CITY OF ANGELS 𖤓 digging

the moment snow covered the entrance to the apprentice den, sandpaw decided that leaf-bare sucked. before it wasn't too bad. it was cold, but her fur was dense enough to shield her from it. she could still train and go about life as normal, but now with the snow high enough to bury her it was absolutely dreadful.

a disgruntled yellow gaze stared out over camp. something had to be done. she was losing her mind. clearing out the whole camp would be nice, but wasn't likely to be successful by her paws alone. sandpaw chewed on the inside of her cheek while deep in thought, short tail swaying behind her. an idea sparked her warm gaze. their rabbit hunting neighbors dug tunnels. if those stupid moorland cats could do it, why couldn't she? why hadn't anyone else thought of this, it seemed like the obvious answer.

little planning went into her project. she simply found a starting point, and began clawing away at the snow. it was rather unsuccessful at first, but once she got going a nice trail was in the midst of being made. sure it was small, sure she had no clue where she was headed, but it was something! sandpaw assumed she had made it about halfway through camp when she sat down for a break. the snow was slowly soaking her fur in an icy drip, warming up for a moment would be okay. she was working hard.

lying down in her sad excuse for a tunnel, she sprawled out, heaving to fill her lungs. all was well until her hard work began to crumble behind her. sandpaw's eyes drew wide, but it was too tight to turn around. "hey!" she called out desperately from under the snow, hoping for whoever's paws were ruining her creation would stop moving. they didn't. she scrambled to get her feet beneath her, using all the force she could to push her head out from what remained of her tunnel. a narrowed gaze landed on the assailant, but with snow piled on her head she looked more silly than anything. she didn't bother shaking it, and instead let out an exasperated cry. "you ruined it!"
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Traversing the camp was difficult already with the high piles of snow and the bramble thicket surrounding them coated in walls of powder and ice, but Moonpaw didn't expect it to get even more treacherous when she stepped from the apprentice den. She had simply been walking over to the medicine cat den to ask her grandmother if anyone had brought her something to eat yet when her foot gave through into the soft slush of earth beneat her; a shrill shriek of alarm escaped the usually quiet tortie as she felt herself falter and fall. The feeling of losing control of herself and sinking was terrifying and she had no idea what had happened at first. Had the earth opened up to swallow her? Was she going to plummet to her death?
When her paw first sunk in she lashed it out in a panic and it was only when she was floundering up to her chest in the collapsed tunnel did Sandpaw emerge finally to shout at her for...ruining it? Ruining what? The tortie point felt hard ground under foot finally and pushed herself up to stand, shaking from the cold and now chilled to the bone. It was becoming clear now that there was a tunnel dug out through the camp and its this she had stumbled across, the other apprentice having dug it right in the middle of where they all normally walked. Flush rose from her cheeks to the tip of her ears in embarrassment at her stumble, but it quickly turned into cold fury.
"I ruined nothing! You could hurt someone digging holes in camp like this! What if an elder had tripped! What if a kitten had gotten buried and we couldn't see them!" While she did lift her voice slightly, it was not a shout-each word punctuated with a firmness and displeased burst of sound that still never carried hire than her usual speaking tone.
Sandpaw, Sandpaw was one of the two that her aunt had decided to mother; brought in and given to another queen just for Hollow Tree to stake some claim to them. They were a BOTHER, at least Littlepaw was sensible and didn't cause such a mess! The pale gold she-cat was another story entirely.
She was miffed that she had been thrown into the cold, untidied and wet, and she raised a paw to stomp down on another part of the tunnel to collapse it as well in a rare display of spiteful anger born from embarrassment at her tumble.
She hates being snowed in as much as everyone else, and part of the blue tortoiseshell is jealous she didn't think of Sandpaw's brilliant idea first. Tunneling out! Just like one of those nasty WindClan cats! It's rather brilliant, though she hates to admit it.

Sandpaw's journey beneath the snow is shortlived when an unwitting Moonpaw walks directly over her, and Mousepaw's paw lifts to her muzzle to stifle a giggle. The two she-cats immediately get into it, voices eclipsed by their fury.

