private CLOAKED IN SHADOWS // sunnyday

// retro thread with @Sunnyday

Her attempted scuffle with Sharpshadow had been a complete failure. Nothing exciting came from a spar with a friend; where was the risk? The adrenaline? The excitement? No, still she chases that feeling her veins held when she’d been surprised by Siltcloud. She wants to taste that adrenaline once more, and that wasn’t something any cat in ShadowClan could give her.

She runs across the thunderpath, a familiar route for the warrior who traverses these unclaimed lands so frequently. She walks until the fresh scent of a loner washes over her, and she narrows unseeing eyes in the direction of the stranger. Little does she know it’s the same cat who stayed in their medicine den for roughly half a moon, his scent too muddled with loner-stink to be recognizable. “Hey! You!” She calls to him, her tail lashing to and fro behind her. “Spar with me! Unless you’re scared,” The young she-cat taunts, taking a goading step forward, the tips of her fangs revealed in a not-so-aggressive smirk.

A soft hm came from the light furred tom as he stared down at the burrow where the rabbit he had been chasing had escaped to. It was frustrating but he knew that he would have to move on if he hoped to catch anything before returning to the barn. Though it seemed that his desire to hunt would have to remain on hold as the scent of ShadowClan lingered in the air. In twisted hope he longed to see Sabletuft, but instead he was confronted by a different cat. He wasn't even offered a greeting, no, he was shot a challenge to fight instead.

Sunnyday was taken back by the bluntness of the words and he blinked in confusion and awe as he floundered for a response. Nervous that he was being lured into a trap he took a moment to look around at his surroundings in case there were others, but they seemed to be alone. "Um... sure, if that's what you want?" It was starting to turn into quite the odd day. Though not wishing to be deterred he dropped into a defensive stance. "Come at me then!"
The loner doesn't really argue, which is a plus for Forestshade. She grins, fangs revealed in a lighthearted snarl. "Fantastic," She utters back with an eager lash of her tail as she sinks into a battle stance. After a moment of consideration, the torbie launches herself forward and bounds on unfamiliar terrain towards the direction of the tom's voice. She can't really pounce - she wouldn't be able to pinpoint his location, so unstead she just braces herself for impact. Her only saving grace in combat is her muscle and bulk, after all. She can't dodge, and she can't land accurate blows, so she just has to hope she can throw around her power wherever her opponent is.

// sorry for short post, my battle posts are usually shorter lol

After a moment's further thought the tom began to step on light paws as he circled round his opponent. During that time he began to notice something; was it just him or was his opponent not looking directly at him? He couldn't say for sure but he suspected that something was up. Still, a fight was a fight. Charging forward he then aimed to barrel into Forestshade's side in an attempt to bowl her over, and if successful he would intend to batter her underside with his paws.
Where her paws expect to pummel fur, they find nothing but an empty patch of dry grass. He's moved, skirted around her. Sensitive ears catch onto the pawsteps, heavy, signalling the size of the tom she is sparring with. She doesn't know how he will attack, so she just manages to brace herself for impact. She expects it to come at her face or chest, but instead she is caught off guard by a heavy weight thrown into her side. She lets out a grunt as she sprawls across the ground, disoriented and unbalanced, and feels his blows against her stomach with ire. "Why you-" She jabs through gritted teeth and tries to swing heavy paws at him in an attempt to get him to back off.

Age and a lack of practice leaves him unable to dodge the swipe from the ShadowClanner and he lets out a sharp exhale as he's knocked sideways. It made him pause in his assault, though he knew that leaving openings would only cost him advantages in the fight. Snapping himself back into focus he then kicked out his hind legs in order to gain air as he leapt upwards like a hare, and he would aim to come crashing down upon the she-cat. He was wasting energy, he knew that much, and if his opponent moved before he could make contact then he risked a nasty fall. The moorland was not as forgiving as the springy forest home he had once known.
Feeling a swipe connect filled her with adrenaline and a sense of glee. She’s fighting, she’s really fighting! And no one’s taking it easy on her just because she’s blind or because they’re her clanmate. This is a loner, a complete stranger, and she’s fighting with him!

Filled with confidence, she clambers back to her feet and listens for his position, only to find she can’t hear anything. Her head turns this way and that, but it’s too late when she feels the wind from above on her whiskers. The tom lands on top of her and she collapses again with a yowl of surprise. Stars, he’s heavy! She grunts in protest and tries to bat at him, but the angle at which he’s squishing her makes it hard to land anything solid.

The few bats that found him were enough to make him recoil, but it wasn't enough to force Sunnyday into a retreat. At this point he wanted the fight to be done so he decided to deal a 'finishing' strike. The tom aimed to seize hold of Forestshade's shoulder in his jaws before attempting to roll her over so he could get better access to her throat. And if successful he would attempt to grab her neck in a light hold. Ultimately he didn't want to bring any severe harm to his unusual sparring partner, but he still wanted to enforce the point that he could go for a killing bite.
Forestshade hisses as she feels teeth in her shoulder. "Ouch, hey!" She yowls - since when were teeth part of the deal?! She struggles against his larger frame, kicking wildly as he yanks her onto her back. Her senses feel momentarily choked as dust clogs her nose and her ears are filled with harsh breathing, the sounds of combat. And then suddenly, she feels the touch of teeth around her throat, sensitive and vulnerable. Panic shoots through her; is this tom insane? "Hey!" She barks sharply, attempting to kick her hind paws up against him to knock him off so she can roll to her paws and back away. Panting heavily, her fur bristles as she tries to pinpoint where the tom is now. "What the heck was that?" She doesn't like to show her fear - she hates it, actually - but she can't help but feel disturbed by that unmistakable terror that gripped her when her throat was surrounded by fangs.

"A warning that fights can get messy and that you need to be prepared for anything." Sunnyday huffed as he finds himself forced away by the hind paws kicking against his frame. He willingly backs off and he makes no attempt to hide his current position as his tail tip tapped against the ground. "Sparring loners is risky. Why take such a chance? I'm curious." He very much doubted that everyone out in the wilds would be so willing to humour a clan cat. Too many would seize such an advantage to cause real harm.