no angst clara bow | grooming mishap

The warmth of newleaf is welcomed beyond belief - the freedom to lie in comfort outside of the nursery walls whilst the hustle and bustle of clan life passes her by. Robinheart sits in a sunny patch and methodically grooms her paw, swiping it over cheeks and ears in turn. Sunlight sets her ablaze in ember hues as she moves on to grooming free tangles and bits of plant matter from her fur. Her chest is an easy enough area to work through. Her tail completed soon after. But her sides? Rounded with new life, the tortoiseshell queen finds it hard to reach.

Stretching and angling uncomfortably, Robinheart struggles to groom down unruly fur and pluck free bits of reed and moss harbored just beyond her ribcage. "This used to be so much easier," she puffs to herself, straightening up a moment to catch her breath. Kits kick and flip at the momentary space allotted before becoming compressed once more as Robinheart's determination sets in. She stretches again, one paw held up to give her a little more leeway. The patch she needs to groom is almost in reach… just a little closer…

Thwump -

A poof of dust signals subtle impact as Robinheart lost her balance. She did not fall over hard at all - it is a scene more comedic than worrisome as the heavily pregnant queen struggles to roll back to her paws and try once more to finish the job at hand.
[ penned by kerms ]

Tigersplash dreamed of having kits of her own one day - but being pregnant was hardly appealing it was a uncomfortable price to pay. Robinheart had grown plumper and plumper every week that passed, she was so circular from the front like a ball of fluff filled with little tiny balls of fluff. She feels for her truly, but she can’t completely ignore how funny her clanmate looks. Every little movement is encumbered, there was so much extra girth to worry about and while Tigersplash was a big cat she couldn’t imagine how difficult it’d be to groom with a big ole belly jutting out. She watches her out of the corner of her eye as she herself grooms her chest, she’d thought about asking to share tongues but she didn’t want to embarrass her by implying the queen couldn’t handle herself.

She regrets her decision when she watches Robinheart careen over, flipping clumsily and rolling. She stifles a laugh, she didn’t look hurt and it’s well quiet a sight to behold. She has enough sense to hide most of her amusement, Tigersplash would pad her way over and push her head against Robinheart’s side to give her more leverage to push herself onto her paws if she needed the help.

"Lookin’ more dusty then when you started Robinheart" her meow rings with amusement, she’s lighthearted and teasing she means no harm. "Why don’t we share tongues? I’m sure my pelts easier for you to reach then you’re own" she offers cordially, if she didn’t want to she had no qualms about sitting near her to help pick her back up everytime she rolled over.

Robinheart was the type to do the same for her if she was in the same situation she thought.

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  • XBxPudf.png
    Tigersplash She/He, Warrior of Riverclan, 17 moons
    A chocolate/cinnamon chimera she-cat with high white and amber eyes
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​
Trout had been walking by as she was helping some others and she spots Robinheart from the corner of her eyes as she was grooming herself. Her best friend had gotten... very plump and it would be any day before there would be kits from her that would join the choir of many others they had. Her gaze lingers and she itches to run over towards her friend but she's being talked by a elder before they finally leave, watching as Robin plops over with a puff of dust. "Robin!" She would call out, her hair bristling for a moment until realizing she looks fine and Tigersplash was by her side.

A worried sigh leaves her lips as she gently places her forehead against the others. "Yeah... let me or Tigersplash groom you, you scared me." Her eyebrows are furrowed for a moment as she rubs a paw against her temple and dips her head in respect to the chocolate and cinnamon colored female, "Thank you for helping Robin back up." A tired chambray gaze blinks for a moment before she comes up with an idea. "What if we all share tongues?" It would be easy to split the grooming between the three of them, and to bond a little with each other.



Catfishleap was possibly even more vain that a typical RiverClan cat, maybe it was since her fur was tangled easily or maybe it was just that she liked being pretty. Probably both. This means that she is very good at grooming her own fur and others. One of her most honed skills really, it was also was her favorite way to bridge relationships. Thinking back some of her fondest memories with cats have been while sharing tongues and putting flowers in each other's fur.

