Climb to the top || sparring

May 2, 2023
"Hey, would you like to spar with me?"

The chocolate tabby would approach her denmate, and dark green eyes would softly encourage the younger apprentice. KilldeerCry trained them both, and she didn't think the warrior would mind too much if they touched up on their fighting techniques.

She wouldnt be surprised if Sleekpaw was tired from their training earlier, but Barleypaw was hoping Sleekpaw would take the offer. Perhaps she could show the other a few moves, or she could stay on the defensive.. it might be easier for the younger apprentice.

mentor tag; @KILLDEERCRY ;
mention tag: @Sleekpaw.

Burnstorm was a cat who, on occasion, enjoyed a good spar. As much as he enjoyed participating in them though he also enjoyed being an observer every once in a while. You could learn a lot by even just watching how others fight, that had been a valuable lesson for him as it had helped him in a scrap before. Keep your moves unpredictable, try not to stick to one concise fighting style so the enemy can never guess what you'll do next. It was especially helpful for if he ever had to fight the same cat in the future. His mind flashes to a calico pelt, teeth digging into the scruff of his neck. He would never let such a thing catch him off guard again.

He settles into a shady spot and turns his sun colored eyes to the pair of apprentices. If they were to look over at him he would offer them a nod but he would not say anything. No words of encouragement or 'beat each other ups' that were usually yelled from the adults. He was an impartial observer looking to learn and nothing else.
Batwing also enjoyed a good spar. Case in point with that Redwind spar that he had started not too long ago. Despite the unmoveable heat in the air, he had a feeling that sparring would never get old. Batwing moved to sit in the shade near Burnstorm, offering the other warrior a nod in response to taking up any kind of 'nearby' space. But, whichever, it was a shady spot. His vision turned towards the two apprentices, a grin on his muzzle, ready to observe a spar and hopefully lend a paw with corrections.

A thought occurred to him not long after that one. He tilted his head down. Are you itching for an apprentice or something? Without thinking, Batwing turned his gaze towards the nursery briefly, then back towards the apprentices that were about to throw down. ​

killdeercry's apprentices itched for a fight, barleypaw seeking out sleekpaw for a spar. the day was still young, sun beating down on thunderclan's camp with a vengeance. where they got their energy from was lost to nightbird. between the heat and any work they had put in prior, those two should be using this time to rest. surely that is what lightpaw and duskpaw were up to, run them ragged enough and the will for childish shenanigans and extra activity would be long gone.

the lead warrior joins batwing and burnstorm under cover to watch. might as well entertain herself while she could, right? her jaws parted in a yawn, before she settled herself in to the shade, silver gaze honed in on the apprentices. "went about it with much more tact than you, batwing," she teased the slate-furred tom lightheartedly, the ghost of a wry grin on her muzzle. "you think they're 'bored as fuck' as well?"

sleekpaw & 06 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan apprentice

Blue eyes can't help but turn wide when barelypaw asks to spar - despite training together, the boy hasn't made much effort to make friends. Hesitation flashes across pale features, uncertainty bubbling up, but dainty features quickly return to his usual impassive mask. "...Okay," She says quietly, moving forwards in silence, following to where they can spar more freely, doing her best to ignore the feel the prickle of eyes upon her back. Neck bristles, and tail tip twitches, but otherwise they don't show any sign of having heard nightbirds words.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a small and effeminate apprentice with pale pinkish cream fur and baby blue eyes. sleekpaw comes across as quiet and aloof towards most, though he shows a softer side around the nursery queens and his mentor. she seems to care little for anything outside of training, apprentice duties, and her appearance. they seem strangely silent on the topic of borders however, and even shiftier about anything concerning cross clan relationships.

    physically easy && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=mistyrose]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

( ) Hailstorm stretched out his limbs seeing that Barleypaw had called out to Sleekpaw for a spar and it didn't take him long to spot the rest of his denmates under the shade, the plush coat tomcat making his way over after a quick shake of his pelt and nodded to all of them in greeting before taking a spot near the rest of his denmates. He can't help but notice Batwing's eyes stray to the nursery though the snowy warrior would refrain from saying anything and instead gave his attention to Nightbird as she spoke. A warm chuckle escaping his maw hearing her begin to tease the slate furred warrior, he muses lightly adding to what Nightbird said "They must be," His body slips down onto the shady and subtly cool ground after he utters that.

