clanking gears【 coalfoot 】

Nov 5, 2022


————general info———
rogue | ex-windclan warrior
male | he/him
poly | bisexual, but favors men
17 moons
born november 4th
actions, thoughts, "speech"


————facts and misc.———
fond of creation
be it out of boredom, too much free time, or both, coalfoot enjoys creating "things" out of anything and everything, such as sticks, leaves, stones, mud, and sometimes even the litter of twolegs, should he find any. more often than not, these little creations serve no purpose, and will eventually fall apart when abandoned. maybe it's art?
coalfoot suffers from a peculiar disorder that makes him uncontrollably tired. without a moment's notice he could fall asleep, or sometimes even fall limp and become paralyzed, regardless of where he is or what he's doing - even in the middle of eating or conversation. some may find it amusing, some may call it laziness, while others may say he simply doesn't get enough sleep. though he can have trouble sleeping at night, none of these things are true.
while, as a clanmate, your oc may be aware of coalfoot's strange "quirk," it's highly unlikely that cats know what narcolepsy is, and i encourage all to consider that when interacting with him.
coalfoot can have difficulty seeing things that are particularly close to him, often leading to squinting or taking steps backward.
not much for blood and gore in quantity, although he is okay with minor injuries. coalfoot grows uncomfortable in the presence of such sights.
coalfoot has an unknowing habit of rubbing at his nose or licking it, especially during thought.
he will often stare off into space, though it leaves many uncertain as to whether he is daydreaming or... day dreaming.
humming to himself is common, either for a small tune or simply a conversation filler.
a bit of a nail biter.
favorite foods
particularly fond of birds, especially the larger, meatier ones.
he will never admit it, but he was once offered a frog and was surprised to enjoy it. he hopes to be able to try one again.


————physical details———
  • jordan_cat_mini_2.png
    fullbody ref
    a heavily scarred, dark-furred and short-haired tom with white splotches and green eyes.
    three white paws, a white ear
    white haunches
    a white spot on his nose and throat, and a white tail tip
  • Strength








    coalfoot is...
    a lithe, dark-colored tom with brilliant white splotches spanning a fair portion of his body, most of which are largely concentrated around his haunches.

    as happens to be part of his namesake, coalfoot has a single black paw. the rest are pearly white, all contributing to his rather odd white patching. he has a white belly and chest, and a small white spot on his throat. he has one white ear, and a blaze stripe upon his nose. he also has a white tail tip.

    his fur is sleek, shiny, and well-kept. in terms of build he is lean, his powerful legs built by life on the moors of windclan, chasing rabbits and racing his clanmates. his speed is when running is a feat even for the moor dwellers, and he wears his name with pride.

    coalfoot is of remarkably average stature, from his height to his looks. he is neither handsome nor ugly, and he is neither strong nor weak, although his combat prowess in terms of brute strength is nothing to write home about. in battle, he's more likely to use strategy over direct combat, and do his best to keep his distance between strikes.

    his voice is neither deep nor shrill, only adding to his unremarkable image, yet is often warm regardless, punctuated with gentle, underlying laughter. he smells of dried grass, and sometimes dirt.

    coalfoot is covered in a wide variety of scars, all of which were caused by his life-threatening escape from windclan. most notably, he has a long, deep scar along his side, chunks of fur missing from his paws, legs, and chest, a notch in his ear, a bite on his left shoulder, and a scratch across his right eye. he is covered in various smaller scratches.


  • Intelligence





    in short...
    coalfoot, by default, is a very curious and friendly individual
    easy to get along with, somewhat of a pushover, not particularly willful, passionate

    frustrated, hard-working, struggles with self-image
    does his best to remain positive or be optimistic, sometimes comes across as fake
  • coalfoot is a new character, and needs to be developed naturally for a more in-depth description.
    at a glance, coalfoot seems like a particularly nice cat, positive and easygoing, easy to make friends with. this, for the most part, is true. he strives to be a good individual, smiling and helping out where needed, doing his best to put in the time and effort to assist the clan.

    honesty is a virtue, as far as he's concerned, and he does his best to stick to it; however, it will quickly falter in the face of bringing harm to others, often preferring the sweetness of sugarcoated lies over the temporary pain of truth. although it may bite him later, he would rather things remain calm or cheerful in the moment. coalfoot is a bit of a pushover in this regard, easily pushed to the point of discomfort or belittling himself if it means not being the cause of one's sadness. he may attempt to de-escalate affairs that aren't his own.

    coalfoot has a strong preference for showing affection by physical means, whether that be sharing tongues, sitting shoulder to shoulder, bumping with his head, or simply brushing against them. close contact is almost a must for him, even if not necessarily romantic, and he responds strongly to those that do the same.

    his condition, type 1 narcolepsy, is a major point of strife and negativity in his life. he struggles with the feeling that he's lazy, or not doing enough, occasionally pushing himself to the point of overwork or exhaustion as a result. despite the seemingly plentiful amount of sleep he gets, he can never quite shake the feeling of being tired day in and out, and while he falls asleep often or without warning during the day, he has issues sleeping fitfully at night, waking up periodically and unable to go back to sleep. as a result, he will often volunteer for any late-night activities or go on late-night strolls, inviting anyone who may happen to be awake to join him. as he was born and raised in windclan, this may not be unusual to his clanmates.


minor powerplay allowed
please ask for my preferences!
unlikely to start fights | will favor fleeing
please no maim/kill/capture
ask first!
attack in bold #c77761
roleplayed by its_oliverr
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——————————coalfoot | loner | male—————————
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. "It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged." It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry." Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

[penned by its_oliverr].
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[font=tahoma][color=#3d4450]—[/color][color=#525a69]—[/color][color=#6c7684]—[/color][color=#909aab]—[/color][color=#abb4c4]—[/color][color=#c3cbd9]—[/color]——————————[size=3][color=#7a453e]【 [/color][color=#c77761]coalfoot[/color] [color=#d4cfc5]|[/color] [color=#c77761]loner[/color] [color=#d4cfc5]|[/color] [color=#c77761]male[/color][color=#7a453e] 】[/color][/size]—————————[color=#c3cbd9]—[/color][color=#abb4c4]—[/color][color=#909aab]—[/color][color=#6c7684]—[/color][color=#525a69]—[/color][color=#3d4450]—[/color][/font][/box][box=60%][justify][font=tahoma][color=#7a453e]【[/color][url=][color=#c77761]◈[/color][/url][color=#7a453e]】[/color][color=#d4cfc5]TEXT[/color]
[fright][i][size=2][color=#c77761][penned by [url=][color=#c77761]its_oliverr[/color][/url]][/color][color=#313742].[/color][/size][/i][/fright][/justify][/box]


gonna try to make it all makesense
———— 17 moons | he/him | tags

[box=36%][img align=left][/img][img][/img]
[font=tahoma][size=12px][color=#d4cfc5][b]gonna try to make it all make[/color][/size][size=16px][color=#7a453e]【[/color][color=#c77761]sense[/color][color=#7a453e]】[/color][/size][/b]
[color=#3d4450]—[/color][color=#525a69]—[/color][color=#6c7684]—[/color][color=#909aab]—[/color][color=#abb4c4]—[/color][color=#c3cbd9]—[/color][color=#e0e6f0]————[/color] [size=11px][color=#c77761]17 moons[/color] [color=#d4cfc5]|[/color] [color=#c77761]he/him[/color] [color=#d4cfc5]|[/color] [url=][color=#c77761]tags[/color][/url][/size][/box]]
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