Mousepaw struts closer to the two of them, her enormous mottled blue tail fluffed behind her. "Oh! Are we playing in the snow? I wanna play!" There's something sly in the tilt of her emerald gaze. With a swift movement, Mousepaw scoops snow and flings it at Moonpaw.


coming face to face with moonpaw, her scowl only grew thicker. they way she scolded her like a child made sandpaw's long fur spike up. they were the same age, had practically grown up alongside each other, but the point spoke down to her. chastised her for trying to help.

"tch!" she scoffed, rolling her eyes dramatically discarding their opinions. sandpaw didn't fire back, willing herself to not stoop so low. however, a spiteful paw smashed down on what was left of her hard work and her ears pinned. who did she think she was. "you little-"

cut off by mousepaw asking to play, her head snapped towards the mottled apprentice. golden gaze filled with confusion, obviously there was no playing going on here. but then, she took a paw and sent know flying in moonpaw's direction. a satisfied smirk crept onto her features. "mousepaw you're so smart! looks like she needs to cool off," with that, sandpaw aggressively shook her fur free of snow that had piled up on her coat, hoping she would get lucky and have some it fly towards moonpaw.
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Burnpaw watches from his perch on top of a mound of snow as Moonpaw makes her way across the camp. Fireflypaw had been their protector, their oldest brother and he had always had their back. Since he was now gone, Burnpaw had decided someone had to take his place, someone had to protect them and who better than himself? Sure, sometimes he had reservations about his capabilities but he was getting bigger, stronger. He would look out for his sister, his mother too, he would prevent something like what happened to Morningpaw from ever happening again.

These thoughts swirling around in his head are what cause him to fly off of his perch when he sees his sister go down into the snow with a yell. His eyes open wide and he makes his way to her, ready to fight off whatever it was that had grabbed her and pulled her under. He stops short when he sees it is Sandpaw and he narrows his eyes at the pale-colored she cat. Of course, it had been her, he should've known.

He is about to turn away, to go smooth his ruffled fur in peace when Mousepaw joins the group. He watches as the dappled apprentice flings snow in his sister's direction "Hey!" he calls out to them "No one gets to fling snow at my sister except me!" he takes a jet-black paw and uses it to scoop a good pile of snow into the air, hopefully, it would hit Sandpaw but he wouldn't mind if Mousepaw was caught in the cross fire too.

Another snowfight?. He had stumbled into another one not long ago he had ended up into the crossfire of one, but must be his luck. This time Prowlingpaw didn't seemed to be here....wait. Shallowpaw actually made sure to take a look around to make sure. The last thing he wanted was to make that kit cry again. It had made him feel uncomfortable and he had been loud too. Making sure to not get in the middle of it all Shallowpaw stood at the side, observing as he was thinking. How was he supposed to get around them and get to the exit?. He too had wanted to try to see if he could dig himself out....tired of being stuck in camp. Unfortunately this four apprentices was in the way of his plan not wanting to accidently get hit by one of this snowballs. With a sigh he would seat down, twitching a ear. What was so fun with throwing snowballs at each other anyway?. Looked like a waste of time for him. Playing. He would never understand it.


The snow in her face and then promptly shaken out onto her almost caused a sound of surprise and hurt to escape her throat but she choked it back in, even as Burnpaw came to her rescue she almost resented him for it because now she looked even more pathetic and she was tired of being that girl, that cowering quiet girl who could not stand up for herself. Her blue eyes watered but she blinked it back, briefly noticing Shallowpaw standing off to the side and observing them, probably also judging her too in silence.
She almost wanted to cry anyways, but she was not willing to give them the satisfaction of seeing her feelings hurt; she didn't even want these stupid feelings anymore to begin with so having to constantly fight them down was frustrating on its own. Moonpaw shook herself to rid her own pelt of snow, making it a point to not do so aggressively enough to send it flying or put her pelt in disorder, straightening herself up to stand the tortie point lifted her head up haughtily, forced confidence and disinterest across her maw.
"You're both foolish. Go back to the nursery if you want to act like kits." Moonpaw turned to walk away back on her course to visit her grandmother, each step took careful and planned to keep her strides even and her gait unfaltering, she was not going to trip or tumble or look anything less than refined to prove a point.