climbing up the walls/ intro


damn, if these walls could talk
Dec 20, 2022
Snowy stumbled away from the path, ducking underneath a metal bar and, breathing heavily and standing still for a moment, started to run.

She was fleeing. She couldn’t be there anymore. The diluted tortoiseshell knew she couldn’t run very far before running out of breath. And I need to go back to them, she thought. They could die without me.

A flash of her brother, Winter fluttered in her mind, and she grew sick to her stomach. She couldn’t bear to think that he was in danger. But now, she was close to kitting, and that terrible cut on her leg was starting to smell sour and burn with pain.

She skidded to a stop at a forest, and she looked around for cats. Her heart dropped as she didn’t see any.

“Hello?” She called. “Is anyone there?”
The border patrol hadn't been too fruitful, but border patrols should be mundane according to her mentor. A bad thing that didn't happen was always better than a good thing that did happen. Cherrypaw disagrees, as she always did with @SLATE . Life had slowed to a crawl after being apprenticed, save for the brief moment in the storm with Lupinepaw and the constant unnerving undercurrent of the plague, which she ignored to the best of her ability when it wasn't burdening her friends. It was enough to hunt without all the nest-ridden SkyClanners; she couldn't leave her mind with them too.

The apprentice is in the middle of rubbing a tree trunk with her paw―a novel technique she's trying to avoid dirtying her cheeks―when a voice ribbons through the pines. It's thin and quavering, a molly's by the pitch. Turning her head towards it reveals an unwelcome companion: the scent of blood. Cherrypaw heedlessly bounds towards it, ears and spine fur pricking.

"Yeah, this is SkyClan. Did you even notice the scent mark―" She stops mid-sentence once she's in full eyeshot of stranger. She's round. Like a ball, even. The molly has to be about ready to pop with kittens. And the blood―obviously, the scent had to come from somewhere, she just didn't expect that much of it to be coming out of her leg. "Ugh, are you okay?" Cherrypaw blurts out, unable to hide the concern warring with disgust in her tone.

ooc: welcome!!!! c:​

Howlfire feels a bit out of sorts that morning. She's busy focusing on marking the tree trunks with her scent, and of course her own unusual feeling that morning that she almost doesn't realise anything is wrong until the stench of blood hits her nose. The very stench of it almost makes her recoil, certainly more than it should have. She doesn't have time to ask if anyone knows what the cause of it is until she spots Cherrypaw bounding off.

"Cherrypaw-!" She attempts to shout, futile to stop the you get apprentice charging ahead. With a look around at the other cats on patrol, Howlfire and the others quickly follow after her. Howlfire's own suspicious gaze softens when she sees the state of the cat in front of her, bleeding and round, so obviously pregnant. "What gave you that cut?"
Snowy realized her fur was bristling. She shook out her pelt, trying to think clearly. “I got it from a broken window.” She’d known right then that she’d needed to get other help. Most of the cats with her and Winter had been kittypets all their lives. None of them knew a thing about healing. There had one cat, though- Luna. But she’d died of sickness. With her gone, there was no cat to help Snowy with her kitting. If she hadn’t escaped, her kits would’ve died, and her too.

“And- what’s SkyClan?” She recalled hearing about a group of wild cats living in the pine forest once. This is them, then. Her leg buckled underneath her, and she winced from the pain that shot through her.
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
What now? He followed the commotion, heavy paws treading through familiar terrain to stand a few lengths away from them. A molten copper hue flickered, staring at the molly with a cautious flicker of a wooly tail. Duskpool remained silent, until the molly buckled, spurring him into action.

Foolish as it was, Duskpool wasn’t keen on letting someone suffer, not when they seemed to be close to kittening. “Name’s Duskpool.” He rumbled, tone soothing. “Gonna need to keep your weight off that leg.” He glanced at it wearily, letting the molly lean on him if they wished. He wasn’t no medicine cat, but that sure as hell had to hurt. “Better go lookin’ for one of the medicine cats.” He added, tossing a glance towards the others, but otherwise remained stationed near the she-cat.

“A bunch of cats livin’ in the forest.” He decided, letting a molten copper hue rest on the other. “Ya got a name, kiddo?” His brow creased, watching the molly with a hooded hue, wooly tail flickering.

/ not me forgetting to tag @DROWSYPAW again
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Johnny made his way over with a concerned frown etched into his muzzle. Blazestar had only just begun to lock down on cats who could join, but looking at the exhausted, bleeding, clearly pregnant shecat, he couldn't imagine the ragdoll sending her away.

"Brightpaw, Glimmerpaw, fetch some moss and bring her some water to drink." he ordered gently, sending his apprentices off and trusting they wouldn't get themselves into trouble.

