CLASS CLOWN // injure




All he had wanted was to be liked to be this positive face that kept this clan spirits up even in the gloomy times. He knew that not everyone in this clan liked him but never had Claypaw thought he was hated by anyone here, not even Granitepaw. He was sure that even that grumpy tom liked him somewhere deep, extremely deep inside of his heart. THat he could relay on them if danger would come. They were a clan. All of them were his family and he had just wanted to make them smile!. No matter what some might say to him he had always keept his spirit up!, never taking thier words to heart. More than anything else Claypaw had thought he had friends but turned out today everything would turn upside down as his so called friends showed thier true colors to him.

Claypaw just like any other day had join his friends out on a hunting patrol and when his friends had sneaked away from thier mentors he had followed them!. He had been excited that day, happy and humming, a bright smile across his face. " Claypaw!. Quick come, i wanna show you something cool!" One of his friends called out who was standing at the edge of a ditch. Claypaw had suspected nothing as he had hurried himself over to take a side beside them to look down at whatever his friend wanted to show him down there." Hmmh, what is it?. I cannot see anything." he would say but narrowed his eyes trying to see whatever it was his friend wanted to show him even leaning himself more forward to get a better look. Claypaw was to distracted he did not noticed that evil grin that was across his friends faces, and how the same friend who had called him over to the edge to begin with lifted thier paw up and then pushed him.

With a startled yelp Claypaw fell head first into the pit and come crashing down as he rolled down, hitting and bruising his body along the way until his head got slammed right into a rock that was in the way. Claypaw could hear how his jaw cracked as his underjaw went out of place, and the pain and headache that followed he was unable to think much about as he contunie to roll down that pit until he landed roughly on the ground below that ditch.

Claypaw couldn't move. His whole body hurt especially his head and jaw. Everything was just spinning around in front of him. Despite it all he could still hear his friends who stood at the edge of the ditch laughting. They...were laughing?. Did they found this funny?. Had they just tried to kill him?. Why?. What had he done to deserve this?. That was the remaining question that stuck to his head before he fell unconscious. Why.

He had never thought his clanmates hated him this much that they actually would try to kill him.

// Claypaw's injures; broken jaw, bruises and scratches
Claypaw will have lay at the bottom of that ditch/pithole for a while before anyone finds him! the apprentices will have run off to by the time anyone finds him (:

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it was claypaw's turn to be on a patrol. so... where was he? why couldn't they find him? their stomach twisted in slight knots at the idea of something happening, even though their face revealed nothing. they had to remain neutral, for the sake of everyone else, but stars they had been worried. it wasn't like claypaw to be late. they noticed how much he was trying to prove himself– to be liked and appreciated. he just wasn't the one to be late. taking in a deep breath, they nodded to the others on the patrol, before walking through the marsh. his scent had led him out here so... maybe he just decided to get a head start? their stomach hurt. they were worried and they fucking hated it.

"has anyone seen claypaw?"

they asked the patrol, spinning around and stopping in their tracks. they had to ask. he had to be somewhere... right?

//leaving room for a bit of a searching patrol!! by the time of the next 2 or 3 posts, i think claypaw can be found! if thats okay!
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While it isn't a responsibility of his (yet), Smogmaw keeps tabs on the bearings and routines of his fellow ShadowClan warriors. This furtive manner of conduct influences his own habits, given that knowing where a clanmate lurks is the difference between getting caught or escaping punishment for unaccepted activities. The same behaviour is not extended towards the clan's apprentices, however, because Smogmaw frankly could not care less about children and their immaturity. Being uninformed on Shimmerpaw's whereabouts was a blessing more often than not.

With Claypaw not even existing as a blip on his radar, the mackerel tabby cannot answer his deputy's question. "Perhaps he too had enough of the clan life and turned tail," he sneers, offering a half-hearted argument for the young tom's absence. A particular medicine cat's desertion is still hot on his mind, because how could it not be? As if Smogmaw didn't need another reason to doubt his survival through the next three moons.

Chilledgaze's troubled tone resonates in his black-capped ears long after their words are said. "No, haven't seen 'im," he admits, squinting through the wintry winds. "Not around camp, at least."




"Well, we should go and find him then, right?" Shimmerpaw suggested as he made his way over.

It made him uncofmortable talking to Chilledgaze and Smogmaw, but he knew Claypaw and the idea of them being injured or in trouble didn't sit well with the cream tabby, drawing him over and forcing him to speak up. Claypaw was probably fine, or so Shimmer preferred to think, but it was always better to be safe than sorry. It was leafbare after all, and it was very possible that a hungry predator had come around looking for food, or that the other tom had gotten themself stuck somewhere because of all the snow and ice. Who knew?