and hunt for herself! They could do it, even if it was a bit unethical. "SPEECH"


  • //
  • BRIARPAW devoted and loved
    — they/fae/she; 5 months; single; lesbian mongamist
    — Skyclan Apprentice; mentored by BEARHEART
    — Snarky, hesitant and a little bit of a over achiever

    casual character. penned by wolf.​
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[] Spiderpaw glanced at Briarpaw as fae caught up to her; there was an almost affectionate ring to her mew as she drawled, "Yeah, we're hunting, you dolt," The apprentice grinned, although the cheeky expression sat sour on her face (as did just about everything), "You serious? Stars, he is such a foxheart," The black cat snorted derisively as the pair started into SkyClan territory proper, her eyes rolling—at Briarpaw's mentor more than anything else. The shecat glanced about them; lifting her head in an effort to detect any prey-scent, although the effort was halfhearted as she mewed, "Well, Pigeonsong just moons about 'Nanasplash every damn chance he gets, so," She sighed; Spiderpaw's ears perked up as she could smell a grosbeak fluttering about, and her sharp eyes caught a distinctive shape in a nearby tree, "Hold on—" Spiderpaw lifted her tail off the ground with effort; she wasn't the best hunter, but she was really pretty good at everything. In her own opinion, anyways, and that was what mattered, so she could catch it no sweat, right?

Spiderpaw ended up only being partially right about that; she approached the tree easily, without stumbling over her own paws, and began to climb it without too much humiliating effort. The trouble started when she got closer to the bough on which the grosbeak rested; the smoke had to make an effort to quiet her scrambling up the tree, but the bird still began to stir. She hissed between her teeth and aimed to jump a tad early at the thing on the branch it resided on. The apprentice did barely manage to snag the unfortunate prey between her claws, but in the process ended up clinging to the branch, hair on end, while the thing flailed under her paws, "Shit!"
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There was another eyeroll from the dual-colored gaze of Briarpaw at Spiderpaws comment about Bearheart; suppose she had a point. Then suddenly the smokey cat raised her tail and Briarpaw stopped where they where to curious look to their friend. Spiderpaw managed to get up to the tree without much issue, and then up it again without anything major happening- but then she jumped a tad too early. Briarpaw watched as her friend dangled from the branch with a flapping creature under her, and they had to move quick. Spiderpaw could fall out of the tree and hurt herself!

The lilac tortie bolted for the tree and scaled it with a few scrambles here or there, but managed to get up into the tree regardless. Pulling themselves up onto the bough before them and then crawled across it to grasp Spiderpaw by the scruff. They aimed to haul the smokey she-cat up back onto the banch and seemed to have forgotten the bird at last minute. With a lurch forward, the lilac tortie grappled with the bird for a moment- it was a feisty one- before it finally lost its life to faes' claws in its neck.

With a heavy breath, Briarpaw looked at Spider as her chest heaved from the amount of energy they had just exterted, "You know whats an asshole? Birds," They mused with a laugh afterwards and shook their head. "SPEECH"


  • //
  • BRIARPAW devoted and loved
    — they/fae/she; 5 months; single; lesbian mongamist
    — Skyclan Apprentice; mentored by BEARHEART
    — Snarky, hesitant and a little bit of a over achiever

    casual character. penned by wolf.​
  • Untitled48_20230412141835.png

[] Spiderpaw hung suspended in limbo for a moment, half-slipping off the branch as the stupid grosbeak flailed its wings in her face. Her length hind legs kicked fruitlessly at the air as she tried (and failed) to gain purchase on the suddenly-slippery bark. Wasting her breath to let loose a few more choice profanities, the apprentice honestly thought she'd be greeting StarClan (skeptical of them as she was) then and there. Fortunately for her, she'd towed along Briarpaw, her savior in lilac fur; Spiderpaw felt teeth lock in her scruff and in any other situation (with any other cat) she'd have let loose a tongue of fire, but instead she just felt the warmth of grateful embarassment bristle across her pelt as fae hauled her ungainly tail back onto the branch.