"A broken window means you've come from twoleg place. Do you have housefolk?" he asked as he leaned forward to give her a careful sniff. She didn't smell like the sickness they'd just gotten rid of, or infection, but then again, he was no healer. "Either way, we can look after you for now. Can't imagine Blazestar wants an injured queen left on our border." he assured her with small smile.

OOC- apprentice tags @BRIGHTPAW @Glimmerpaw

“Thank you.” Snowy meowed gratefully. She thought about the chimera tom‘s question. She had housefolk, yes, but they were the reason she was fleeing. “I guess you could say I do.” she meowed bitterly.

Cats who live in the woods, she mused. SkyClan sounds friendly. And there seem to be a lot of them, the mottled she-cat thought as her gaze swept across all the gathered cats.

“And I’m Snowy,” she answered. She saw more cats coming in the distance, making their way through the pine forest.
The rest of her patrol is quick on her heels. She hears her mentor's first apprentice calling after her, but she's soon stopped by the same thing that'd stopped Cherrypaw. She gives Howlfire a quick glance─"See?"─as the molly responds. Cherrypaw tilts her head. A "window" isn't a word she recognizes; it must be more twoleg jargon. Johnnyflame catches it, at any rate, nimbly slotting it into his line of thought, which seems to have been headed towards a charitable conclusion anyway. Duskpool is already at her side, massive head swung carefully over her form as though to shield the kittypet from what must be the harsh newness of the open sky.

Cherrypaw doesn't have a say in the matter, but it's not like she minds. She doesn't think she'd just leave a queen out in their woods by herself; not for any nefarious reason like cutting off the possibility of another clan bolstering their ranks with her, or even really a noble-hearted reason like acting solely upon the twang of any twisting heartstrings. Taking in cats was just what SkyClan did, so it's what Cherrypaw would do.

She takes a step back from the ex-kittypet as the others close in on her. Maybe it's her imagination pouncing on the new revelation of her origin, but she could smell the strange twoleg odor clinging to her pelt beneath the brilliant miasma of blood. "Well, Snowy, welcome to SkyClan! I'm Cherrypaw," she says all-importantly, now that they've established she's not in immediate danger of stinking up their border with her corpse. "Do we go get Dawnglare or Fireflypaw?" she adds. She glances at Johnnyflame for an answer, then settles a more critical eye upon Snowy. Maybe Duskpool would have to carry her back to camp. StarClan knows she wouldn't dare rub her pristine pelt against a stinking and bleeding kittypet, even a wounded and freshly disavowed one. There were only so many sacrifices she'd make for total strangers.​
“Hi, Cherrypaw,”​
she meowed in a friendly tone. The names Dawnglare and Fireflypaw are strange to her, much like the other weird-sounding names she’d heard the SkyClan speak. A gust of wind blew through the trees, stirring up the trees and a few scraps of leaf litter toward Twolegplace. I need to get back to them, but not right now. Not while I’m this close to kitting.

I don‘t even know if I could get back in.
A pang of worry shot through her at the thought. What if Winter and all the others were stuck there forever? The dilute tortoiseshell knew that she had to stay in SkyClan, at least for a while. When she was stronger, she’d rescue her friends. Not right now, she told herself again. She repeated it over and over in her head, trying to grasp onto the sensation of calm.​
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Duskpool rumbled, letting a wooly tail flicker until he settled a molten gaze on Cherrypaw, brow raised. He nearly snorted at the question. “Whichever one you set your eyes on, kiddo.” He thought that would have been obvious.

He turned, tossing a glance to the molly, humming. “Under better circumstances, I’d say it’s nice to meet ya, but let’s get that leg looked at.” He rumbled, letting his gaze settle on the wound with a worried crinkle of his brow. Broken window? He wondered if she still had glass stuck in the wound.

He turned a molten gaze to the lead warrior, wooly tail flickering in thought. “Do ya wanna take her back to camp?” He inquired. She was a stranger, albeit injured and heavily pregnant, but it wasn’t his call, but the lead warrior’s. He glanced at Snowy, rumbling softly. He had no qualms with letting the pregnant molly lean on him, and if worse came to worse, he’d carry the she-cat to camp. He was heavy-boned, packed with rippling muscle even if he felt dead on his paws from the lack of proper rest. “Don’t mind helpin’ the kid to camp if someone wants to warn the others before we get there.” He glanced at those present with a twitch of a torn ear till his gaze settled on Snowy.
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Snowy flicked her tail. She thought she could make it to this “camp”, if it wasn’t too far. She was exhausted from her run through half of Twolegplace and the forest. Warn? she thought. She didn’t think she was a danger. Her leg hurt, and she knew she had to get it looked at. She admitted that, at first, she wasn’t sure who exactly she’d get help from. But she’d clung onto that hope, that faint hope that some cat was out there. And it looked like she might just find it.

Her ears pricked as Cherrypaw raced off. The sounds of chattering birds and pawsteps suddenly sounded louder.​
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