city of angels | returning from the gathering early

Moonwhisper was dead.

It's a strange notion to have to grapple with. Howlfire is not unaccustomed to losing siblings, with Morningpaw and Duskbird having ascended to the ranks of StarClan moons prior. She had mourned Morningpaw deeply, Duskbird less so, though she had never truly known her younger brother all that well. Moonwhisper's death was a complication, a strange event that seemed as though it should not have happened. She hadn't known the warrior her sister became all too well, but assumed she was a talented and formidable fighter, who no doubt would have defended ThunderClan to her last breath. That she is gone so soon, leaving kits that still need her, breaks Howlfire's heart.

And yet, Howlfire is almost annoyed at her grief. Why is she mourning a cat who hated her so? Who disowned her and openly belittled her across the border? She felt all that rage towards her sister and yet knew that love remained too. Love for the sister she knew, love for the family they once had. And now she was gone, dead, her life ended by some thoughtless rogue. How dare that rogue kill her sister! How dare Moonwhisper die! Coward, she thinks bitterly, glancing up at the sky as she hurries back to camp, How dare you leave things as they were!

Perhaps Howlfire should not have run from the gathering but she could not stop herself. She refused to linger there, processing the news in the place where her family was forced apart, where the love they once shared for each other was choked into submission by hatred. No sooner had Howlfire blown back into camp, she became aware of the surprised looks and whispers of her clanmates. No doubt they wondered if something had happened again, but their queries would likely be answered by no further arrivals for some time. Howlfire wants to be alone but she can't avoid the prying looks from her clanmates, the silent, yet demanding questions hidden in their expression. She wants to be left alone, can't they see? Regrettably, she winds up snapping at the first cat who wanders over once she sits down. "Leave me alone!" She snaps in a low grumble. Howlfire hasn't outright hissed at them or shooed them away, but the hostile aura she emits would surely give away her intentions.

/ set after this post! howlfire returns from the gathering alone
She wasn't named after spirits for nothing. On ethereal paws Ghostkit roamed the edges of camp, a dark puffball encased in the shadows of the night. She should've been asleep long before now, but tonight wasn't just any night. This was gathering night! Cats from all the clans were awake right now, and it didn't feel fair that she couldn't be awake too. I wanna know what they all talk about! I wanna see a sparkly RiverClanner, and I wanna hear all ShadowClan's sneaky plans, and I wanna climb THE BIG STONE. She'd forced Duskpool to tell her about the massive boulder the leaders stood on so many times that he'd finally told her she would just have to see it for herself. I'm gonna stand up there, and everyone will look so little! She giggled quietly at her scheme.

A small commotion drew her pallid gaze. They're coming back! A molly stalked into camp, her pelt tossed about by her gait. Ghostkit watched eagerly for the trail of cats to follow, only to realize that Howlfire appeared to be the only one. That's weird. What happened to everyone else? Ghostkit waited a moment longer before curiousity urged her forth.
"Hello Howlfire! Where did everyone-"

The usually friendly molly growled a warning that stunned Ghostkit into silence. Close up, Howlfire looked as though sparks were about to fall from her eyes, ready to consume everything around them. The kit's ears flicked back and she crouched, making her body into a small black puddle. She didn't like being glowered at, it made her belly twist and breathing more flighty. 'Leave me alone!' bounced around in her head, clogging her throat with unshed tears as she scrambled to undo her mistake. What happened? The words get caught up in her maw, and only a soft hiccup leaks out.
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Howlfire returns to camp while the moon is still full in the sky, her hazel gaze troubled, dark. Fluffypaw sits just outside the apprentice's den, her tufted ears twitching with curiosity. Ghostkit bounces too-near, too-happily, and Howlfire snaps at her to leave her alone. That's not like Howlfire, Fluffypaw thinks, and tentatively, the tortoiseshell chimera gets to her paws and pads closer to the skulking warrior. Her brindled torbie fur looks ragged in places, as though she'd hurried through the forest to get here. What's happened at the Gathering?

Fluffypaw tentatively touches her nose to Howlfire's shoulder, half-expecting a rebuke from the older she-cat. She had grown up with Howlfire, though, and she trusts her to keep her claws sheathed if she can. "Did something happen at the Gathering, Howlfire? Are you... are you okay?" Worry sparkles in her green eyes. She lefts the tip of her fuzzy tail rest on Grasskit's flank in a gesture of comfort, of reassurance.

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 8 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.


Howlfire had not truly been aware that it was Ghostkit who had approached, perhaps if she had she would have spoken softer as she hated raising her voice at kits. At her mistake, Howlfire's expression softens, apologetic even, though her posture remains stiff.

