
  • THEIR STORY: Half Snout, now known as Stumpyspots, was a she-cat born into the Marsh Colony under Hare Whiskers. She served the marsh leader with utmost loyalty and grew into not only a soldier, but a mother underneath his reign. Her belly was full with kittens made out of a loving and faithful relationship with Claw Nose, a kithood friend... now lover.

    She gave birth to five kittens, all strong and healthy, everything she hoped for them to be. She did her best to raise them, but as a first time parent both she and Claw Nose were bound to have made mistakes... perhaps some grave and detrimental to the development of certain kittens.

    Nonetheless, they grow into warriors and serve the marsh colony. They grieve for Hare Whiskers and watch Briar rise to power. They live to bear their father's death, poisoned by the carrion place. Their loyalties to Briar appear unwavering, until the Great Battle and the creation of the clans. Four new paths are presented to them, and all but one leaves their home in pursuit of finding where they truly belong, and where happiness lies for them. The family is separated forever, only to meet each other at gatherings and in the heat of battle, at the tips of each other's claws.

    SLOTS: (Hover for optional base ideas.)
    ThunderClan Slot [OPEN]

    RiverClan Slot [Open]

    WindClan Slot [Open]

    ShadowClan Slot [Open]

    SkyClan Slot [CLOSED]

    BONUS PERK OF GAINING A SLOT; if you are chosen I am willing to purchase ANY $9 or below Lovette Headshot Design here that matches the genetics (if you want a full body, you will have to pay for that). If you are quick to drop/go inactive/need to rehome the slot and you went with this option, it would be incredibly courteous to regift the design back to me !
  • — important rules
    — 10+ posts a month is the minimum for this litter! Inconsistency in meeting this goal will result in a warning and eventually rehoming of your slot.
    — This litter is seperated across the clans, I cannot guarantee frequent interactions witn Stumpyspots, but they may talk at gatherings and borders (if applicable).
    — "KITS" WILL BE 60 MOONS OLD! Aging date TBD
    KITS WERE GIVEN 2-PART NAMES AT BIRTH! (Half Snout, Claw Nose, etc). Upon joining the clans they could've kept their given two part name or changed it like Stumpyspots.
    — Kits do not have to be close to Stumpyspots, you may do some assuming on how she raised them and their history in your app. If I have an issue with anything I'll dm you!
    — Not FCFS but I don't plan on keeping this open very long, nor am I picky ;)
    — If you dont mind not being picked for a certain clan, list a second pick somewhere. If you don't have a second choice, I'll assume any other clan is a deal breaker! Just in case multiple apps ask for the same clan.
    — You do not have to follow the trait/plot ideas I listed on the introductions tab. They are merely ideas!
    — ALL slots aside from ShadowClans, would have left for their new clan instantly. WindClan would've followed Sootstar, ThunderClan would've followed Emberstar, etc.
    — We will have a family chat on discord!
    — Nothing else really, this is def a lenient litter and Im super allowing of creative freedom. Just please don't write Stumpy to have been downright abusive to any kittens (although things like swatting them is fine lol).
    — Please contact @ava with any questions!
    Sire: SH white (masking red tabby masking black)
    Dam: SH tortoiseshell w/ low white

    Toms can be black, red tabby, or white masking any of those colors
    She-cats can be tortoiseshell, red tabby, or white masking any of those colors
    kits will be shorthaired
    non-white kits will have low white; white kits will mask low white
    kits can have any realistic eye color; white kits with one or two blue eyes have an increased risk of deafness on side(s) of blue eye
    red tabbies will mask black

    TRAIT REQUEST FROM AVA; would love to see some flat muzzles in the litter, but not required!

    — Kits have no further blood ties apart from their parents, unless they have back written mates or kits.
  • STUMPYSPOTS NAMING LIST: — Honestly... I think she'd name them anything so long as theyre not cruel (SHE would name them about differences, a flat faced kit could've been named after that, a kit born with a crooked paw after their paw, but it wouldn't have been malicious). The kits WOULD have been given two part names, if they've since changed their name like Stumpyspots did please state in your app!
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Daylight Warrior
  • A faintly striped short-haired ginger tom.

