【 fond of creation 】
⇀ be it out of boredom, too much free time, or both, coalfoot enjoys creating "things" out of anything and everything, such as sticks, leaves, stones, mud, and sometimes even the litter of twolegs, should he find any. more often than not, these little creations serve no purpose, and will eventually fall apart when abandoned. maybe it's art?
【 narcoleptic 】
⇀ coalfoot suffers from a peculiar disorder that makes him uncontrollably tired. without a moment's notice he could fall asleep, or sometimes even fall limp and become paralyzed, regardless of where he is or what he's doing - even in the middle of eating or conversation. some may find it amusing, some may call it laziness, while others may say he simply doesn't get enough sleep. though he can have trouble sleeping at night, none of these things are true.
⇀ while, as a clanmate, your oc may be aware of coalfoot's strange "quirk," it's highly unlikely that cats know what narcolepsy is, and i encourage all to consider that when interacting with him.
【 farsighted 】
⇀ coalfoot can have difficulty seeing things that are particularly close to him, often leading to squinting or taking steps backward.
【 squeamish 】
⇀ not much for blood and gore in quantity, although he is okay with minor injuries. coalfoot grows uncomfortable in the presence of such sights.
【 habits 】
⇀ coalfoot has an unknowing habit of rubbing at his nose or licking it, especially during thought.
⇀ he will often stare off into space, though it leaves many uncertain as to whether he is daydreaming or... day dreaming.
⇀ humming to himself is common, either for a small tune or simply a conversation filler.
⇀ a bit of a nail biter.
【 favorite foods 】
⇀ particularly fond of birds, especially the larger, meatier ones.
⇀ he will never admit it, but he was once offered a frog and was surprised to enjoy it. he hopes to be able to try one again.