A bit of admiration glinted in her gaze as she watched Briarpaw wrangle the grosbeak to its hard-earned demise, and the other cat turned to her with a panting smile and choice remark. Spiderpaw's own breath was shortened from her clumsy attempt and subsequent flailing, and she simply plopped into a risky seat on the branch, "Yeah, n-no shit, Bri," The apprentice drawled sarcastically, joining the dual-eyed cat in a rare moment of unrestrained laughter. Spiderpaw sighed, eyeing Briarpaw, "... Thanks for saving my clumsy tail," She muttered, "And don't you dare tell anyone I said that!"


The young apprentice couldn't help but snicker slightly at their friends' comment of 'no duh' before pulling the bird back up onto the branch. Playing a delicate game of balancing to keep themselves up on the branch as well as the new found prey. Briarpaw gave an amused look to their smokey pelted friend for a moment as if they wanted to say something snarky is return but settled on, "Don't tell anyone what? That the great Spiderpaw knows how to say thank you?" Which sent them into a fit of giggles.

The lilac tabby though, in their wake of laughing at their own comment, teetered slightly on the branch before the apprentice then promptly- fell over the edge. Briarpaw was quick in the air to turn themselves around and landed pretty squarely on their paws, but then rolled slightly in the grass. They blinked a few times in surprise before looking up to where Spiderpaw now sat in the branch while they were down on the ground, in a fern bush.

As they got to their paws carefully, their wrist in their right paw stung slightly, that grosbeak from before then rolled over on the side of the branch. It then tumbled down the tree and squarely plopped onto Briarpaws' head. Dual colored eyes of sapphire and jasper looked up through feathers once more before then again- falling into giggles of amusement. They might've hurt themselves, but that was pretty funny. "SPEECH"


  • //
  • BRIARPAW devoted and loved
    — they/fae/she; 5 months; single; lesbian mongamist
    — Skyclan Apprentice; mentored by BEARHEART
    — Snarky, hesitant and a little bit of a over achiever

    casual character. penned by wolf.​
  • Untitled48_20230412141835.png

[] The tips of Spiderpaw's heavy fur warmed with embarassment, the apprentice flushing huffily, "I know how to say thank you! Don't go around getting a fat head, you mousebrain," She mewed brusquely, but the facade crumbled and the smoky cat lapsed into giggling as well, clinging to the branch carefully; her fur was still bushed up from her near-miss earlier; she nearly fell herself giggling, clutching the tree comically like it was a lifeline as her tail swung beneath her like a pendulum. Spiderpaw was so focused on keeping herself on the branch that she initially failed to notice that Briarpaw was suddenly at a very different elevation than fae'd been a couple seconds ago. The apprentice's heavily lidded blue gaze flicked down to the fern bush where Briarpaw was now located, eyes widening a touch.

Spiderpaw attempted to skitter down the tree-trunk as (relatively) deftly as Briarpaw had when Spiderpaw had been the one nearly falling. She was not successful; the shecat got halfway down the trunk in a quick dash before basically rolling down the rest of it, landing in the same fern bush in a dazed tangle of limbs. Just as the smoke sat up, the grosbeak plopped down onto Briarpaw's head; as the lilac tortie collapsed in another fit of giggles, Spiderpaw joined them despite herself; mewing between bouts of laughter, "You good there, Bri?"
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Dazed, and a little offended, Briarpaw shook their head slightly to dislodge the bird wing on their head and gave a small huff in repsonse. What a way to start the hunt! Embaressing herself! The lilac tortie lapped at their white chest to calm the burning in their ears. "I'm fine, thank you very much," Fae muttered rather harshly with a small lash of their long-furred tail. Briarpaw wasn't the best at climbing, they where still learning after all, but this had to be a new record or something. Maybe in a way that she'd be the top ten failures of the clan or something.