It is the approach of Fluffypaw who gives her pause, snapping her out of the dark stupor she had fallen into. "It's alright, Fluffypaw. I'm alright," She assured the young apprentice quickly, though her expression betrays the truth. "The gathering is going well, much better than the last time actually, it's just..." Howlfire trails off, hesitating for a moment before continuing. "My sister... Moonwhisper. She's dead. A rogue killed her." It's a familiar tale on their side of the border too. How many more cats must die to these rogues before the threat was negated?

After revealing the truth, she looks at Ghostkit, with fresh tears shimmering in her eyes. "I'm sorry for snapping at you, Ghostkit."
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
He understood perfectly well what grief did to someone, but his kin? Duskpool had nearly bristled, frame tensin’ at the low grumble Howlfire shot Ghostkit’s way with a low, guttural rumble. It wasn’t long before he calmed the simmerin’ flare of protectiveness beneath marred skin, bulky frame comin’ to stand before Howlfire, shieldin’ Ghostkit from view in a flare of protectiveness. I know losin’ someone like that ain’t pretty, but that ain’t gonna excuse ya for snappin’ like that.

Fiery hues narrowed, watchin’ tears shimmer at her waterline drawin’ a tired sigh from the warrior, helm twistin’ to press a comfortin’ touch to Ghostkit’s helm. “It’s alright sweet girl. Howlfire ain’t mad at ya.” He muttered comfortingly, tone monotonous till he pulled away, facin’ the younger warrior.

“Apologizin’ ain’t done anyone good, but I’ll be here if ya need me.” He decided after a pregnant pause, molten copper hues still narrowed turnin’ to Ghostkit with a low rumble, “Why don’t we leave her be for a bit and come back if Howlfire is fine with that?” A question for both Howlfire and Ghostkit.
thought speech
Though the hard lines on Howlfire's face immediately soften, Ghostkit's ears remain timidly flat. What do I do, what do I do? Clearly she'd done something wrong, and after wrongdoing you were supposed to make it up to the other cat. But... I didn't mean to! I didn't even do anything, I... I don't think.... The fern-like whisp of a tail along her flank has the dark child tensing up, but catching sight of Fluffypaw's gentle face breaks her trance, and she sidles closer to the young molly's hind legs. Her pale eyes remain fixed on Howlfire. Wha- That's what I was tryna ask! Heat flares beneath her inky pelt as Fluffypaw's prodding is received with far less hostility. That's no fair, the thought whines, infected with childish ignorance. Guilt at her misstep and resentment at emotional reactions she couldn't possibly understand warred within.

I want Duskpool. I wanna go sleep. Even as Howfire responded to Fluffypaw, revealing exactly why she was so upset tonight, Ghostkit considered just dashing right back to the nursery. Her eyes widen at the news of a death, but the situation is more complicated than she can comprehend. Sister? Named Moonwhisper? There's no Moonwhisper in SkyClan. That doesn't make any sense! A large dark frame stepped in front of her, and the moment she recognized him Ghostkit abandoned Fluffypaw and sunk into Duskpool's side with a tired whimper. She took a deep breath, the scent of safety and home brushing away the last of her anxiety and adrenaline. I wanna go sleep. Duskpool pressed his warm forehead to hers and she blinked blearily at him, smushed tears mussing her face.
"She-she's not?" Ghostkit hiccups, turning to carefully meet Howlfire's gaze. Then why did you yell at me? A claw of ice squeezed her belly when she saw tears welling in Howlfire's eyes, just the same as hers. She'd never seen an adult cry before. I wanna go sleep.

"'S-'S okay, Howlfire," she murmurs, dropping her eyes as soon as the words were out. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. The whiplash of the night was taking its toll on Ghostkit. Without the hum of adrenaline powering her veins, her head felt droopy and drowsy. Part of her was still upset with Howlfire, very upset, because it wasn't fair that she got yelled at but Fluffypaw didn't. Even Duskpool said so. But another part of her felt worse than the slimiest piece of crowfood in the world, because Howlfire was crying, and it was Ghostkit's fault. Sleep. Sleep now, please. When Duskpool finally turned to her and offered an escape, she nodded hard.
"Yeah. Y-Yeah." Glued to Duskpool's side, she cast one more strained look at Howlfire. Sorry. The word bubbled up once more, painfully dying in her throat. She turned away, longing for rest. "C-Can I sleep in your nest tonight?" she murmured almost soundlessly as she wandered away toward the dens.

//out <3​
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