    Tigger takes after his mom almost through-and-through. He's got her pug-face and rounded ears, her kind eyes and open expression. He's got her short fur and her cobby body. Perhaps the most he got from his father was his white tail-tip - and maybe his winning smile!​
    Hearts are as big as the bodies that carry, or at least that's the wisdom that should be applied to Tigger. Sweet and kind, though a little disconnected from the world he was borne into, Tigger just enjoys being around his friends and having a good time. He's a bit slow (dumber than a box of rocks, really) but he makes up for his intellectual ineptitude by.... well, he.... um.... y'know, he really tries his best. All of Tigger's forest cat instincts seem to have abandoned him in the time that he has spent as a kitty-pet in favor of a healthy appetite and a desire for a good scratch on the butt.

    While he has left most of his survivalist ways in the past, Tigger still holds his mother and siblings near and dear to his heart and even re-entered the forest to be closer to them. His excitement to spend time with his family may be misconstrued as diligence because of the amount of border patrols he volunteers to go on just in case he sees one of his siblings passing by.​
  • STUMPYSPOTS - Tigger loves his mother very much! That's his mama, that'll always be his mama. Tigger never had any of the issues his other siblings may gripe about. He views his childhood as perfectly fine, no questions, concerns, or comments!

    SIBLINGS - Tigger loves all of his siblings very, very much and wishes they would spend more time with him. Just because there are borders now, that doesn't mean they have to be so militaristic about family, right?

    KITS - Tigger is fixed, but even before his trip to the Cutter, he never found his special someone. Now, he just doesn't have the urge, y'know? He's never really felt any want to find a mate as marsh colony member and he certainly doesn't now. Catnip and chin-rubs are so much better than romance!​
  • A lot has changed since the Great Battle for Tigger.

    At birth, Tigger was given the name "Lion Ears" - his father had said that his big paws meant that he would grow up to be a big as the legendary lions that once roamed the forest. Lion Ears was trained to be a soldier, a tough soldier, though he never quite got it. Training was hard and he was always hungry and it just wasn't fun. Sure, it was good to be prepared if he was ever thrown into the heat of battle, but that day never came. Lion Ears was always conveniently somewhere else when fighting broke out, though his family never knew where he disappeared to. They wouldn't know until after the Great Battle, really.

    See, once Lion Ears matured enough to be allowed to free roam, he had begun searching for easier food. He was lousy at catching birds and frogs were downright nasty, so he wandered further and further, all the way to the Twolegplace where free food just seemed to fall into his mouth! He would just meander up and down the asphalt paths and Twolegs would just give him food! At first, it was scraps of odd things - nuggets of unidentifiable (and hot!) meat, little bits of barley-colored sticks that made him want to drink a pond's worth of water - then, food that smelled of bird and fish! Lion Ears decided quickly that Twolegs weren't scary, they were smorgusboards! He would never have to hunt again!

    Lion Ears loved his discovery, though he was sure that Hare Whisker and Briar wouldn't approve. He hid his secret for as long as he could, only sneaking off to the Twolegplace every so often to grab his precious morsels (and pets! Did you know that Twolegs gave the best scritches behind the ears?) and coming back every evening to join a patrol to hide his indiscretion.

    When the colonies clashed in battle, he scampered off to his favorite Twoleg's house and hid out, contentedly being stroked and pampered on their porch while his friends and family fought over land and food. When the clans separated, he decided to leave his family for the cats who seemed to tolerate the things he had grown to love, though he did not fully join SkyClan until a few weeks after. First, he visited his favorite Twoleg's house and they brought him inside for the first time. They gave him a bath and a leather collar and he went to a big white place where they gave him lots of treats and afterwards, he had to wear a weird-smelling, flexible sheet of ice around his neck.

    After the sheet of ice came off, he was allowed back outside to roam during the day - though he had to make it home by nightfall so he could eat and snuggle up with his Twoleg and watch smaller Twolegs and cats play around in the little box in the main den. He joined SkyClan, not under his birth name, but with his Twoleg-given name "Tigger." Blazestar named him "Tiggerbounce" for "always being able to look on the bright side." Because he always bounces back.... get it?​