Picking themselves up from the ground, the young apprentice shook out their entire coat for a brief moment and then looked to their smokey pelted friend, "Though no more birds, I didn't know they could attack you even when they're dead," They mentioned with a prode at the grosbeak with a white, front paw. Briarpaw then twitched an ear for a moment and lifted their nose to the air, tasting it slightly. There was hints of a vole on the air but the location of where it could be allude the young apprentice.

Reagrdless, they broke away from Spiderpaw towards the edges of the brush and thats when the creature scurried across their front paws and they gave chase. Yet, there was something that kept Briarpaw from clasping the creature inbetween their paws and it disappeared down a hole. "For Starclans' sake! Why can't anything go right?" They cursed with a small stomp of their front foot. "SPEECH"


  • //
  • BRIARPAW devoted and loved
    — they/fae/she; 5 months; single; lesbian mongamist
    — Skyclan Apprentice; mentored by BEARHEART
    — Snarky, hesitant and a little bit of a over achiever

    casual character. penned by wolf.​
  • Untitled48_20230412141835.png

[] Spiderpaw snorted gracelessly at Briarpaw's demeanour, which was almost a caricature of embarassment; not that the smoky cat had done any better herself, but that wasn't exactly surprising. The apprentice tended to pointedly avoid hunting since she wasn't good at it, which only served to make her worse at it ... but whatever. At least Briarpaw was failing too, she thought mewing with another snort, "Physically maybe; my impression of your skill will never recover."

Spiderpaw watched as Briarpaw prodded at the grosbeak, letting loose another amused huff, and then the apprentice's nose shot up. The black shecat watched, amused, as Briarpaw broke away and rushed to the edge of the brush so quickly Spiderpaw thought fae'd trip over their paws, narrowly missing a plump vole that scurried away from their paws and into an impossible-to-reach hole. Watching the other cat's frustrated stomping, Spiderpaw lapsed into a fit of giggles, rising from it at a prey-scent of her own; squirrel. She called, "Watch and learn, Bri!"

The apprentice's large ears lifted and she stalked after the squirrel, pinpointing its scent for once—Spiderpaw made it within tail-lengths of the squirrel, she could literally see it; just as she prepared to pounce ... Her oversized tail just barely brushed the ground, but its weight sent sticks—and the squirrel—flying, and the dusty brown animal had vanished into the impossible heights of a tree in a matter of seconds. Spiderpaw glanced back at Briarpaw, her cheeks heating in embarassment, but she lashed her tail, "Okay, that was not my fault! Idiot foxheart squirrel."

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Dual colored gaze rolled at the smokey cat as the commented about their skill was given, and the lashed their tail slightly. Why was hunting so hard? They didn't know and fae wondered if they'd be able to get better at it. Bearheart should teach them more and they where going to of course talk to him about it when this whole thing was over. Briarpaw then watched as Spiderpaw broke away as well with a call of watching and learning, though the fluffy cat seemed to have as much luck as fae did.

Spiderpaws' puffy tail distrubed a pile of sticks and sent the squirrle running for the trees. The lilac tabby attempted to chase after the brown furred creature but it was quicker than them. So neither of them got the catch of the squirrel and they huffed slightly in annoyance. "Are we cursed or something? Are you bad luck?" Briarpaw narrowed her gaze on Spiderpaw, but it was playful and amused rather than annoyed.

Then the pale tortie bounded towards their friend with a swip at their chest with a white paw, and gave an amused giggle afterwards. Briarpaw then bounded away to avoid any consquences to their actions. "SPEECH"


  • //
  • BRIARPAW devoted and loved
    — they/fae/she; 5 months; single; lesbian mongamist
    — Skyclan Apprentice; mentored by BEARHEART
    — Snarky, hesitant and a little bit of a over achiever

    casual character. penned by wolf.​
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