The silver torbie is floating through camp when she notices the commotion around near the dens. A round Robinheart tipped over and two other warriors helping her up. She caught wind of helping the molly groom her troublesome coat, instantly her interest was piqued. Quickly she trotted over to the group "If you all could handle one more I can help! If you want to I could like go grab some flowers or plants to put in your fur too!" she asks the cats "Do you guys have a colour preference"


"Oh no!" Bubblepaw gasps as she watches Robinheart flop over into the dust, soiling her freshly groomed coat. The queen looks like she's ready to pop- both physically and emotionally- and Bubblepaw finds her innocent amusement melt itself into empathy. Her heart warms when Troutsnout and Tigersplash rush forward to help Robinheart up and assist her by sharing tongues. The silver tabby trots to join them at the same time that Catfishleap makes her way over.

She nods enthusiastically at the older silver molly's offer. "Yeah, me and Catfishleap will go get you some flowers and scales to make you pretty!" Bubblepaw says, practically beaming "Er- Pretty-er. You're already pretty, but we'll really make you shine." Bubblepaw is already going through all the flowers she knows and their various colors. A poppy or daisy would look nice, she thinks, but she waits sweetly to hear what flowers they should go get for Robinheart.

✦ ★ ✦

Hazecloud did not miss the moments, as few and far between they were, where her Clanmates treated her more like a delicate flower than a warrior. Before she had even grown round enough to struggle with her own grooming her Clan often flocked around the nursery when she made an appearance outside of it. She knew it was the concern of her timing, kitting in leafbare was nothing to shrug off, and watching Robinheart be treated the same made her all the more grateful for their attentiveness. Their kindness.

Some days it was all a queen needed. As one slowly lost the privilege to patrol and hunt. To collect their own moss and then finally... clean their own fur, the support of their Clan was crucial.

"If you do run off to get some flowers... could you bring back something pink for Twinklekit? I think she would like that." Her voice became hushed as she lowered her muzzle next to Bubblepaw's ears, keeping her request to secrecy. "I'll give you the fish they offer me at sunhigh for it."

In the moments she struggles, Robinheart feels embarrassment heat dusty cheeks and angled ear tips. She should have been able to do something as simple as groom herself. All the meticulous work ruined in one instance of lost balance. And what made it worse was how many eyes witnessed her blunder.

Tigersplash is the first to pad over, using her strength to help Robinheart get back to her paws. The mottled queen blinks back mist and dips her head in gratitude. “I suppose sharing tongues is my only option now,” she murmurs with a shaky smile. Embarrassment still radiates from rounded femme but she tries to make the best of it.

Troutsnout’s concern makes her chest clench apologetically. It feels like that moment moons ago when she threw up and her close friend helped clean her up. She hasn’t yet repaid Trout’s kindness for that and now her friend offers more support. “I’m sorry I scared you. I’m fine though,” Robinheart whispers, bumping her forehead in return, “and they are fine as well.” No one was harmed in the fall, it was only a bruised ego. “Please join us,” it would make light work the more joining in to share tongues.

Catfishleap and Bubblepaw offer support in the form of flowers and scales. Robinheart thinks of the petal Brookstorm had tucked into her scruff, paired with a compliment of how it looked on her. Perhaps… flowers and scales would impress her - uh - Brookstorm (were they mates again? Something similar?). Robinheart doesn’t think too much into it, instead nodding with acceptance towards the duo. “I don’t have a color preference. I’ve never really decorated my fur so I’m not sure what looks good or not,” which was to say they had free rein to pick and choose. Hazecloud murmurs something to Bubblepaw and Robinheart lets them finish their conversation before dipping her dusty head in greeting to the older queen and confidant.
[ penned by kerms ]
The group was getting a bit too large for Swamphowl's taste, despite his initial thought to join the others that had offered to share tongues to make it easier on Robinheart to groom herself. His maw shuts, words drying up in his mouth, and instead he lays down a short distance from the group, not feeling up to putting himself in the middle of all that. Maybe he can just take a nap nearby instead; that's close enough to spending time with his clanmates, right? With that decision settled, the large cat languidly stretches out, laying down, flopped down on his side. His thick fur pillows on the ground as his eyes fall shut, relaxing in the presence of the other RiverClanners, half-listening to their idle chatter.​