border CLEARIN' OUT COBWEBS [ tc dusk patrol ]

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
It was the chill that really got to him as Batwing padded along the border. He was jealous of his best friend- Hailstorm's thick fur protected him from the cold, though the cold in general wasn't anyone's favorite thing. He thinks, anyways, to himself about that. Batwing's nose wrinkled as he brushed alongside the border, marking his scent on another tree. He paused in his advance, head turning towards the medicine cat and his apprentice, then his own apprentice.

"You know what to do, right? Mark it, but don't cross it." Even now, he was instructing Tigerpaw, keeping one eye on her and another on the border every now and again.

Skyclan was likely on the other side of the border, watching, but he had no qualms with them. The only clan he did had issues with right now was Windclan. The argument at the gathering sat at the forefront of his mind, how Sunstride looked like he was ready to implode and explode at the same time. His eyes blinked once, before he was speaking towards the two Starclan-connected cats. "Do you need help looking for anything? Or..." Batwing hadn't been herb-hunting probably more then twice in his life, but he was willing to try, at least.

// @TOADHOP @skyclaw @BERRYHEART @HAILSTORM. and @tigerpaw.
no need to wait for any of them!


Figfeather sprays her scent across the snow covered boulder in her effort to renew SkyClan’s scent markers. The thick layer of white and frost made it all the more difficult for a tripedal cat to transverse the land, but she was managing… This would be her first leaf-bare with her leg- or at least using it anyways. She cannot imagine what difficulties she will have when snow has risen far past her paws and to her chin, but she’s confident she has the strength and preserverence to outwit mother nature.

Lowering her tail she hears ThunderClan breaking through frosted foliage. Figfeather is pleased to see Batwing and Hailstorm, faces who had become more than familiar over the course of the journey. It was good to see them doing so well, it takes Figfeather some correcting to not view them as extended clan-mates.

”Batwing, Hailstorm.” She greets the two with a smile, ”Berryheart, ThunderClan.” Then she would add not to be impolite. ”You all look well, I hope that means the start of leaf-bare hasn’t been too rough on your clan?” For leaf-bare was never easy, no matter the severity the cold itself was always an obstocle to conquer. Hailstorm and Berryheart appear busy picking through a patch of herbs, so the small talk is directed to the warriors of the patrol.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

tigerpaw was finally gaining weight from being basically skin and bones. Though, with leafbare right on the horizon as she recovered, but was definitely harder. At least, bones didn't jut out against white orange and chocolate markings.

green eyes looked lively now, her energy had completely restored, but she did her best to not leap on Batwing and play, or roll around in the soft white snow. they were on a patrol. this was serious business.

they approached skyclans border, and batwing began reminding her. "cross it, don't mark it," she repeated with a grin, before pushing closer to the border. a pretty orange cat came out of the foliage on the other side, orange eyes like a sunrise, and almost spooking the apprentice.

she stared memorized for a second at the strangers eyes before grinning. "hi! you're so pretty. i love your eyes," she commented excitedly before resuming what she was directed to do by her mentor.



Johnny couldn't help but chuckle from where he was standing guard in the trees above, the stocky tomcat keenly watching their surroundings so that Figfeather and the rest could go about their work undisturbed. "Looks like you've got a fan, Figfeather." he commented with an amused glance toward the apprentice before offering a nod to the rest of the Thunderclan patrol. Much like Batwing, the lead warrior had no qualms with the other clans outside of Windclan- particularly River and Thunder, who he would even go so far as to consider allies with how much they'd had each others backs in the past. Sure, there were always a few hiccups here and there, but that was more from individual opinions clashing rather than clan animosity in Johnnys opinion- and he wasn't about to call an entire clan bad just because someone had been an asshole during a border patrol once. Such was his stance with Skyclans neighbors, who -unlike Sootstars lot- had never tried to kill his clanmates in their sleep.


