clair de lune | rta


untamed 10-04-23
Oct 1, 2022
If you don't like me, that's your problem
The scruffy curly furred scrap could be found darting relentlessly throughout the tight confines of camp. Whizzing past several warriors whilst in hot pursuit of a little green lizard that made the unfortunate mistake of skittering into a proverbial lion's den. Long ebony limbs propelled the child forth, keeping a steady pace behind the scaly creature and she happened to be slowly gaining. Her lungs burned from the chilled air of winter and warm ashen brume escaped her maw with every breath. Prey was already hard to come by and with the weather only growing colder she was afraid that after some time there would be nothing to eat at all. Although the lizard was scrawny, something was better than nothing. Citrine eyes grew wide as her prey dove under the limbs of another cat in a desperate attempt to escape from the other side. While the reptile had a clear shot, Tornado was launched into quite the predicament. Unable to slow down in time she found herself colliding rather harshly into the cat standing in her path. The collision causing her to stagger on her paws before plopping backwards while wearing a pained expression. "Agh..." A single obsidian paw lifted to touch at her jaw, rolling it about to test it before snapping her attention to the escaping critter. " close." She muttered, tail lashing. (feel free to have your character be the one Tornado bumped into or even catch the lizard!)
When I let it bother me, that's my problem
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Hunting was something that Loam quickly learned she wasn't good at. There was a level of required coordination, of bodily and spacial awareness that Loam had yet to truly learn, let alone master. The past few days had brought with it scattered flurries, and with a distant sort of surprise Loam had realized that trees that had once been covered with vibrant red and yellow leaves were now bare, save for a scant few brittle leaves yet to detach.

It didn't help that Loam didn't take her training seriously.

She was zoning out, trying to remember something that felt just out of reach: a noise, a smell, a feeling. And then Loam is struck with force enough to unbalance her, three paws scrambling for balance and losing the fight. She falls without grace and with an audible smack of her flank against mud. Disoriented, Loam's head shoots up and her mouth twitches at the other apprentice who had toppled her.

"What the f-fuh-fuck is your problem?" Loam snaps as she rises, and then, "Uh-ah-are you alright?"

tags ∘ shadowclan apprentice ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 6 moons​
If you don't like me, that's your problem
The irritated stream of words hurled her way caused the curly furred kitten to turn and actually focus on Loam for once. Grimacing, Tornadokit takes a step back after finally placing her paw back upon the ground. Mud lay smeared across the older femme's dark pelt that no doubt wouldn't have been there had she not bumped into Loam during her pursuit. "Nothing." She answers back, the laperm's voice carrying its usual clipped tone. A huff fall from her jaws as she continues. "That lizard I was chasing dove under you, I couldn't stop in time." It was a shame she couldn't catch it. She was hoping it would make for a nice snack. In regard to Loam suddenly asking about her well being, Tornado rose a brow prior to replying. "Yeah, just a little sore but I'll be" She questioned.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem
It's certainly no secret to anyone that prey is growing scarce as the temperature continues to drop, and with talk that leaf-bare has really only just begun, it's almost enough to concern Twilightpaw, to spur him into action. Almost. Whether or not he actually puts in extra effort, it's not like it's going to make much of a difference - everybody will still be hungry, perhaps just ever so slightly less, and he's not especially eager to try and play the hero by getting in extra hunting. Besides, it's not like the apprentice is even that good at it in the first place, doubly so now that all of the prey seems to be hiding away from the cold in their burrows or wherever they skulked off to in order to hide. No, Twilightpaw would much rather not waste his energy on such a fruitless task as even more hunting than he's already assigned to, though what he's saving it for not even he knows.

Ears twitch as a curly form shoots nearby, hurtling along on a seemingly unguided path, and rather than call out a warning in advance he remains silent, curious to see how this will play out. It doesn't take long before a collision takes place, and only in the aftermath does he see the form of some sort of small lizard scurry along, leaving its pursuer in the dust. Rather comically, both of his fellow clanmates end up on the ground, and he can't help the amusement bubbling up within, a mischievous grin painting his features. "Better luck next time, yeah?" Twilightpaw calls out from where he lounges, offering a tilt of his head their way. For a moment, he misses the time when he was still chasing lizards around camp to no avail, scarcely any impending worries that actually mattered, but he banishes those thoughts just as quickly as they arise. No use reminiscing on the past to make the present more palatable, after all.