His gaze focused on both of the apprentices and waits for it to unfold, he ponders how training his own apprentice would go. This thought subsides as both of his ears move forward becoming a lot more attentive.
His head turned towards Nightbird, then Hailstorm, snorting to himself. Okay, yeah, he deserved that dig. His head shook, a wry grin on his face and his thoughts chased away from his brain. Tigerkit was pushed aside from his brain for the moment, ears twitching and angling back towards the two apprentices ready to square up. And when Hailstorm finished speaking, he spoke too. "Rather possibly, yes. Though I think I was more bored then they were." He cocked his head gently. ​
They had gained an audience of warriors, and her ear flicked acknowledging them, and something tiny in the back of her head made her uncomfortable. She didn't care for audiences, but she had asked Sleekpaw in the midst of camp. A tinge of regret was fought back.

Their words were mostly shut out, following to move further past Sleekpaw, and slightly brushing her fur against theirs. "Good luck, you got this," she purred softly, offering the other a smile.

She was bored, maybe not 'bored as fuck', but enough she had some free time. And one thing Barleypaw hated was free time. Though Sleekpaw was younger, The chocolate apprentice actually wasn't that good at fighting. She was quick on her feet, and strategic, but she made many wrong moves.

"Are you ready?"

sleekpaw & 07 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan apprentice

A deep breath to calm his nerves, to focus on the sound of his blood pumping, to drown out the voices chattering around them - and then he nods, baby blue eyes all too serious. Slim and slight she might be, a dainty little thing by most standards, her confidence is unwavering - the only thing she is good at is training after all, working hard to follow in her parents pawsteps, and excelling at it. They won't lose to barleypaw - at least, not easily.

Sleekpaw doesn't wait for her to make the first move - no, the boy darts forwards once they're ready, body taut and tensed as he swipes one paw upwards towards her jaw, eyes rapidly darting about and taking in the chocolate furred felines figure. For every movement she aims to match it with her own, for every action a reaction, seeking and searching out an opening. When it comes to sparring, it' best to treat it as a real fight - as though one misstep could cost them their life.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a small and effeminate apprentice with pale pinkish cream fur and baby blue eyes. sleekpaw comes across as quiet and aloof towards most, though he shows a softer side around the nursery queens and his mentor. she seems to care little for anything outside of training, apprentice duties, and her appearance. they seem strangely silent on the topic of borders however, and even shiftier about anything concerning cross clan relationships.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=mistyrose]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

WE'RE GETTING LOST! Their morning's training was ultimately cut short due to the unfortunate circumstance of a nasty thorn in a sneaky spot under some leaf-litter. There was nothing Killdeercry despised more than being unfit for work, and it was a good show to give her apprentices on how to be responsible in the face of an injury. No matter how minor.

"Left untreated, you can get an infection. Berryheart and Lichenpaw are here to make sure we're healthy so we can keep everyone safe, so don't be afraid to ask them for help." Had been her lesson as they came back into camp.

She hadn't intended for them to wait so long, though. Conversation struck with questioning how long she would have to endure being camp-bound, as she had a patrol to attend soon. Just until the cut is properly closed up, and she prayed she healed fast.

A cobweb wrapped paw kept tucked close to her chest as she ambled back out of the Medicine Den. "Sorry that took so long guys." Killdeercry looked curiously between the pair and the gathered warriors observing them. Her eyes grew wide in recognition, a spar, her favorite past-time! This would be perfect to replace their patrol. She joined the clowder of warriors in their watch, chest swelling with pride.

"Fantastic form, Sleekpaw!" Came her encouraging shout. Barleypaw had a few more moons of experience on them, ready to graduate next moon. She was eager to see what Sleekpaw could show against a cat with more knowledge under them.— tags