I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — The snowy giant walks along with the rest of the patrol with his eyes looking about the area with an attentive gaze and had grimaced silently to himself when the sound of the white powder crunched underneath his large paws. His eyes briefly watching the interaction between Batwing and Tigerpaw finding a small smile on his maw at what his best friend says though he makes no input or voices anything until the lead warrior asks if they need help looking for anything, Hailstorm turns to his mentor with both ears pricked forward as he parts his jaws to speak "What was it that we're looking for again, Berryheart?" A reminder to himself and perhaps the mottled tom would offer a description of what they seek to the rest of their patrolmates though his attention deters at the sound of a familiar voice turning to see the bright molly that had joined them in the journey.

"Hello Figfeather, it's good to see you well too." Hailstorm purrs warmly to her but pauses as she asks if leaf-bare hasn't been too rough for them only to think about how Sunfreckle had been taken yet had returned home, thank Starclan, and they had lost Sandthorn recently but he tries to think of more positive and lighter things. Howlingstar would likely mention their loss at the next gathering so he does not mention the molly not wishing to reopen old wounds while they were out and he doesn't wish to think about blood on the snow, it reminds him too much of an unfortunate day. "Thunderclan is well. We're simply looking for herbs before they all become harder to find," He muses to her with a nod of his head, "What about you? How has Skyclan been?" His helm turns when Tigerpaw speaks up calling Figfeather pretty and loving her eyes, the mountain of a tom simply chuckles his amusement.

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    50 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed

"Marigold. Golden, with lots of petals." he murmured softly, monotone as ever, concentration a veil over his gaze. He scanned the floor thoughtfully for anything- any splash of colour, but among the deadened leaves and the mix of fallen oak and pine-needles along this particular border, there were as of yet no signs of flowers.

Inevitably, they were stumbled upon by some Skyclanners- often friendly faces, though he was never on the receiving end of any sort of rudeness. With the exception of WindClan's occupation of Highstones, medicine cats often found themselves exempt to biases... or, in his experience, that had proven common.

Another idea, frost-peppered, settled in his head. "Lungwort might be nice, too." Voice as flat as WindClan's moors, perhaps it would appear as if he was making some dry, sarcasm-soaked joke. In truth, Berryheart was as serious as ever- as equally serious as he trusted Cloudy and Wings knew what lungwort looked like.

ThunderClan's border, and what lay beyond, always brought about the possibility of trouble. Shared bonds between SkyClan and the strangers did not quell his suspicions, they should've been things of the past, but seeing Figfeather speak to them as if they were still brothers-in-arms caused his raccoon-striped tail to swish. Unlike Johnnyflame, the seasoned Lead Warrior kept his distance from the border, claws unsheathed and movements slow and deliberate, a tiger stalking its prey amidst the undergrowth. Except, it would not be the tom that pounced first, he carried a means of survival far greater than any need to hunt prey or drink water - he carried a need to be loyal to something - and that something was a home that could find the strength to smile at the ones whose words were thorns. The tips of his fur stood like icicles as he traversed quietly through the snow-bitten land, offering a nod with an equally chilly reception as their leafbare environment should any ThunderClanners cast their hateful gazes his way. Wordlessly, he watched on.
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Batwing's head dipped in response to Tigerpaw. A brief swell of pride hit him, one that was familiar and akin to those of his kits making their firsts in life. The fact that his apprentice hadn't forgotten her training while she was sick and delirious was comforting, and deeply so. His lessons stuck. A bit more prideful, his nose lifted and turned towards the Skyclanners that showed up. A smile was given in response to Figfeather.

"Leaf-bare has-" He stopped speaking as his apprentice spoke her compliments, and a tiny chuckle left Batwing, his tail sweeping across Tigerpaw's shoulders. Being friendly was one thing, being too friendly was another.

His eyes swept up towards Johnnyflame as Hailstorm took over his statement, ears perked. And his vision cast- for he knew better, where one stood, many followed. His emeralds pierced the darkening forest across towards him, ghostly pelt staring through the lack of brush. Silversmoke was watching, but his head turned back towards the rest, quiet as he awaited Figfeather's response.
