pafp close encounters of the furred kind || tunnel / bear talk

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Batkit's been feeling down since getting to the tunnels, Swankit has noticed. Everyone has, but Batkit in particular seems very unhappy. About the tunnels, surprisingly. Sure, they're not great; dark and dingy and not the most comfortable for sleeping. Still, Swankit thinks his dissatisfaction is a bit misplaced. "'S not that bad here, Batkit," he says gently, soft blue eyes peering over at him.

A small smile curves his mouth as Swankit continues. "Better than the other option... Out there with the bears... They'd eat us up before we could even hide. Almost got me..." And the rest of his family. His eyes go faraway for a moment.

Still, his smile does not falter. "So, um, we should be glad I think. They probably can't find us in here..." He gives a distracted nod, satisfied with his conclusion. A strange reassurance, but a well-meaning attempt nonetheless.
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  • // @batkit
  • SWANKIT named for his pale fur, after his maternal grandmother.
    — he/him. 2 moons.
    — shadowclan kit.
    — quiet and dreamy.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled147_20230514003200.png
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With a glare, Batkit turned to his denmate. How dare he be so... calm and satisfied? Swankit seems so proud of himself, as if he made some revolutionary point.

He definitely didn't.

"You expect me to be glad to be in this..." The kit stumbles over his words. If he knew his language wouldn't get back to his mother, he'd call it a shithole. But since he knew it probably would get back to her... "This disgusting, loud, crammed tunnel?" He scoffed. "Not being murdered by a bear is the bare minimum."

//i love how i didnt get to this post until after the bear plot is over BUT OH WELL!!
✦ ❄ ✦
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Batkit doesn't seem to get it, but that's okay. His scoffing dismissal does not bother Swankit, whose face remains as pleasantly blank as ever. He blinks slowly, mulling over Batkit's words. "Hah..." he breathes after a moment, "Bear minimum..." The silence stretches long, and for a moment it appears as though Swankit has fully detached from the conversation, smiling to himself over his denmate's accidental pun.

His eyes wander disinterestedly, but the silence is broken as his quiet voice speaks again. "Um. You wouldn't think that... If you'd seen what I have..." He does not feel the need to specify what it is that he's seen. They were all in the meeting where the bears attacked, of course, but the other kits did not have to hide as he did, did not watch the fight.

Truly, though, his young mind has warped both the events, blurring them with his own nightmares into something not only more horrifying than reality, but uniquely his own. And far too tangled between dream and memory to even begin explaining. "It's disgusting, yes, but it's better..." He murmurs, trailing off into a true silence this time, shooting only one last drowsy glance at Batkit. It's fine if he doesn't understand... As long as he stays here, stays safe, there's no reason to convince him.
————— ☾ —————

  • //
  • SWANKIT named for his pale fur, after his maternal grandmother.
    — he/him. 2 moons.
    — shadowclan kit.
    — quiet and dreamy.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled147_20230514003200.png
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Applekit doesn't bother wandering so much anymore. It's better to stay by her siblings, even if they were silly sometimes. And they seem even sillier lately. Mismatched ears are angled toward the conversation her brother attempts to make. She disagrees already. It was that bad here. Alongside Batkit, she scoffs. " The tunnel isn't good because outside is worse, " she tells him with a sniff, matter - of - fact, thinking Swankit probably doesn't get how that works. " It's gross and smelly. "

Bear minimum. Applekit doesn't understand why Swankit just repeated what Batkit said. She gives him a funny look. Applekit pouts, and she's mad there's no dirt to knead her paws on. She's too mad to get upset about mud right now, but the floors were just hard stone here, anyways... At least she still had Halfshade. Were the warriors just sleeping on the hard floors? " Both are bad. We should just... leave, " What use was there saving the marsh if all of it was stinky, and the only options were stone beds or monsters? " We should leave forever, and then nothing would ever bother us again. "
It takes Batkit several moments to realize that he accidentally made a pun. Bear minimum. Ugh. He needed to be careful with his word choice.

Swankit saw things that Batkit didn't. He gets that. Unfortunately, it doesn't make Batkit any happier here. "Applekit is right. One choice being worse doesn't suddenly make this wonderful." Honestly, he's surprised he agreed with something one of his denmates said. That is, until she suggests they should just leave. "And go where? Move in with ThunderClan? That might be even worse than this."

Mousebrains, all of them.
✦ ❄ ✦
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