camp climb high, little guy 𓆟 bad fish

[ please wait for @glowdance , this is their psuedo intro! this is for killifish :3 ]

Splashpaw is still learning many of the members of this Clan - it's almost as expansive as she perceived ShadowClan to be, with perhaps doubly as many warriors as there are apprentices. At least back in the marsh, she had a good shot in guessing paw for someone's suffix, should she have forgotten it in her younger moons. Thinking about it alone makes her sad, given now many of her denmates are likely warriors... but she tries to not think about it. She sucks in a deep breath when the homesickness tries to burrow in her chest and reminds herself that RiverClan is her home now. She's made that decision all on her own, after all.

She walks up to the fresh kill pile, spying the dual sets of ears of... Glowfish? Glow...prance? Should she risk it and even say Glowpaw? No, they look... older than that. She quirks an uncertain smile, offering a quiet, "Nice weather, isn't it?" to them as she tries to scoop a smaller fish off of the pile. It feels... weird, between her teeth, and she doesn't think that purely because she's still new to eating fish at all. Her brows furrow as she drops it and the impact jostles something oddly colored from the fish's mouth. She could see from a mile away that it's the same weird crinkly material they've been finding everywhere.

"Oh..." she murmurs, now feeling more awkward. "It... must've swallowed it...?" She wouldn't normally use that fact to not eat the fish. After all, just recently she salivated over twoleg trash! But RiverClan is pressing caution into her skin and she looks at Glowdance again, lips pressed into a thin line. "Um. Now what?"