private clerical error // snailstride


a want to go back , 6.16.24
Jan 5, 2023
Usually her presence within WindClan can be denoted simply; a background character, with no necessity to exist. Nightingalecry strives to be loyal and determined, perhaps a bit stubborn and silently obnoxious in some views, but never does she push to be more than known. Even that distinction feels as if it is too much for her. The silver tabby can only pride herself in continuing to do right by her Clanmates in her consistent, silent nature. She remains housed and fed, and out of their fur.

Today, however, the narrative can only shift slightly out of her norm. She's on a duo patrol with someone rumored to betray WindClan in due time - Snailstride, though the other grey tabby seems to have been reformed by the league of warriors determined to keep them in line. Nightingalecry wonders if there is such implication - wonders if he's a spy of his own regard, waiting for her to slip up by an inch and give him a mile of information. Anything would be enough for Sootstar to be rid of her, of them as surely Periwinklebreeze would be roped into her mess -

Her ear twitches as she both slogs herself out of the trenches of her drowning anxiety, and turns to face the very feline that makes her insides twist. She doesn't smile, though her expression is far from malicious. "ShadowClan's border, yeah?" Nightingalecry hums, her voice just barely catching. She doesn't speak often if at all, though she figures that's more of a blessing than it is a curse. "Hope - hope for quiet," she continues, trotting along.